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I actually can’t believe that I am writing the last newsletter for Term 3! While on some levels it feels like the longest year ever, it is crazy to think that when we return next term we will begin planning for 2021.
This week I was so proud of our students who chose to have a go at the Swim Trials at the Clarence Aquatic Centre. Our students were supportive, courageous and so well behaved. It was wonderful to watch them all having a go.
As with past process, I am now inviting all parents and carers to start thinking about class placements for your children, and email me any considerations you would like us to make for 2021. These requests must be in writing, and there are certain parameters around this as we will not consider requests for teachers. All requests should be related to friendships, considerations for individual learning and include relevant information about your child. We do not have our staffing confirmed for 2021 yet, but we do know that there will be some significant changes to the class structures and who will teach them in 2021. It is highly likely that all classes will be composite (e.g. Grade1/2, Grade3/4, Grade 5/6), with the exception of our Kinder and Prep classes. I am happy to report we will be running two Kinder classes, one at the beginning of the week and one at the end, the same days as this year. Kinder placement letters for both in and out of area students will be issued by the end of this term. All of our current students will begin the process of nominating the 5 friends that they would like to be with next year and it will be explained to them that we will ensure they are paired with at least one of those friends in 2021, not all of them. Our staff will support the students to do this before the end of this term.
In staffing news, Mrs Isaac will be back in Term 4. We would like to thank Mrs Kenny for her commitment and time in Grade 4 White. Miss Street will be taking some Long Service Leave in Term 4 so we are very lucky that Mrs Kenny will replace her on Grade 3 White on a Monday. Mrs Bloomfield has decided to work full time in Term 4 so we won’t need to replace Miss Street in 5/6 Blue. We wish Miss Street all the best for her extended Summer holiday break.
Unfortunately, Mrs Palmer will be undergoing knee surgery and will not be returning next term. We are pleased to have Mr Deveraux continue in his role on Grade 3 Blue for the remainder of the year.
A reminder to parents to dig out your children’s hats for Term 4. With the days getting warmer, I would also like to emphasize the importance of providing a drink bottle filled with water, appropriate clothing and applying sunscreen before school each day. There is sunscreen available in each classroom but it’s always a good idea to apply before they leave. School hats are available to purchase from Lowes at Eastlands or online via the link below. These are reversible, with the House colours inside. Contact the office if you are unsure which House your child is in.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support during the term. Despite many odds, we have managed to enjoy a settled and productive ten weeks of learning, where obvious gains have been consistently made across every grade learning area. I hope you all have a well deserved break, and let’s hope the Spring weather brings us lots of long, sunshine-filled days!
Warm regards,
Kel Innis
Meeting Summary
At our last meeting on August 25th our Chairperson, Sarah, welcomed an inclusive working relationship and ran a process where we agreed on the way we want to work together in meetings. This will become a dynamic document we revisit at each meeting. We also explored our values, and came up with ideas about how we can involve parents in the aims of the School Association. This will result in a Task List that those currently involved with LPSA can put their names against, and will be accessible to the school community as a skills callout and survey in Term 4.
Kel Innis updated us on school improvements and the excitement happening around plans for the Kitchen Garden program, including an EOI process for a Kitchen Garden Educator that our Chair Sarah was involved in. Beth Vince updated us on Teaching and Learning, and took questions from parents.
We approved a funding proposal from Literacy Coach Sophie Sheehan for $1000 towards 150-200 new decodable readers that support our emergent and struggling readers.
Call out for the LPSA FUNdraising Subcommittee
Talking about shared values, our LPS School Community loves to have FUN at the same time as making our school an engaging and supportive place for learning. If you would like to be involved in the cheer that happens while we FUNdraise, please email Sara Wright – Secretary at with your interest and we will be in touch to form the committee and set a meeting. We need your creativity, comradery and help to find new ways to fundraise during these uncharted Covid times.
Our next meeting
Tuesday October 13th at 6.30pm in the GP Room.
Two important topics we will be touching on is how do we maintain an inclusive school community and how can our school community support the children’s learning in the outdoor environment. We will welcome two special guests to our meeting: Tasmanian Aboriginal Elder Theresa Sainty, to hear about her experience working with education, and Brett Gordon, our groundskeeper and creative land worker extraordinaire!! to talk about where he needs community support in his projects around the school and in the Music Garden.
Funding requests
Please submit any new funding requests by the 6th of October so our committee has time to read and consider them. All school community members and students are eligible to submit requests in the interest of our students.
Anyone can be involved in the LPSA
If you want to be involved or get onto the email list that receives the minutes, reports, agenda and funding proposals of the meeting, please email LPSA Secretary Sara Wright at
LPSA Facebook page:
Parents/carers are once again reminded to park sensibly when dropping off or collecting children from school.
A few important points to remember:
- The school car park and driveway is for STAFF ONLY parking. The only exception to this is use of the disabled carpark near the front door, for those who hold a valid permit.
- Do not park on any part of Loatta Oval. We have observed cars parking on the grassed corner of Loatta. This is not a safe choice as there are several students, younger siblings and carers walking in this area.
- Please be ensure your parking does not obstruct traffic or driveways. Buses still need to be able to get through both Henley and Loatta Rds.
- All Tasmanian parking laws must be obeyed. They can be found here:
On Thursday 24th September, both Grade 4 classes will be going to the Mt Nelson Sustainability Centre to enhance our Science and History learning on soil erosion and the effects of human activities on different environments.
The bus will be leaving school at 9am and returning to school at 2:30pm. Students need to wear full school uniform, with a warm jacket and appropriate footwear, and will need to bring along a packed lunch and drink bottle filled with water.
We have capacity to take 3 parent helpers from each class. Please contact your child's teacher if you'd like to come along.
Ms Innis has now raised over $2200 for Leukaemia Research! Students from our SRC will be shaving her head in the courtyard at 11am on Friday 25th September, and many staff members have agreed to have their hair coloured.
Thank you to every single person who has donated. It has been touching to see students bringing in their pocket money and change to donate to this wonderful cause.
There is still plenty of time to donate, either cash in the office or online at:
You can also visit the link above to see how Ms Innis' fundraising is going. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for photos of the big shave!
Reader’s Club started at the beginning of this term and happens every Tuesday morning from 8:30-9:00am in the library.
VOLUNTEERS WANTED! If you are able to drop in between 8:30-9:00am on Tuesdays to listen to students read, please do, we would appreciate your help.
This is a space where students are encouraged to come and read and practise their fluency by reading aloud to a listening adult. This has been initiated to support our reading priority.
To recognise and celebrate student’s participation and commitment to reading, any student who comes along to Reader’s Club will receive a raffle ticket to go into a draw to win a book of their choice at the end of each month. These will be randomly drawn and announced over the PA. In addition to the book raffle, any students who have been listened to in Reader’s Club will have a night’s reading completed in their reading log – this is a great way for students to earn reading 100, 200 or 300 nights particularly if reading at home is difficult.
Grade 2 Blue and Grade 2 White are hosting a Science Expo in our GP room on Wednesday 23rd from 1:30pm. Parents/carers of those classes are warmly invited to come along to participate in this interactive Science display.
Please allow a few minutes before entering to complete the COVID Health Screen form, and we ask that if you are unwell, please do not attend.
Our school banking volunteers Jess and Megan want the school community to know that Commonwealth Bank School Banking contributes a commission for each child's account directly into the Lindisfarne Primary School Association (LPSA) Account.
Thanks to the fantastic efforts of our students in 2019 we raised $676.50 for our school through the School Banking Contributions Program. Our school receives a Regular Savers Contribution of $5 for every 10 deposits processed per student as well as an Annual Contribution which is based on the number of students who made at least one School Banking deposit in the prior year.
A big THANK YOU goes out to our current, consistent savers. You can let your kids know they are contributing too! These funds go towards the many fundraising efforts of the LSPA. LPSA provides money for programs and infrastructure that support LPS Student learning, and are accessible to the school, school community and students by application.
Saving regularly is an important habit to get into, whether you're saving a little or a lot. Keep up the great work and remember, school banking day is Thursday.
MyGolf @ Rosny Park Golf
The MyGolf program is for kids aged 8-12 who want to get in to Golf.
The full program consists of 5 x 1 hour sessions (one session a week for 5 weeks). Each 1 hour program is held on course at Rosny Park Golf with our coaching who will take the small group through game development in a fan and interactive way that kids love.
All equipment is included!
For more information, please visit
When: Program starts Tuesday 6th October 3.30pm-4.30pm (School Holidays). Then same time every Tuesday after school for a further 4 weeks.
Where: Rosny Park Public Golf Course
Price: $10 Per session ($50 for all sessions)