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I am fully aware of how cliché this sounds, however, I actually can’t believe we are at the end of the term! We have achieved so much and I couldn’t be prouder of the students and staff of LPS. Over the past two weeks all teaching staff have undergone a full day of planning with their grade teams to align our curriculum planning with our whole school priorities, and we are very excited about the journey we are all on. Over the break we have some minor works happening in our Kinder playground and I can’t wait to share the progress of this with you all when it’s complete.
Classrooms at LPS are vibrant, engaging and purposeful. Our students are curious, independent and engaged. This doesn’t happen by accident and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our wonderful staff for their commitment, passion and the enthusiasm they bring every day. Working in a school is a rewarding and sometimes challenging profession, but we are very lucky to have such a wonderful and dedicated staff.
Heading into Term 2 we will have a few changes to our staffing team:
Mr Rob Christie is taking leave for the rest of the year. Miss Chantel Barnes will be taking on the role of HPE teacher and she is very excited about returning to this specialised area of teaching. We are also very happy to announce that Mrs April Tinker is returning fulltime to take on 5/6C in place of Miss Barnes
Mrs Helen Bentley is also taking some leave in Term 2. Mrs Oates will become our Support Teacher and this means we welcome Miss Georgie Mountford, who will be joining us on 5/6A.
Mrs Karen Boddy is reducing her teaching load so Mrs Bec Stevenson will be taking Grade 1B every second Friday.
Mr Russell Smith has accepted a full time teaching role at LNPS from next term and his replacement will be Miss Rebecca Miller.
As I write this, the process for my replacement for Term 2 is still underway so unfortunately I am unable to confirm who this is. What I do know for sure is that the hard work we have dedicated to developing our School Improvement Plan will ensure that improving student outcomes will be the driving force behind everything we do. Once the acting position is confirmed we will send a notification out via Schoolzine, and our social media pages.
Have a wonderful break!
Kind regards,
Kel Innis
Moving toward a more sustainable Lindisfarne Primary School
This term the SRC’s main goal was to think about how we were going to reduce the amount of plastic being used in our school. We had a meeting and we talked about what we could see now happening in our schools and what we wanted to see happening.
We also found out that we have ordered some recycling bins which will be delivered and ready to go term two (more information about this later).
Our next steps will be to encourage less plastic in our lunchboxes so we might look at starting a waste free day soon.
We hold the ANZAC services so we can pay respect to the families that lost loved ones and for people who lost their lives. We hold these events to show our freedom and our responsibilities as one to rise up in the morning. I believe it is the least we can do. The Anzac Day march commences at 7 o’clock on Thursday April 25th and events continue throughout the day. The march starts outside the Lindisfarne village post office and ends at the Anzac Park. The actual service itself will start at 7:30am. Traditionally a choir from selected schools will combine as one and sing at the war memorial. People pay respect by laying wreaths and veterans and other people say some words of honour. The Lindisfarne SRC executive will lay the wreath in honour of all those that lost their lives during the wars. Afterwards a sausage sizzle and breakfast will be held at 8:30am near the boat club. You’re welcome to attend to the march with the SRC who will be walking with, or you can meet us there.
Southern Tasmanian Student Leaders’ Conference 2019
Today we travelled to Huonville Primary School to participate in a conference which was about empowering the school executive to better improve our school.
We listened to a keynote speaker who told us about being an officer on a sailing boat and how to lead a crew of people in tough conditions. We participated in activities that focuses on how leaders make decisions, what is tough about being a leader and what values drive leaders to work as hard as they do.
We learnt how to communicate more effectively, what frustrations leaders can feel. We’ve learnt how other school’s ways of leadership and what we can bring to our school. We know now that there’s lots of different people that contribute to help a leader be the best leader they can be and that there are lots of different types of leaders.
When we return to the main SRC group we will use what we have learnt today to demonstrate good leadership and act responsibly.
By the SRC Executive (Ariellah Smith, Will Green, Toby Scott and Lily Absolom)
Thank you to everyone who supported our recent Easter Raffle. Your generosity has helped us to raise $1551.50 that will go towards resources for our students!
Raffle winners are listed below:
The next meeting of the School Association with be on Monday 13th May at 7pm in the Library. All are welcome to attend.
ANZAC Day falls in the holidays this year. LPS will be represented by our SRC at the Commemoration Service and all students are invited to march to Anzac Park in Park Rd Lindisfarne.
We will be meeting at 7:15 near the Post Office in Lindisfarne. Students are welcome to wear their school uniform. It is expected that all students will uphold the Department of Education values of aspiration, respect, growth and courage.
There will be a community breakfast served folllowing the service at the Motor Yacht Club RSL. A monetary donation is requested if you are attending the breakfast.
Kinder and 4A - Buddies in the Bush!
On Wednesday, Kinder Possums took our Grade 4 buddies to Bush kinder. We had a wonderful time exploring, building huts, making bush bracelets and making new friends.
Grade 4A and 4B will be visiting the Marine Discovery Centre on Monday 6th May. Parent help would be appreciated, however, numbers may be limited. Please chat to Ms Street or Mrs Isaac if you are able to come along.
Our SPSSA Champions did a fantastic job of representing Lindisfarne Primary at the recent carnival at the Domain.
From our team, Joelle V, Olive S and Sophie M have all been invited to compete at the Primary School Sport Tasmania State Athletics Carnival. This is held in Launceston on Friday 10th May and we wish Joelle, Olive and Sophie the best of luck in their events.
Congratulations to Jye M, who was invited to play in the Southern Tasmania Junior Football League's 2019 Developmental series team.
Bon Voyage, Hugh!
Hugh and his family are off on a sailing adventure on their yacht, South West Passage, for the next few months.
They will be heading off on their voyage from Hobart, travelling up the East Coast of Australia before leaving Australian Waters near Coffs Harbour. After 5-7 days of sailing, Hugh and family will arrive in New Caledonia. Hugh will continue his studies though the E-School and keep in contact with his classmates via Skype on the Smartboard in the classroom.
Have a wonderful adventure, Hugh! We look forward to hearing all about it upon your return.
School Banking is collected on Wednesdays. Currently, our banking volunteer Jenny is counting and processing deposits on her own. We would love to have another volunteer or two to assist her with this. If you can spare an hour a week to meet Jenny in the Library and help out, (or fortnight if we can get a couple of helpers), please let the office know.
Please see below for Term 2 rewards available: