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- From the Principal
- Upcoming Excursions
- P&F School Association
- Pre Kinder
- Assembly
- Grade 6 Camp
- Launching Into Learning
- Book Club Issue #7
- Outside School Hours Care
- Library Book Covering
- School Banking
- Triathlon
- 3/4 L Halloween Writing
- 5I Cubic Metre Making
- DEC Concert
- Changes to end of year events
- BrightSparks performance
Welcome to our new look newsletter! Jodi Cleaves has done a phenomenal job of coordinating this new way of receiving and producing our biggest form of communication. One of our priorities moving forward is to ensure that our school community has as many opportunities to hear about the wonderful things that are happening around our school as possible and this is a fabulous step towards this goal. If you haven’t already I strongly encourage you all to sign up to School Zine and take advantage of all our new App has to offer.
Can I just say how absolutely wonderful it is to be back. Three weeks in and I have been overwhelmed by how many opportunities are available to students here at LPS and how committed and passionate our entire staff are. Last week, on the Student Free Day, I was able to work with all staff on our planning for 2019 and I am so excited to begin to put some new systems and structures in place to ensure that our students are achieving optimum learning outcomes whilst becoming resilient and curious individuals. Over the coming weeks I will share with you some of the exciting new initiatives for 2019 as well as some of the new structures we have put in place already to support student learning.
Our Fair was a wonderful success. It was so lovely to see all of our past and present students and families attending and the weather was so very kind to us! Today we thanked the many, many parents who gave of their time, energy and resources so willingly to achieve this event plus (many other events) and times throughout the year. Our volunteers make such a huge difference to our school and our community and if you don’t already I encourage you to contact the office to see if there is an area that you might be able to help us with. From covering library books, working in the canteen to parent help in the classroom, our school community is very well known for our collaborative and welcoming nature and it was lovely to be able to officially say thank you at our annual appreciation morning tea this morning.
Meeting with lots of parents over the past couple weeks a common theme has been access to Before School Care. Included in this issue is an Expression of Interest form for any parents who may be interested in using this service. I regularly use this service myself for my girls and understand the complexities of working full time with a family. If you think you could benefit please complete and return the form so that we can investigate whether this may work here at LPS.
Class placements are well underway and are due to be finalised by Monday next week. We will then begin the process of allocating teaching and support staff as well as physical room allocation. You can expect some changes to what this looks like in 2019 and I am very pleased to advise that in an effort to reduce class sizes next year we are moving towards a 15 class model. This will mean that our spaces will look a bit different next year. Part of these changes will be due to LPS joining the DoE Refocusing Teaching and Learning initiative. This will mean a commitment to changing our pedagogy to support play based learning and inquiry and resourcing our physical spaces to enable this.
Kind regards,
Kel Innis
SPSSA SWIMMING CARNIVAL - Next Tuesday 6th November is the annual Southern Primary Schools Sports Association Swimming Carnival. Our team has been selected and will be heading off to the Hobart Aquatic Centre to compete against several souther primary schools. Parents/carers are welcome to go along to cheer on our team, however, please be advised they will need to pay a nominal admission fee.
1DO EXCURSION - Also on Tuesday 6th November, 1DO will be walking to Simmons Park to explore different types of places for their Geography unit.
SWIM FUN (PREP TO GRADE 2) - It is that time of year again, where our Prep to Grade 2 students get to experience 3 days of SwimFun at the Clarence Aquatic Cetnre. Starting on Tuesday 13th November and finishing on Thursday 15th November, classes will get to learn some basic water safety and swimming technique. Parents are welcome to watch the sessions, however, must not enter changerooms while students are in there, without first seeking approval from class teachers.(Current RWVP cards will be required to assist with changerooms).
KINDER WOMBATS & KINDER POSSUMS - On Wednesday 14th November both Kinder classes will be visiting the Marine Discovery Centre at Woodbridge. They will be travelling by bus to the centre, where they will develop an understanding of sea creatures and their needs though hands-on experiences. We're sure they'll have a wonderful time.
KINDER WOMBATS & KINDER POSSUMS - On Thursday 13th December both Kinder classes will be celebrating a great year together by going to watch a live performance at the Playhouse Theatre and then having a play at Cornelian Bay Park.
It was wonderful to see the school and wider community supporting our School Fair. We were very lucky to have perfect weather for enjoying all that the Fair had to offer. It was a very successful night raising around $11,000 for Lindisfarne Primary School!
A big thank you to the businesses and individuals that sponsored and donated to the Fair, as well as to the hard working volunteers that helped in the lead up and on the night of the Fair!
The proceeds raised through the Fair and other fundraising events contribute to school facilities and programs, and to the purchase of equipment for the benefit of the School and its students. The School Association welcomes suggestions for the application of funds and encourages you to contact us via:
- Facebook -
- email - or
- the P&F mailbox in the breezeway outside the GP Room.
We are also always happy to see new faces at our meetings!
There are 2 more Pre Kinder sessions for the year; this Tuesday 6th November and 13th November, both at 1:30pm in the Kinder Building. There will be a Parent Information evening at 6:00pm until 7:00pm in the Kinder block with Mrs Bec and Miss Jade.
Our next assembly will be Wednesday 14th November at 2pm in the GP room. Prep Boddy will be hosting.
Our Grade 6 students are heading off to camp at Orford next Wednesday 7th November and returning on Friday 9th November. Notices have been sent home detailing what to pack. The bus will be leaving school at 9:00am. Parents of Grade 6 students are welcome to wave off the bus as they go! Any questions regarding this year’s camp can be directed to Ms Doyle and Mrs Bloomfield.
Here is our Term 4 LIL timetable. The next session will be at Eastside Gymnastics Centre from 9:30am. Mrs Bec will meet you there!
Book Club Issue #7 catalogues were sent home last week. All orders are due in by this Wednesday 7th November. Ordering via the LOOP app is quick and easy!
For every item you purchase through our book club, not only do you and your child get great books at great prices, but LPS receives a percentage in reward dollars to spend. This money is put to excellent use through our Home Reader program, encouraging children to read every single day and develop a love of books. Students who read for 100 Nights select a book to be presented with in assembly, 200 Nights of reading gets them 2 books and 300 Nights reading earns 3 books! The reward dollars are also used to keep our Library well stocked and up to date. Click here to view Issue #7
Canteen voucher competition code word: EDUCATION
Clarence City Council operate an After School and Holiday Care program at our school. If you require child care between 3pm and 6pm on a school day or 8am until 6pm on weekdays during school holidays. Visit their website Clarence City Council After School Care or call 6217 9610 for further information.
We are currently seeking expressions of interest for Before School Care. Please see the below information and return any EOI forms by ??? 30th November. These are available from the school office also.
We currently have a large number of new library books that are in need of covering. If you are able to take a bundle home for contacting, please come and see the office staff. We’d love to get these books ready for our students to borrow and enjoy! Thank you in advance.
School banking deposits are collected and processed every Wednesday. If your child has collected 10 tokens, they are able to redeem them for a great reward! Take a look at the Commonwealth Bank Dollarmites
All rewards need to be ordered in the next 4 weeks to ensure they are delivered before the end of year holidays,
We are in need of a volunteer/s to take over the school banking program. It is approximately 1 hour per week during the term. Our current Banking Co-Ordinator, Mandy, will be on hand to support and train the new volunteer/s. If you are able to help out, please come in and see the friendly office staff.
The following School Triathlon information was sent home last week:
Good luck to all of our students who are participating this year!
Students from 3/4 Lewinski set the scene for some spooky writing:
Don’t worry; the students put the pumpkin leftovers to good use, making some delicious soup!
5 Isaac have been discussing volume in mathematics.
Students have explored 1 cubic centimetre and compared its volume to that of 1 cubic metre.
Students built a cubic metre to enable them to understand the difference in size and the concept of depth width and height.
You may have heard of the term SRC – did you know that this stands for Student Representative Council? The Student Representative Council is made up of students from Grades 3 – 6. Students have the option to nominate themselves for SRC because they want to make a positive difference in our school and to change the mindset of others.
The SRC gives the students a voice in our school community. The SRC give the students the opportunity to discuss their thoughts with their peers and present ideas from the perspective of children as opposed to adults. It builds confidence in all our students as they know they have an avenue to share their thoughts and opinions.
Another role of the SRC is to fundraise and plan activities for the students. This helps with engagement with all members of our school community.
Watch this space as the SRC take a more active role this term. We have some great ideas that we can’t wait to share with you all.
-Isobel Webb and Ireland Macpherson
Let’s meet the rest of our Student Representative Council members;
If your child is participating in the annual DEC Concert, please have a read of the information below. Tickets are now on sale!
PICNIC - This year our whole school picnic will be at Simmons Park. We have had many years of fun at Orana, but it is now time for a change. Stay tuned for further details.
SNIPPETS - After much deliberation, we have decided that Snippets will not be published this year. We are sure you can appreciate all of the hard work and effort that has gone into creating Snippets each year, however, the time has come to move forward and utilise some new platforms for showcasing the year that has been. This year, our final digital newsletter will include a special Leavers gallery. Thank you to the volunteers and staff who have contributed many hours to Snippets in past years.
TasNetworks will be bringing their electrical safety performance, BrightSparks, to LPS on Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd November. All classes will be attending.