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Moving around the classrooms, it is so refreshing to see the diverse range of teaching and learning opportunities available to our students. On Tuesday I had the opportunity to sit in on a couple of early childhood spelling lessons and I’m not ashamed to admit that I learnt quite a lot! It was refreshing to see the obvious energy and enthusiasm our students, (and teachers), had for our whole school spelling approach. Also on Tuesday, I was very proud of our Grade 3-6 swimmers who participated in the SPSSA Champions Swimming Carnival at the Hobart Aquatic Centre. In yesterday’s assembly it was great to see the amount of 100, 200 and 300 nights reading rewards, showing our students commitment to improving their reading skills.
Classes are practising their Christmas items ready for a fun night on Friday 7th December and I hope that we see many parents come along. Bring a picnic or take advantage of the BBQ and food vans on the night. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us!
This week our teaching and support staff learned of the grade and space they will be teaching on next year. We have some exciting changes happening across the school, and there is a feeling of enthusiasm towards tackling new challenges and teaching in new spaces. Students will be finding out their classes and teachers a bit earlier this year to facilitate positive transitions.
I have spent yesterday and today interviewing possible candidates for two new roles in our school. Our projected enrolments have exceeded 350 students in 2019, which brings with it the provision of another Advanced Skills Teacher, along with an Assistant Principal. These roles will help our school staff to develop a greater capacity to focus on building whole school approaches, and explore student data to ensure we are planning and teaching in the areas that will bring about maximum student outcomes. The outcome of these interviews plus all other staffing news will be published by the end of this year.
I will be sharing some more information about some of our exciting new initiatives in our last newsletter so stay tuned!
Kind regards,
Kel Innis
Congratulations to the following students who earned Principal's Awards in assembly this week:
Luca KO - for increased confidence when participating and sharing his ideas in our Literacy work of beginning letters and sounds.
Lilly KO - For being a confident and engaged Kinder Wombat. Lilly happily participates in all areas of Kinder, particularly when on our excursion to the Marine Discovery Centre (patting the sharks being a highlight).
Nate KS - For sharing his knowledge about sharks and sea creatures to the class.
Freya KS - For being a supportive and respectful friends to her peers.
Ella PREP B - For consistent, steady progress on Maths and English and always applying herself to achieve her best. Well done in all areas of learning.
Hannah PREP B - For consistent effort and progress in her English and Maths learning in the second half of the year. Well done Hannah.
Maya PREP C -For always having a great attitude towards her school work and being a kind and considerate student to others.
Angus PREP C - For staying on task and putting more effort into his work.
Destah 1D - For not only her hard work and focus on her own work but also for her desire to help her peers with theirs.
Lihwa 1D - For outstanding precision and effort in her learning of shapes and symmetry.
Bella 1DO - For her consistent effort with all of her learning activities.
Hannah 1DO - For always taking on feedback about her work and exploring ways to improve it.
Eliza 2FP - For putting great detail in her drawing.
Eve 2FP- For becoming more confident when speaking to others and improving in written tasks.
Thomas 2BB - For being a valued member of Lindisfarne Primary and we wish him all the best at his new school in Western Australia.
Daniel 2BB - For being a kind friendly student who always has a smile on his face.
Olive 3/4SM - For always being persistent, working hard to complete challenging tasks and showing high levels of improvement across all areas of the curriculum.
Franky 3/4SM - For always being a respectful, hard working member of our class who is willing to participate in all activities with a great sense of humour.
Cohen 3/4T - For improved attitude towards his writing, well done on your narrative!
Jordan 3/4T - First time achieving 100% on your spelling, well done!
Emily 3/4L - Emily has been working very well in class and has developed good listening skills. She can work quietly and in an interested manner for long periods of time.
Caitlin 3/4L - Caitlin is a quiet achiever. She is a highly motivated and interested student across all of the learning areas.
Rocco 5I - For consistent effort in Maths lessons and working to his best.
Ariellah 5I - For an excellent historical narrative that demonstrated understanding of teaching points and the historical context.
Ben 5/6B - For showing responsibility for his own learning and the depth of his inquiry skills across the curriculum.
Avara 5/6B - For the enthusiastic approach she has taken to complete tasks and willingness to review her work to achieve greater outcomes.
Dominic 6D - Concentrating to complete work independently.
Cooper 6D - Being proactive in asking for help with set tasks when necessary.
Thank you to our wonderful presenters: Haylee, Hamish D, Calum H and Bonnie.
2019 Book Collection/Levy Days
2019 Book Collection & Levy payment days will be on Friday 18th January, from 9am until 3pm and Monday 21st January from 9am until 6pm.
Levy prices will be as follows:
Kinder $150.00
Prep - Grade 6 $250.00
Rose Bay High School Orientation Day
The Grade 7 Orientation Day is this Thursday 6th December. Students planning on attending Rose Bay High next year can head straight there by 9am.
The Grade 6 Leavers' Assembly and Leavers' Assembly will be held on Tuesday 18th December. Invitations went home last week. Please make sure you RSVP to the office so that we can make sure there is ample seating.
Invoices for the dinner have been processed and payment is now due. The amount will be $25 and needs to be paid before the date of the dinner. Thank you.
3/4L & 3/4T - On Tuesday 4th December will be visiting Mt Wellington and then walking along the Pipeline Track to the Waterworks Reserve for a BBQ lunch. Students will need to wear full school uniform and make sure appropriate footwear is worn.
PREP TO GRADE 2 - On Tuesday 11th December all Prep to Grade 2 students will be traveling to Long Beach Park at Sandy Bay for a play and lunch before heading to the Playhouse Theatre to watch the pantomime, "Snow White".
KINDER POSSUMS & WOMBATS - On Thursday 13th December Kinder students will travel to the Playhouse Theatre to watch a performance of "Snow White" before moving on to Cornelian Bay for lunch and a play. While this is not usually a Kinder Possum day, they are invited to come along. Please let Mrs Bec know if you have any questions around this.
WHOLE SCHOOL PICNIC - At this stage, all students will be walking to Simmons Park on Friday 14th December for the annual whole school picnic. A notice detailing times and further information will come home shortly.
1DO & 3/4L - will be heading down to Dru Point in Margate on Tuesday 18th December to celebrate a year of being Book Buddies.
3/4 SM - will be travelling to Eastside Activity Centre on Wednesday 19th December.
There will be a Music Assembly on Thursday 13th December from 1:40pm in the Gp room, showcasing our talented musicians. Families are welcome to come along to watch.
Combined Primary Schools DEC Concert - TONIGHT!
We wish all of our Band and Choir students the best of luck for their big performance tonight. Participating students are reminded to be at the DEC by 6:30pm in full school uniform, ready for a 7pm start time.
Tickets are still available via the Ticketmaster website
or from the venue this evening if you'd like to go along for an evening of talented musical performances.
A quick reminder that the Schools Triathlon is on at Bellerive Beach this Thursday 6th December. All details remain the same, the date is the only change.
Please refer to the notice that came home with participation students earlier in November.
*Please note: the Grade 6 Rose Bay High School orientation is also on Thursday 6th December. Unfortunately, we have no work around for this so it is up to parents and students to decide which activity they will be attending.
Clarence City Council operate an After School and Holiday Care program at our school. If you require child care between 3pm and 6pm on a school day or 8am until 6pm on weekdays during school holidays. Visit their website Clarence City Council After School Care or call 6217 9610 for further information.
We are currently seeking expressions of interest for Before School Care. Please see the below information and return any EOI forms by ??? 30th November. These are available from the school office also.