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Welcome back to Term 3! It is so wonderful to be back and hear all about the fun and exciting things students and staff have experienced over the term break and with the added bonus this time of hearing from the students their highlights from Term 2. Thank you to Sarah, the leadership team and all of the wonderful staff for continuing to prioritise our whole school improvement agenda while I was on leave. I was able to completely ‘switch off’ and enjoy the valuable time with my family, and I have returned refreshed and extremely eager to continue with our school improvement journey. Welcome to our new families who have joined us this term. It is so lovely to hear the positive feedback from students and their families about how welcoming and inclusive our school community is.
It has been so lovely to return from my Long Service leave to physically see and hear the progress and development so many of our students and staff have made. On Monday teaching and support staff spent the day revisiting some of the Professional Learning that many of our teams have experienced this year, sharing what they learned and how it has impacted on the learning in their classrooms. It is so important to model to our students that we are all on a path of continuous development and learning and I am personally so excited to some the shift in language and learning from our teaching staff that has been a direct result of us leaving our comfort zones and trying new approaches and teaching strategies. This is a truly exciting time for us as a school.
This term we welcome two new staff members, Mrs Holly Ebdon and Mr Matt Desmarchilier (Mr Des). Mrs Ebdon has joined us as our Support Teacher. She is here Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience in this role and is really excited to work in our school. Mr Des is our new Physical Education and Health teacher on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Mr Des is also really enthusiastic and excited about working in our school. Last term we said goodbye to Mrs Oates and Ms Barnes, and as a result we have advertised a position on our leadership team which I hope to be able fill within the next couple weeks. In the meantime, for consistency, Mrs Bloomfield has return to 5/6A full time for the rest of the year. We would like to sincerely thank Mrs Bloomfield for her wonderful passion and expertise in the area of Art and hope to utilise her skills in this area in the future. Until the position is filled on a more permanent basis, we welcome Mrs Jen Thompson (one of our regular relief teachers) who will provide specialist classes for students in Prep-Grade 6.
Last term many of you would be aware that during our Bush Kinder session some moulded concrete material was found in the Gordons Hill Reserve above Lindisfarne Primary School. This is an area we have visited with our Kinder children as well as one of our Grade One classes over the past few years. As a result, the Department of Education engaged IPM Consulting Services to conduct an asbestos risk assessment. The material returned a positive reading, but with negligible risk. The company categorised the material as bonded, which means that the material could not be easily crushed and therefore hard for particles to be released into the air. Due to this, the consulting service has listed this incident as negligible risk with no further action required.
Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania were advised, and I believe they have closed the park to the public and are still managing the site clean-up. I will continue to liaise with them about an appropriate time for us to continue using the park and I will advise the entire school community if and when this is scheduled to occur. Student and staff health and safety is my priority. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania on 1300 827 727.
The next meeting of the School Association will be Wednesday 31st July at 7pm in the Library. All are invited to attend. The Association will be discussing upcoming events such as the Fair, Disco and Father's Day Breakfast. This is also an opportunity for parents and community members to hear the latest school updates from Kel.
Band / Senior Choir Information
Next Friday, the Senior Choir will be performing at the Tasmanian Principal's Conference at Blundstone Arena. The performance begins at 9am, so the bus from school is scheduled to leave here at 8:15am. Students will need to arrive at school at 8am to be ready to depart on time. Full school uniform must be worn.
If you have any questions or concerns please email Mrs Brown at
Permission slips must be returned ASAP.
With the cooperation and support of Principals of the schools concerned, a short concert tour by the Year 6 ‘Central’ Band on Thursday 8 August has been planned.
Two concerts, each of approximately 30 minutes duration, will be given by the band and the arrangements for the day are as follows:
A Band Teacher will be in charge of each of these buses
Lunch: The children should bring their recess, and lunch with them for Cornelian Bay Reserve.
Parents: An invitation is extended to parents to attend either of the band concerts.
The annual ‘Band Workshops’ for Year 5 children involved in the brass and woodwind instrumental program at the schools listed below will be held at the C3 Convention Centre, South Hobart on Wednesday 21 August and Thursday 22 August, 2019. The following information is provided regarding the workshops:
INVOLVEMENT: Blackmans Bay, Franklin, Goulburn Street, Illawarra, Kingston, Lenah Valley, Lindisfarne, Montagu Bay, Mount Stuart, New Town, Snug, South Hobart and Waimea Heights schools.
TRANSPORT: Parents are required to transport their children to and from the ‘Band Workshops’ at the C3 Convention Centre. Students can be delivered between 8.30am and 9.00am and must be collected at 3.30pm. Parents may wish to organise car pools to assist in the arrival and collection of students.
FOOD: Students are required to bring their morning tea, lunch and drink as there is no shop available.
Please be egg and nut aware.
CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT: Students may wear free-dress for the ‘Band Workshops’. Students must also bring their musical instrument, a pencil and band folder.
SUPERVISION: Children will be supervised by Senior Music Programs Officer, Mr Greenwood, as well as the Specialist Instrumental Music teachers working within the Band Program.
PROGRAM: A program of instrumental tuition and ensemble playing has been organised. This will be interspersed with walks and other fun activities.
PROGRESS PERFORMANCE: A short informal performance of the five pieces studied during the ‘Band Workshops’ will be presented at 3.00pm on Thursday 22 August. Parents and friends are warmly invited to attend. This performance will allow you the opportunity to hear the musical progress your child has achieved during their time at the workshops.
Leavers t-shirts are now available from the office upon payment. Tops are $35.00 and payment can be made via cash, EFTPOS or using Bpay (reference numbers can be found on the Department issued invoice).
If you have already paid for your child's top, you may still receive an invoice via mail as invoices were generated last week. Please disregard this.
The Leavers Dinner and Final Assembly are both scheduled to be held on Tuesday December 17th, and Camp is booked for 6th-8th November. Keep an eye on future newsletters for further details about all of these activities.
Our LIL sessions are up and running for Term 3; Rock & Rhyme with Mrs Green on Tuesday mornings at 9am until 9:45am in the Music Room, and Play & Learn with Mrs Bec on Thursday mornings in the Kinder building from 9:15am until 10:15am. Sessions run for approximately 45 minutes. Anyone with children aged 0-4 years, is welcome to come along so if you know of anyone who might enjoy these programs please pass along the details.
The Commonwealth Bank School Banking program will be temporarily unavailable at our school while we search for a new School Banking Co-ordinator.
We will advise when School Banking will recommence.
The program requires a small amount of a volunteer’s time one day per week to be the School Banking Co-ordinator. The Co-ordinator facilitates the banking as well as the distribution of School Banking rewards and is provided with support around how to run the program for the Commonwealth Bank.
If you are interested in volunteering for this great program, please let the school office know. Annette from CBA is happy to chat with anyone wanting further information.
Dear Parents/Carers from 4A and 4B,
As part of our science investigations about the life cycles of living things we have chosen a specific marine animal from our excursion to the Woodbridge Marine Discovery Centre to research.
We would love for you to come to our Tasmanian Marine Life Exhibition on Tuesday the 30th of July. The exhibition will be open from 2pm - 2:55pm. It will be held in 4A and 4B’s classrooms. Both classes will be sharing their facts, knowledge and dioramas about their chosen marine animal.
We hope you can come!
With kind regards.
Adelie Ashworth and Sophie King
Kinder enrolments for 2020 are now open for children born in 2015. If you are intending to enrol with LPS please complete and return an Enrolment Form at your earliest convenience. Email to request to have forms emailed out to you.
Canteen is open for business again this term on Thursdays and Fridays. All lunch orders need to be placed using the Qkr! app, available from the App Store or GooglePlay.
Cash can be used for counter sales only.
If you'd like to volunteer in our canteen, please contact Janelle at
Clarence Outside School Hours Care offer Before and Afterschool Care at LPS. For all enquiries, click the link below: