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- From our AST
- School Association News
- Launching Into Learning
- Hats required in Term 4
- Administration of Medication
- Assembly News
- Young Archies Award - Adalyn S
- Footy Colours Day
- Levies and other charges for 2019
- Waste Free Fridays
- Maths Relay
- Triathlon
- Grade 5/6 Pizza Chefs
- Student Free Day
- Christmas on Henley
- Term 3-4 Canteen Menu
This week was a wonderful example of our school community working together to achieve shared goals. It takes collaboration from a range of people to organise, plan and facilitate an event like the swimming carnival and it was evidenced by this week’s carnival how effective people can be when working together as part of a team. Team work was visible through students who were cheering on their peers, patting a friend on the back who was feeling nervous and passing a drink bottle to someone who had just come back from swimming; from staff who were working together to ensure smooth transitions between races and whose voices were raspy from cheering on their students and from a huge turnout of parent and family supporters, who cheered and assisted with voluntary roles throughout the day. In particular, recognition of the effort and time our physical and education teacher Matt Desmarchilier had put into planning has to be commended, I think everyone would agree that he has done a fabulous job. House Points results areas follows:
Our intention and focus for the swimming carnival is to encourage participation, fun and positive attitudes towards water safety. This is something we were incredibly successful of achieving, as student participation and engagement was very high. While students had pre-planned which races they were going in, on the day we had many students opt into more races because they were enjoying themselves so much and wanted to work together to achieve points for their house. As I looked around the carnival, our school value of ‘Be your best’ was clearly on display and it was a day where you felt proud to belong to the school community here at Lindisfarne Primary.
As the end of term 3 nears closer, it is a great opportunity for students, staff and families to reflect on the learning, growth and success our students have experienced. We have had some fantastic opportunities for our students this term including the Egg performance, the Hurricanes hosting breakfast club, Science week, Book week, the Growing Up program, band and music workshops, the Winter Carnival and many excursions. These opportunities are all positive experiences which enhance and complement the teaching and learning at Lindisfarne Primary. I wish all students, families and staff a safe, restful term 3 break and look forward to seeing everyone return for term 4.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the School Association will be held on Wednesday 16th October at 6:30pm in the Library. All are welcome to attend.
A note to parents who attend LiL; the Play and Learn session on Thursday October 17th will be held in theGP room, not the Kinder. Mrs Bec is at a Professional Learning Day on this date and our PE teacher Mr Des will be running this session.
Now that the weather is warming up, students are welcome to start wearing hats any day they'd like during recess and lunch, however they are not compulsory until Term 4. Students without hats in Term 4 will need to remain in the shaded areas. Wide Brimmed or Legionnaire style hats are acceptable.
A reminder to all familes, if your child requires medication to be administered whilst at school, the following must be adhered to:
- Administration of Medication authorisation form must be completed by parent or guardian.
- Prescribed medication must be provided in the dispensed, labelled container, in-date and with the students name visable or;
- Over-the-counter packaging for non-prescribed medication.
- Self-administration may be authorised by a parent and / or a doctor.
- Medical Action Plans, for Asthma, Anaphylaxis or long term medication must be provided to the school.
- All medication is to be securely provided to the school by a parent or guardian, please don't send any medication with your child.
The final assembly for Term 3 will be on Friday 27th September at 2:10pm in the GP room. Prep B will be hosting, with items being shown from 4A and 1B. Parents/carers are welcome to come along to watch.
Congratultions for our latest group of Principal's Award recipients:
Luca L |
Continuing to aspire to do his best. |
Oliver O |
His increased perseverance and application to all learning activities. |
Henry B |
Displaying persistence and motivation when practising his writing. |
Sofia D |
Growing in confidence when mixing with peers, and for taking part in class discussions. |
Lilly S |
Always aspiring to do her best in all her work. She never gives up and constantly has a great attitude towards learning new things. |
Billy R |
Always accepting challenges and trying his best with all of his work. |
Louie G |
His aspiration and self motivation when creating his own portfolio of artwork about constructed icons around the world. You truly have great artistic talent, Louie. Well done!
Oscar L |
His amazing growth reading fluently with confidence and enjoyment. Well done, Oscar!
Aimee R |
For her improvements in her literacy work, and her willingness to attempt all tasks with enthusiasm.
Makaiah G |
His excellent work developing his ideas in creative story writing. |
Xander H |
Utilising every experience on our Sustainability Centre excursion to learn and develop his understanding. He was respectful and demonstrated the values of Lindisfarne Primary School exceptionally well. Great effort, Xander! |
Tommy P |
Demonstrating exemplary behaviour on our excursion to the Sustainability Centre. He used inquiry skills of observing and questioning to make meaning, and was able to reflect and make connections to his learning. Well done, Tommy! |
Daniel J |
His excellent participation and contributions to class discussions, especially in HaSS. |
Imogen W |
Her determination to produce a detailed and well presented piece of art for HaSS. |
Demi C |
Becoming a great problem solver in Mathematics! Demi independently seeks to improve explanations of her thinking and readily tutors her peers. |
Sebb R |
His much-improved attention span. Sebb is more ready to tackle tasks and to persevere for longer periods of time. Awesome effort, Sebb! |
Jasper L |
His increased engagement, confidence and willingness to contribute his ideas to class discussions, even when he is not completely certain of the answer. |
Adelie A |
Increased confidence and willingness to contribute to class discussions by sharing her thoughts, understanding and ideas. Adelie is always looking for ways to improve the quality of her work. |
Emily M |
Having a positive and friendly attitude whilst visiting Goulburn Street Primary School’s Wax Museum. |
Lucan D |
Being a responsible and active listener on the class excursion to Goulburn Street Primary School and on the Hobart Rivulet walk. |
Diesel S |
Setting goals for his own learning, seeking support to achieve those goals and then resetting higher expectations for future work. |
Cane J |
Showing a high level of respect for all class members and staff, using courtesy when interacting with others and setting an excellent example of school community spirit. |
Will M |
Making a huge effort to improve the legibility of his handwriting. |
Isaac W |
Being a quiet achiever who tries his best and treats others respectfully. |
Nayte B |
Choosing to use positive problem solving techniques in his relationships with peers this week. Keep up the great work, Nayte! |
Lachlan R |
Being a motivated and interested student across all of the learning areas. Lachie always works with enthusiasm and striving to do his best. |
Young Archies Award - Adalyn S
The awards are presented in year categories for the best portrait of a man, woman or child, created by a student in a Tasmanian government school or college, during the 12 months before the closing date. Portraits submitted can be created in any 2D media, such as a drawing, painting or collage, and must be of someone personally known to the student.
Congratulations to Adalyn S from Prep A who created and submitted the artwork below, entitled: My Lovely Mum. This wonderful piece earned Adalyn a Highly Commended, placing her 3rd in Tasmania for her age group.
Well done to all LPS students who submitted artwork!
Footy Colours Day – Friday 27th September, 2019
On the 27th of September the SRC has organised for our school to participate in Footy Colours Day. This event is to raise money to support children who have cancer. Please help us support this worthy cause by coming to school dressed in clothes that represent the colours of your favourite footy team or teams and donating a gold coin.
The SRC will also be hosting a competition (K-2 & 3-6) during lunch time to see who can kick a football the furthest! All children are welcome to enter.
Levies and other charges for 2019
Outstanding levies and other charges continue to be of concern. If you have not yet made payment, we would very much appreciate you doing so, or if there is any reason you may be finding it difficult to pay, please call the office team to talk about a flexible payment option.
Payment options are on the back of your invoice or statement. You can also pay in person or by calling the office on 62439232 and paying by credit card over the phone.
Overdue letters for all 2019 outstnding accounts are being generated and will be sent out next week. Please endeavour to finalise outstanding accounts ASAP.
Mel Langridge
School Business Manager
Waste Free Fridays
The SRC are continuing with our War on Waste and asking that all students support the Waste Free Fridays by placing the correct rubbish into the correct bins and taking home anything that is not a scrunchable or is not compostable.
We have a RED bin for our scrunchables and a GREEN bin for compostable waste. Currently the SRC are investigating ways to educate all students on how to use this bin system correctly and ways to recycle this waste appropriately.
Mathematicians at Work!!!
On Sunday 15th September, four teams competed at the Mathematics Association of Tasmania’s Maths Relay at Rosny College. Participates were given 45 minutes to answer 20 questions of varying difficulties. All four teams showed determination and persistence throughout the competition with our grade 5/6 team finishing 3rd place with a score of 180 out of 200, and with 1:52 to spare! This placed them 6th place overall in the competition. The students involved were thrilled to be able to compete in this event and should feel very proud of their efforts.
Entries are now open for the 2019 Schools Triathlon Challenge. Forms are available from the school office. Entries are due in by Monday 23rd September.
Entry is $25 per competitor, and students can choose to enter as an individual, as a team, or participate in both individual and team events. Payment is to be handed in with entry form.
Competitor packs will be handed out closer to the event. Please contact the school if you have any questions.
For our Enterprise activity the grade 5/6s decided to make some pizzas and use the money raised from selling the pizzas to help our school garden. We made a survey to test which toppings would be included on our pizzas. The 3 classes joined up and eliminated the toppings we wouldn't put on our pizzas. We sold the pizzas off to staff and grade 5/6 students, and made $259.50 for our efforts. They were delicious and were fun to make!
Ella and Eelaf, Grade 6.
An early reminder that Thursday 24th October is the Show Day public holiday, and Friday 25th October is a Student Free Day, while our staff undertake Professional Learning.
Care will not be provided on this day.
Our canteen menu has been slightly changed. All items on Qkr! are correct.
Please refer to the menu below when ordering from now until the end of Term 4.