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On Friday we held our first Assembly for the year and it was wonderful to see so many parents attending. Thanks to the first round of SRC for 2020 for hosting and congratulations to our new Co-Presidents, Luke and Cleo and to our Vice Presidents Lewis and Holly. We look forward to seeing what you guys can achieve this year!
In assemblies this term we have adopted a new format, and this includes all of our classes sharing some of the learning we have been doing as a whole school on the Zones of Regulation®. This is an important new program we have adopted as a whole school. The Zones of Regulation® is a systematic, cognitive behavioural approach used to teach self-regulation by grouping our state of alertness and feelings into four coloured zones. All classes will be involved and we encourage parents and carers to talk at home with your children about what they are learning. In the coming weeks we will also be holding a parent information session to encourage everyone at home to adopt the language and strategies to help our students stay regulated and ready for learning. In the meantime, here is some brief FAQ’s for parents to start the conversations at home.
The Zones of Regulation® is a way of teaching self-regulation developed by Leah Kuypers. Regulation is sometimes called: self-control, self-management, or impulse control.
How does an awareness of our energy and emotions affect our ability to self-regulate?
We focus on the state of alertness of both the body and emotions in specific situations. For example, when a student plays on the playground or in a competitive game, it is beneficial to have a higher state of alertness (Yellow Zone). However, that same energy would not be appropriate in the library. The lessons and learning activities are designed to help the students recognise when they are in the different zones as well as learn how to use strategies (tools) to change or stay in the zone they are in.
What will students learn?
-a vocabulary of emotional terms
-the importance in reading facial expressions and body language
-perspective about how others see and react to their behaviour
-insight into events that trigger their behaviour
-calming and alerting strategies
-problem solving skills
How can I support my child?
Use the language and talk about the concepts of The Zones as they apply to you in a variety of environments. Make comments aloud so your child understands it is natural that we all experience the different zones and use strategies to control (or regulate) ourselves. For example, “This is really frustrating me and making me go into the Yellow Zone. I need to use a tool to calm down. I will take some deep breaths.”
Point out your observations as he/she moves from one zone to another. For example, “Your body looks like it is tired. You must be in the Blue Zone.”
Validate the zone your child is in and help her/him brainstorm expected ways to self-regulate so his/her behaviour is expected for that situation.
Share with your child how his/her behaviour is affecting the zone you are in (as a parent) and how you feel.
It is important to note that everyone experiences all of the zones—the Red and Yellow Zones are not the “bad” or “naughty” zones. All of the zones are expected at one time or another. The Zones of Regulation is intended to be neutral and not communicate judgment.
Kind regards,
Kel Innis
Our Athletics Carnival is on tomorrow, Tuesday 25th February from 9:10am on Loatta oval for students in Grades 3 to 6. The running order for the day is outlined below in the program.
- Students are invited to dress in their House colours (face paint/hairspray is fine, but must be applied BEFORE coming to school).
- All students need to have a hat, drink bottle and packed lunch. Sunscreen will be available throughout the day for students to apply.
- Grade 5/6 students entering the Late to School novelty race need to bring a jumper, and a book as well as their hat and bag.
- Any parents wanting to spectate or volunteer on the day are welcomed. Please let the office staff know if you can help out.
Students in Kinder to Grade 2 will participate in their own Athletics Fun Day on Wednesday 1st April. This move will ensure we give our younger students more time to re-adjust to school structures and build their confidence, plus it enables both Kinder classes to take part. It also means we can structure a greater variety of movement events which focus on fun, community and participation.
Please remember the following points when dropping off or collecting students:
- Parents are reminded that only staff are permitted to park in school grounds Anyone dropping off/picking up students will need to park on the street
- Unless they are arriving late and signing in, students are not to enter the school through the office
- Please obey all Tasmanian Road Rules when parking, particularly around bus stops and school crossings
- Use school crossings to cross Henley St or Loatta Rd
- Classrooms open at 8:30am. Teachers are not on duty until this time so please be mindful of how early your child arrives at school.
Thank you.
Student Validation Forms/Permissions
Student Information Validation, permission forms and ICT agreements need to be returned to the school office ASAP. Student will not be able to attend excursions or off campus activities until these forms are returned.
These validation forms contain important information for your child including medical updates and emergency contacts and permission forms cover a range of areas including minor and major excursions, photo permission etc.
If you are unsure if you have returned your forms, please contact the school office to confirm.
Allergy/asthma and anaphylaxis
If your child requires allergy/asthma or anaphylaxis medication at school, you must provide the school with an individualised Action Plan for the condition that has been signed by your treating doctor. This plan will include details of prescribed medications such as adrenaline/epinephrine auto injector plus/minus antihistamines and asthma medication.
Any necessary medication supplied to the school must be in it's original packaging, complete with prescription sticker (where applicable).
If your child's medical condition has changed or they no longer require medication at school, please contact the school office so we can update this information accordingly.
More information about allergies and asthma in schools can be found here on the DoE website:
2020 Levies
2020 Student levies are now due. Your assistance to have to have these paid by the end of Term 1 is greatly appreciated.
Payment plans can be arranged if required. Please contact our SBM Mel Langridge on 62439232 or at to set this up.
This years school photo day will be on Wednesday 25th March. Order packs will be sent home with students in the coming weeks with each families online ordering code.
Grade 5 and 6 Central Band commitment forms were sent home last week. Please return these signed forms to the school asap.
2020 Band levies as outlined on the form will be invoiced this week, with Grade 6 fees due end of Term 1 and Grade 5 fees due end of Term 2.
Rehearsal, tours and band workshop dates are listed on our schoolzine calendar. Transport is provided for rehearsal days during school hours, however, afterschool practise sessions require parents to transport students.
Lindisfarne Primary School will be participating in the “Clarence” Sports Roster for football and netball again this year. This roster includes Bellerive, Dodges Ferry and Howrah Primary Schools. This year the roster will again start on the 5th of March.
Participation from all Grade 5 and 6 students is encouraged and all children who nominate to participate will get to play on a regular basis.
The roster is as follows and we will be required to travel to the schools listed first on chartered buses. For Lindisfarne’s home games we are endeavouring to have the netball games played at school and football at either ANZAC Park or Geilston Bay Oval. Confirmation will be closer to the date. All games will commence at 1.00 pm and parents are most welcome to attend. Any variations to this roster will be communicated to you as soon as possible. The home team makes the decision about the weather.
Round 1 March 4th Lindisfarne v Howrah
Round 2 March 11th Lindisfarne v Bellerive
Round 3 March 18th Dodges Ferry v Lindisfarne
Round 4 March 25th Howrah v Lindisfarne
Round 5 April 1st Bellerive v Lindisfarne
Round 6 April 8th Lindisfarne v Dodges Ferry
Permission for this falls under the minor excursions form signed by parents in their validation forms. If you have any question or do not wish your son/daughter to participate please contact the school.
School banking is on again in 2020, thanks to our wonderful volunteers Megan and Jess.
Banking day is THURSDAY.
Please remind your child to pop their bank book in the grey satchel in their classroom in the morning. Banking deposits will be processed that day and bank books returned to students.
It is important that all slips are completed correctly and that the amount being banked is correctly written in the bank book.
If you would like to open a Youth Saveer account for your child, head into your nearest branch of the Commonwealth bank. As well as helping your child learn the basics of money management, school banking benefits the school as every deposit made earns us fundraising dollars.
Reward items for this term are:
Our next assembly will be on Friday 6th March. 5/6 Blue will be hosting, with items from 2 White and 4 White.
Assembly starts at 2:00pm in the GP room. Parents/carers are welcome to come along to watch.
Book Club Issue #1 came home last week. Orders can be placed using the LOOP app, on the Scholastic website or by returning order form and cash to the office on or before this Friday 28th.