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Our School Association AGM was held this week and I would like to personally thank the large group who attended. It is an excellent indication of the fabulous community spirit we have here at LPS, and I am really excited about the improvement journey we are all taking together. Elections were held for executive as well as parent, staff and community representatives. Congratulations to the following members:
Chair : Andrew Groom
Vice Chair : Peter Bird
Treasurer : Rebecca Burgess
Secretary : Jodi Cleaves
Staff : Beth Vince
Community Rep : Sam Travers
Parent Reps : Jess Absolom, Matthew Combey
At this meeting I was able to share the direction that we are taking as a school, including our three major priorities - excellent teacher pedagogy, engaging in powerful learning, and improving Literacy/Numeracy will be our three main foci for 2019.
Senior staff collaborated with teaching staff this week to fine tune our 2019 School Improvement Plan. This will be available to the school community by the end of Term 1. This document is very important because it gives us a framework to measure our success, ensures we are accountable and that we are resourcing the actions we have determined will give us the best possible student outcomes over a one year timeframe. I will ask the senior staff responsible for each area to break down what this means in future newsletters so keep an eye out for those. In the meantime if you would like to view School Improvement Plan it will be presented at the next SA meeting on Monday 13th May.
This week we had our last Winter Sports roster game and I would like to personally thanks Mrs Sheehan, Mrs Oates, Miss Barnes and Brett for their hard work around coaching and organising this extracurricular opportunity for our students. Also to Ms Doyle for organising the independent study group who remained at school during this time. It is always so rewarding to hear about how well our students conduct themselves when visiting other schools; in particular how they demonstrate our school values of respect, aspiration, courage and growth.
Due to the stop work action scheduled for Wednesday 3rd April, our school will close at 1:30 PM on this day. This decision has been made in the interests of student safety as we will not be able to provide appropriate supervision for children from 1:30PM. The following arrangements have been made for the day:
- There will be no after school buses
- After school Care will not operate on this day
- Student will be dismissed from their classrooms at 1:30PM. Please advise your child of the amended pick up arragement for the day.
- The 5/6 winter sports (netball/football) scheduled for this day will be cancelled
Thank you for your cooperation around this.
Kind regards,
Kel Innis
Student Validation Forms and Levies
Thank you to those families who have paid their 2019 school levies. If outstanding levies can be finalised by the end of Term 1 it would be greatly appreciated. Payment plans can be arranged if needed, please see Mel in the office if you require one to be set up.
Band levies are not due until the end of Term 2.
We still have a number of Validation forms that have not yet been returned to the school office. These Validation forms contain vital information relating to student medical conditions, emergency contacts and permissions.
Students will not be able to attend excursions until their form has been returned.
Can we have all validation forms returned to the office by the end of Term 1 please. If you have misplaced your form, please contact our office staff for a replacement copy.
5/6B did a wonderful job of hosting our assembly last Friday. Congratulations to the following Principal's Award recipients:
Edward - for demonstrating courage and determination when facing challenging classroom learning activities.
Chloe - for consistently applying herself to her learning activities, and developing great independent work habits.
Lucy - showing growth in learning to read. She is both very enthusiastic and very engaged in guided reading.
Nate - for aspiring to do some writing. He He has been very engaged in writing some letters of the alphabet, cutting them out and turning them into little books.
Indigo - for always aspiring to do her best with all her work and her willingess to develop her knowledge.
Emily - for challenging herself to learn her two dimensional shapes and ways to make a hexagon.
Ella - for taking extra time and effort to help pack away, sort out and look after classroom and school property, even before she has been asked to do so. Thank you for being so respectful of the things around you, Ella!
Riley - for respecting, valuing and looking after our class puppy at home over the weekend and sharing in his experiences in an enthusiastic and thoughtful manner.
Bailey - for showing growth and development in his respectful interactions with others and his mature approach to learning. Bailey makes fantastic learning choices and is demonstrating his best when working independently. Well done, Bailey!
Millie - for consistently demonstrating a motivated and driven attitude towards learning and takes every learning task as an opportunity to demonstrate her best. Keep up the brilliant effort, Millie!
Aidan - for showing the motivation to reflect on and to improve his narrative writing.
Eleanor - for reflecting on how to improve her narrative writing and allowing her work to be critiqued by the whole class to help others.
Torah - for sharing with the whole class.
Benson - for always listening with his eyes, ears and heart.
Adelie - for trying her best with and working actively to achieve her goals, making her a positive role model for others.
Jasper - for accepting challenges, trying new things and persisting when the work is hard!
Jordan - for reading his Ludo character description clearly out to the class.
David - for being keen and knowing when it is an appropriate time to work on Science Inquirers and Ad Astra extension programs.
Lucy - for reflecting on her work and the continued effort that is being applied to achieving her best in all areas of the curriculum.
Dylan - for being more actively involved in his learning and showing a desire to complete his best work.
Thomas - for trying hard to complete his work in the set time.
Frank - for treating his classmates and adults in a respectful manner.
Alexander - Courageously sharing his persuasive essay with his peers and has been willing to take on their feedback to improve his piece of writing.
Lewis - Showing initiative and looking for new ways to get involved in all activities.
The next assembly will be next Friday 5th April from 2:10pm in the GP room. 5/6A will be hosting, with 1B and 3B sharing their work.
SPSSA Athletics Carnival
Last Wednesday our school competed in the Southern Primary Schools Sports Association Division ‘A’ Athletics Carnival at The Domain Athletics Centre. In warm conditions, Lindisfarne competitors performed admirably in a very high standard carnival. We had a significant number of students who displayed great resilience and determination in competing in a host of events. Some students filled in for others, who, for various reasons were not able to compete – fantastic!
There were some outstanding individual achievements:
- Sophie Munnings - 100m 1st; 400m 1st; 800m 1st
- Alex Reynolds – Vortex 1st; 100m 2nd; 400m 1st
- Relays results: Boys Grade 6 - 3rd
We look forward to having a number of students represent Lindisfarne Primary at the Champions Carnival to be held The Domain Athletics Centre on Tuesday 2nd April, from 10:00AM to 2:00PM. Notices went home with qualifying students this week.
Thank you to David Newlands and Phoebe Boddy who were officials on the day and much appreciated and essential.
Rob Christie & Chantel Barnes
Congratulations to GORDON on winning the highest number of points at the Athletics Carnival this year!
Next Friday 5th April is a Free Dress Day. Students are asked to bring along an Easter Egg or donation towards the Easter Raffle, or a gold coin.
Raffle books are due back the following week, by Wednesday 10th April. The raffle will be drawn on Thursday 11th April.
Donations of baskets for prizes are appreciated and can be left at the office.
ANZAC Day falls in the holidays this year. LPS will be represented by our SRC at the Commemoration Service and all students are invited to march to Anzac Park in Park Rd Lindisfarne.
We will be meeting at 7:15 near the Post Office in Lindisfarne. Students are welcome to wear their school uniform. It is expected that all students will uphold the Department of Education values of aspiration, respect, growth and courage.
There will be a community breakfast served folllowing the service at the Motor Yacht Club RSL. A monetary donation is requested if you are attending the breakfast.
Grade 4A celebrated World Poetry Day on Thursday 21st march by writing their own sensory poems. We hope you enjoy these ones!
Bribie Island
I feel the heat colliding with my skin, the hot bitumen warming my toes.
I see a bluebottle ant running across the sand but it’s the
least of my woes.
I hear the waves crashing powerfully against the land.
I taste the salt from the sea ahead of me, the white foam hitting the sand.
I smell the fresh beach air flowing through my lungs;
I completely love Bribe Island and it tops my favourite ‘funs’.
By Lachlan Szczerbanik
I feel the grit of the dusty dirt between my fingers.
I hear horses neighing to say “Hello” as I walk past.
I smell the wheat in my horse’s bag of delicious hay.
I taste the fur in my mouth as I brush my horse free of dust.
I see horses prancing about in their paddock with their riders on their back.
I absolutely love horses as you can see in my enormous grin.
By Addison Dobie
I smell the fresh yummy breakfast buffet
I feel the sticky hot air today
I hear the splashes in the pool
I see jewels that are very cool
I taste slushies at the slushy bar
I love Fiji ‘cause it’s hot and we don’t need a car.
By Charlotte Wilson
I smell the tart smell of metallic gold hit the ground.
I feel the hard pavement where my shoes sit.
I hear the crowd go wild.
I taste the sweet ice cream that sits in my mouth.
I see my red ball soar through the sky.
I absolutely love shotput, you can tell by my big smile.
By Joshua Green
My Garden
I feel the green grass slipping through my toes as I dance on the wet, clean grass.
I smell the smell of roses, daisies and daffodils as they fill they air.
I taste the juicy green apples freshly picked from the apple tree.
I see the wallabies jumping and hopping around in our garden.
I hear the birds tweeting a happy tune as the morning passes by.
As I walk around my garden I feel, smell, taste, see and hear all these things and that’s why I love my garden!
By Meara Cleary
The next meeting of the School Association will be held on Monday 13th May in the Library at 7pm. All are welcome to attend. The Association is hoping to create sub-committees for various interest groups, eg: Garden, Recycling, Fundraising. If you'd like more information around this or have an idea and the time to assist with a sub-committee please contact the School Association via email or come along to the next meeting.
School Banking is collected on Wednesdays. Currently, our banking volunteer Jenny is counting and processing deposits on her own. We would love to have another volunteer or two to assist her with this. If you can spare an hour a week to meet Jenny in the Library and help out, (or fortnight if we can get a couple of helpers), please let the office know.
Students from 2B made pizzas for lunch last Wednesday. Children picked their own toppings and everyone agreed they were delicious!
CHOIR - Senior Choir members will be travelling to Lindisfarne North Primary to rehearse for their upcoming performance at the ANZAC Day service.
4A & 4B - On Monday 6th May, 4A and 4B will be spending the day at the Marine Discovery Centre in Woodbridge, leaving at 9AM and returning at 2:30PM.