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In response to the unusual school situation of 2020 that has included Learning at Home, there have been changes to the regular reporting processes. The requirement to report A-E has been removed, and the timeline to communicate with parents/carers is extended until the end of July. In line with guidelines from the Department of Education, mid-year communication will provide an insight into your child’s progress so far this year in the key learning areas of English and Mathematics. The communication will indicate your child’s progress against the standard expected for their year level and shall include areas for future focus. It will also include a focus on your child’s general wellbeing at school. Parents/carers will receive this communication through a written report by the end of July. Should you have any queries about your child’s learning progress please do not hesitate to contact the school or your child’s teacher.
Next Tuesday we will be holding our Annual General Meeting of the School Association. It will be through the online platform of Zoom, and I encourage all parents who have a vested interest in our school to either nominate for a voting position, or just join the meeting to see how it all works. At this meeting we will be looking to elect the following new positions:
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Chair person
- Vice Chair person
- Community Representative
If you are interested in becoming a voting member, please return a nomination form before Tuesday. If you have any questions about the meetings, the process or how to nominate, please don’t hesitate to email me directly. The link to Tuesday’s meeting is:
Nomination form:
I can’t wait to see you all online!
Please remember to notify the school if your child will be away for any reason. This is simple to do via SZapp. Any unexplained absences will be followed up by our admin staff. It is important that you advise the reason for absences, so that they can be recorded accurately.
If your child is arriving late or leaving early, you must sign them in/out via the front office.
We appreciate your co-operation with this.
Remember: we ask that parents do not come onto school grounds of a morning. Students are to be dropped/enter via the gates and will be directed to class by Senior Staff members.
Here are the spots for parents/carers to wait when collecting students after school:
- Kinder: Outside the kinder gate on the oval.
- Prep White: Outside the Henley Street side door
- Prep Blue: In the courtyard, outside the canteen
- Prep/1: Outside, in front of the library
- 1 Blue: Outside in between the GP hall and the office block
- 1 White: On GP hall side of the courtyard space
- 2 White: On bottom side of canteen/courtyard steps
- 2 Blue: In front of the skip bins
- Grade 3 White: Directly outside the classroom in between the grade3 and grade 5/6 building
- Grade 3 Blue: Outside the classroom door facing Henley Street oval
- Grade 5/6 Blue: Outside the door facing the netball courts
- Grade 5/6 Navy: Outside the door facing the swings
- Grade 4 White: Outside the door at the bottom of the stairs
- Grade 4 Blue: Outside the classroom door closest to the swing side In between the Music and Classroom space
- Grade 5/6 White: Outside the classroom
Please keep an eye out in the mail or in older sibling's schoolbags for letters regarding the brand new Seesaw group that Miss Hudson and Mrs Brown have created to stay connected with our wonderful LIL families. If you haven't received your code yet, please email Miss Hudson at
Do you or someone you know that lives locally have a child born in 2016? Enrolment for 2021 is now open, and we ask that anyone intending to send their child to Kinder at LPS complete an enrolment form or Out of Area Expression of Interest form (form will depend on your address).
Please remember to provide the following documents with all enrolment forms:
- Child ID - Birth Certificate / passport
- Enrolling parent's ID - Birth certificate / passport / Tasmanian Driver's Licence
- Child's immunisation record - Child Health Blue Book / printout from Immunisation Register
- Proof of Address - utility bill / bank statement / ATO assessment / rental agreement
From the commencement of Term 2, 2020 all Tasmanian Government Schools from Kindergarten to Year 12 will need to implement restrictions on the use of mobile phones by students at school. The Minister for Education and Training announced this policy in November, 2019.
Kindergarten to Year 12 – “Off and away all day”
The decision to restrict the use of mobile phones by students during the school day will support schools to minimise distraction from learning and encourage healthy and positive personal interactions.
The policy has been developed in consultation with schools, School Associations and students.
From the start of the school day to the end of the school day, students must have their mobile phones switched off and stored. All communication with students during the school day must go through the school office.
This policy applies to all students, unless they meet the requirements of an approved exemption.
Exemptions may be considered where students require the use of their mobile phone for educational adjustments, monitoring health conditions or other extenuating circumstances. There may also be instances where teachers permit students to use their mobile phones for educational purposes.
If you would like to discuss an exemption for your child or have any questions about the policy please contact
Let's get to know MEL!
Many of you already know the amazing Mel Langridge, our School Business Manager, but let's get to know her a little better...
1) How long have you worked at Lindisfarne Primary School? 5 years.
2) What do you enjoy most about working at LPS? The staff and students! We have an amazing LPS family.
3) What is your favourite book? A Dog's Purpose.
4) Do you have any hidden talents? Nope! (Editor's note: Mel actually does have a hidden talent - she can sing Billy Joel's 'We Didn't Start The Fire' perfectly!)
5) What is your greatest strength? I'm friendly and supportive.
6) What is your favourite song to sing along to? Anything from the 80's , or Bon Jovi songs.
7) What was your first job? I was a receptionist for Wards Skyroad.
8) Tell us what advice you'd give your 10 year old self? Have fun, live life to the fullest and don't take anything for granted.
9) If you could be any animal, what would it be? A sloth!
10) What is your best relaxation tip? Get away, go somewhere quiet.
11) Do you have a bucket list? If so, what's next? New York City!
12) Name your most memorable moment: When my daughter, Taylor, was born.
13) Do you play any sports? Not these days, but I used to play basketball and netball.
14) Do you have any pets? Yes, a dog named Buddy.
15) Name something that makes you laugh: The girls I work with make me laugh. We have lots of fun times!
16) Do you have a favourite saying? Don't complain about something if you're not willing to fix it!
17) What is your favourite movie? Love Actually & Grease
18) Which Primary School did you go to? Lindisfarne!
19) What is your best advice for dealing with worry? Talk to someone, a friend or family member. Take each day as it comes.
20) What would you like people to know about working in a school? It's very challenging and fast paced, but very rewarding!
All students from Prep-Grade 6 are registered to participate in the Premier's Reading Challenge to read 10 books!
Reading logs were sent home in early May. For students who were learning at home, reading logs are available on the website:
or spares are available in the office (otherwise, using a piece of paper is a perfect substitute). Completed logs can be uploaded to Seesaw or returned to classroom teachers by the 3rd of July.
Happy reading!
Lindisfarne primary School are once again fundraising with the Entertainment Book. This year, all subscriptions are digital - no more bulky books!
This means that you will have access to up to the minute offers, can share one membership between two devices and help support local businesses, all through the user friendly Entertainment Book app.
Follow the link below to unlock amazing deals!
Over the coming weeks our administration staff will be conducting audits on all student files. This is to ensure our files contain the required enrolment documentation as set out by the DoE enrolment policy. Documentation required includes student ID, enrolling parent ID, immunisation records and proof of address. We will be in contact with you if are required to provide any of these documents.