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As well as these wonderful extra curricular activities, last Friday saw the return of our whole school Assembly. Assembies will be held fortnightly on Friday afternoons. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions, only one family member from each of the two presenting classes, the Lindisfarne Learners award recipients and the 6 hosting students will be invited to the assembly. Where possible, we will endeavour to contact parents of award recipients by the Thursday before the assembly. All visitors must fill out the required COVID-19 Health Screening form prior to attending the assembly. These will be available in the breezeway on your way in. If you are unwell, have been interstate in the previous 14 days or show any flu like symptoms, please do not attend.
Last Thursday was the launch of our new lunch order partnership with Bambini Bites and the food was delicious! I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Tania and Kathrine for their commitment prior to this. We really appreciated your passion and the hard work you put into keeping the canteen open. Remember that all orders for the new lunch order service need to be placed via the Qkr! app by 9pm on the night before delivery.
After School Rehearsals:
Year 6 – Ogilvie High School Thursdays 3.30pm – 4.30pm |
Year 5 – New Town High School Wednesdays 3.30pm – 4.30pm |
5th November 19th November
4th November 18th November |
At the initial meeting of the new Committee of the School Association we had a guest speaker from Tasmanian Association of State School Organisations (TASSO) and learned a little more about our roles and responsibilities and about the parameters of our involvement at the school. We discussed some funding applications and welcomed along a new person, which is always lovely.
Due to COVID our fundraising capacity is limited at the moment. Therefore, we have decided this period of time is one of consolidation. Our next meeting will focus on generating ideas: how can we involve more parents in the School Association? What are all the different ways people might be involved rather than coming to a meeting? And what are our values and hopes for LPS and the School Association.
Next meeting
When: Tuesday August 25th - 7pm
Where: GP room.
If you feel like coming along and joining the conversation, we would love to see you. And bring your mug for a cuppa!
Tasmanian Association of State School Organisations (TASSO)
Regional Meeting - Effective School Communities
Tuesday September 1st, 2020
6.30pm for 7.00pm - 8.30pm
TASSO Office
15 Rowitta Rd, Lindisfarne
Discussion will focus on:
- The important role the School Association plays in supporting the school and wider community,
- Tips for School Association Committees on the supportive role they play within the school community.
- TASSO Representatives will answer questions presented on being an effective member of your school community.
RSVP by 26th August 2020
During National Literacy and Numeracy Week (29th August -4th September) we would like to recognise the dedication and commitment our staff have to achieving growth for every learner in the areas of literacy and numeracy. At Lindisfarne Primary School, we are using an inquiry approach to explore ways that provide our students with differentiated and targeted learning experiences. Across the school we are implementing rotations aimed at engaging students in learning experiences for both reading and number. During Literacy and Numeracy Week we would like to showcase the work of our teachers and the learning and achievements of our students during these rotation sessions. Each day we will share snapshots of these sessions and of student learning. We can’t wait to share these experiences with you!
P/1, 1 Blue and 1 White are going on an excursion to support our learning in the area of HASS and developing our understanding of how time changes our world. The excursion is aimed at providing authentic learning experiences for our students and exploring the inquiry questions:
How can we show that the present is different from or similar to the past?
How do we describe the sequence of time?
What are the main dates, terms and events that I can use to describe my life so far and also my future?
When: Wednesday 26th August
Where: The Channel Museum, 1755 Channel Highway, Margate
Dru Point Bicentennial Park, Dru Point Rd, Margate
Time: 9:10am – Depart School
10am-11am- Channel Museum for Group A/Dru Point Park for Group B
11:30-12:30pm – Channel Museum for Group B/Dru Point Park for Group A
12:30-1:30pm – Both Groups lunch and play at Dru Point Park
1:30pm – Depart Margate
2:10pm – Arrive back at school
What to pack: Students will need to bring a packed lunch, morning tea, a drink bottle or two with water, a raincoat or jacket for possible weather conditions and have sunscreen applied.
5/6 BLUE, 5/6 NAVY AND 5/6 WHITE
On Thursday 27th August, Grade 5/6 students will be participating in a Sports Gala Afternoon. The event will involve students participating in either soccer, football, netball or chess. Other participating schools are Bellerive and Howrah Primary. The event will take place at Howrah Primary School.
Students will leave school at 11.45am and return to school by 2.45pm. Purdie Hudson and Vincent Kamano as well as classroom teachers will be supervising the event.
Students playing soccer must wear shin pads. Football boots are encouraged.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions parents will not be able to attend the event.
SRC Special Assembly
On Friday 21st August we will be holding a special assembly to congratulate our new SRC members and to announce our President's and Vice President's for Terms 3 and 4 of 2020. Due to COVID-19 restrictions we can welcome 2 family members of each SRC member to join us for this special occasion.
Congratulations to all families who have joined use with the war on waste each Wednesday by not sending soft plastics to school. Not only does this reduce the amount of possible litter on this day but if you are recycling these plastics at home it reduces the amount of plastic waste entering landfill.
We are super close to announcing which class will be named the Waste Free Warrior Champions for the first 5 weeks of Term 3! Students who earn this honour will be entitled to wear the specially designed Waste Free Warrior badges designed by Lihwa Wong & Marlee Kmet, some of our Term 1 & 2 SRC members, for one week. The winning class also receives a free dress day!!!!
This week there will be a bonus round where double points will be given so please support our war on waste by packing items into reusable containers and avoid sending soft plastics!
Our early childhood classes have a common approach to supporting students in developing a range of decoding skills. Children are required to learn a variety of strategies to decode unknown words. These skills are aimed at supporting students to have success when reading independently both within the classroom and at home.
One of our students in Prep, Marissa (Prep Blue) has demonstrated her understanding above of how she can use two of the decoding strategies to help her when she gets stuck on a word. Through her written description, Marissa identifies stretchy snake and skippy frog and describes how she uses the strategies to help her reading. Marissa has even included connected images that help her to remember the strategies.
Sophie Sheehan
Literacy Coach
Reader’s Club started at the beginning of this term and happens every Tuesday morning from 8:30-9:00am in the library.
VOLUNTEERS WANTED! If you are able to drop in between 8:30-9:00am on Tuesdays to listen to students read, please do, we would appreciate your help.
This is a space where students are encouraged to come and read and practise their fluency by reading aloud to a listening adult. This has been initiated to support our reading priority.
To recognise and celebrate student’s participation and commitment to reading, any student who comes along to Reader’s Club will receive a raffle ticket to go into a draw to win a book of their choice at the end of each month. These will be randomly drawn and announced over the PA. In addition to the book raffle, any students who have been listened to in Reader’s Club will have a night’s reading completed in their reading log – this is a great way for students to earn reading 100, 200 or 300 nights particularly if reading at home is difficult.
All visitors to the school MUST complete a Visitor Health Screen form in the office before moving through the school. This includes any one coming into the school for any reason other than dropping off or collecting students.
Families attending LIL, Pre Kinder and Little Learners can complete the forms when they arrive to the GP room/Music room.
The Department run, Swimming and Water Safety program (SAWS) has unfortunately been cancelled for our school this year due to COVID-19 guidelines and limited pool availability. Schools will be notified at the earliest possible opportunity should there be any changes or updates to this information.
At this stage, both our school Swimming Carnival and the early childhood Swim Fun program are still going ahead. Please note, this is still subject to change.
The 6th of August marked the 75th Anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. To commemorate the anniversary, Hobart City Council in conjunction with the Australia Japan Society (Tasmania) held a state-wide Haiku competition with the theme Imagine Peace. The competition was perfectly timed as Year 5/6 Blue had begun working on Haiku as part of their English learning.
Year 6 student, Lewis C, won 3rd prize in the Primary competition and represented Lindisfarne Primary School at the commemoration service attended by dignitaries and guests. Lewis’s Haiku, along with other entries, was digitally displayed on a large screen outside the venue.
No blood on the streets
No more soldiers to hide from
Our utopia
Lewis represented LPS extremely well at the service. Well done, Lewis!
Bambini Bites had a wonderful first week, providing a new lunch order service to our staff and students. We certainly kept them busy with over 200 orders!
Please see the info below regarding cancellation of orders:
Cancellations of orders
You have until 9pm the night before delivery day to cancel an order and receive a refund through Qkr!.
If you need to cancel an order after this time, please contact and they can arrange for your order to be held over until the following week.