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- From The Principal
- Student Free Day Monday 22nd July
- School Association News
- EFA Industrial Action
- Parent Teacher Interviews / Reports
- Assembly News
- Mobile phones at school
- Parking at school
- School Banking News
- Kinder 2020 enrolments
- Woolworths Earn & Learn
- RWVP Checks expiring soon
- Leavers info
- Excursions
- Lost Property
- LIL News
Well we have made it through Term 2. Thank you to the school community for making me feel so respected and welcome. I am leaving with a wealth of knowledge that I will treasure, working at Lindisfarne has been a fantastic learning experience and I am thankful for the skills I’ve acquired. I will be heading back to my role as principal at Gagebrook Primary School, I know the staff and students are very eager for Indy to return!
It has been a pleasure and a privilege to have worked alongside the staff, students and families of Lindisfarne Primary. I will genuinely miss being part of this community and I take with me fond memories, valuable skills and I hope to one day leave an impression on others similar to the one that this school has left with me.
Term 3 brings with it some staffing changes;
Kel Innis will be returning as Principal from the start of Term 3.
Chantel Barnes has successfully won a senior staff role at Jordan River Learning Federation Senior School. Congratulations Chantel, and we wish her the best for her future. A new PE teacher will be finalised by the end of this week.
Georgie Mountford will be unfortunately leaving and Suzanne Oates and Tam Bloomfield will be team teaching on Grade 5/6 A (as in Term 1).
Ellie Mathieson will also be leaving us and we wish her all the best.
Parks and Wildlife are conducting a third sweep of the Gordon’s Hill Reserve and have employed an independent contractor to clean the area of any remaining material. There will be no Bush Kinder in the foreseeable future. Parks and Wildlife will formally notify the school if and when the area has been cleared for re-use.
Thank you again for allowing me to feel a part of this wonderful community. I wish everyone a happy and safe Term 2 holiday break!
Kind regards,
Sarah Hoban
Student Free Day Monday 22nd July
Monday 22nd July is a Student Free Day, while our staff attend Professional Learning sessions. No care is provided on this day.
The first day back for students in Term 3 is Tuesday 23rd July.
The next meeting of the School Association will be held on Wednesday 31st July at 7pm in the Library. All are encouraged to attend.
Our Association have some great events coming up so keep an eye out in coming newsletters and on Facebook for ways you can join in to help. Events throughout the year, such as the Fair and Disco etc, are only possible with teamwork. Thank you to all of the parents, grandparents and staff who have helped out this year. We look forward to formally thanking you all at our Volunteers Morning Tea, later in the year.
It was decided at the last Association meeting that we will be holding a Fair on November 1st. Details coming soon!
Dear Parent or Carer
Education Facility Attendants (EFAs) undertake an important role in our schools; maintaining a safe and healthy environment. As you may know, there are currently some work bans in place for Education Facility Attendants which means that some are not undertaking a number of duties, such as cleaning and rubbish removal.
The health and wellbeing of our staff and learners is paramount. We are exploring a range of different options to ensure we continue to meet our duty of care and we will keep you updated as this matter progresses.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school directly.
Parent Teacher Interviews / Reports
Parent/Teacher interviews have begun this week and will continue through until Friday. Please make sure you arrive on time and adhere to the 15 minute appointment.
If you have items you'd like to discuss further with your child's teacher, please make an appointment with them for early in Term 3.
Assembly is on this Friday 5th July at 2:10pm in the GP room. 2B will be hosting.
If your child brings any electronic devices to school, please remind them that these need to be dropped into the office before going to class. They can then be collected after the bell goes at 2:55pm.
Mobile phones, tablets/ipads etc are not permitted in classrooms without the teachers' knowledge.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Please make sure you are obeying Tasmanian Road Rules when parking for school pick up/ drop off. We have had several reports of parents parking over driveways, in bus stops and too closely to school crossings. There is ample appropriate parking in the streets surrounding the school, without having to park illegally.
Remember: Unless a sign says otherwise, don't stop or park on or across a driveway, even your own (unless you’re picking up or dropping off passengers or goods, but for no more than two minutes).
Enrolments are now open for Kinder 2020. If you have a child born in 2015 and live in the Lindisfarne Primary Intake Area, please contact the school for an enrolment pack or complete and return the enrolment form below. Phone 03 62043 9232 or email if you have any questions around enrolment.
For out of area enrolments, an EOI form needs to be completed. Enrolment acceptance will be at the discretion of the Principal, and is dependent on several factors such as In Area enrolments, sibling enrolments etc. This form can be collected from the office of your local area school. We encourage anyone interested in enrolling their child at an out of area school to touch base with their local school.
Thank you to everyone who has 'posted' Earn & Learn stickers in the collection box in theoffice or supermarket. The promotion has now finished so please bring in any you have left, ready to be counted and exchanged for equipment for the students.
Registered Working with Vulnerable People cards expire after 3 years. Please check the expiry date on your card and renew your registration before it expires.
Renewal is a simple process that can be done in minutes, online.
Without a current card, you will not be permitted to volunteer in the school and with our students.
Our Grade 6 leavers celebrations are getting closer. Invoices for Leavers t-shirts are being sent out soon, with Leavers Dinner and camp invoices coming later in Term 3.
T-shirts will be ready for students on the first day of Term 3.
Grade 2 Excursion to Shag Bay
The Lost Property basket is once again overflowing. It is located outside the office door towards the courtyard. Students and parents are encouraged to check here and in the classrooms for lost items. Ensure items are clearly labelled so that they can be returned if found.