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Quite often students come down and share work with me that they are proud of. I know that I shouldn’t be, but I am often taken by surprise by the extremely high standard of work that our students are consistently producing. This is one of the more rewarding parts of my job. Today, Grade 6 student Nicholas, came down to share a video of him ‘teaching the class’ yesterday after he used his class reward points to teach a lesson on how to make ‘stop motion’. Nick’s video prompted a discussion and discovery about our shared love of Lego, and how Nick’s Dad had helped him to make some purpose built equipment to aid his growing love of making stop motion videos, along with dedicating a whole room to his Lego collection! Nicholas and I spent a good part of the afternoon watching the incredible videos he has spent hours of time at home making. I couldn’t help but share his amazing work with you, to inspire your children because this proves that if you put in the hard work and time you can achieve what ever you set your mind to. Check out Nick’s Insta Page for some of his incredible short stop motion films:
We were honoured to have Theresa Sainty, Tasmanian Aboriginal leader and Auntie to one of our Lindisfarne learners, come to speak to us about how we can further build relationships between the school community and the local sovereign indigenous peoples in whose homelands we live, learn and play. She was happy LPS are flying the Aboriginal flag and including Acknowledgment of Country in assemblies.
We had some funding applications to discuss and agreed to fund the Grade 6 Adventure Day and some furniture to improve our school library. Our fundraising subcommittee has had its first meeting recently and are working hard to plan an event or two before the end of the year so watch this space! Get in touch if you want to get involved.
Lastly, we are working hard to develop a school community skills survey so you can let us know what, when and how you might be able to contribute to our community. Look out for it in 2021 via Survey Monkey.
Remember to keep an eye out on our Facebook page or email us if you would like more information about what we do or would like to get involved.
The next School Association meeting is on
November 24th at 630pm in the GP room.
The following letter was sent home with Band and Choir students today, regarding the changes to the annual DEC concert:
On Tuesday 17th November, selected students from Grades 3-6 will be travelling to the Domain Athletics track for the SPSSA Division B Athletics Carnival. Students will need to have their lunch, drinks, any snacks they may need, sports clothing, hat and sunscreen for the day.
Notices with program of events and information were sent home with our Interschool team yesterday. Please make sure the permission slip is signed and returned as soon as possible.
Kinder Possums and Kinder Wombats
On Wednesday 4th November, both Kinder classes are off to Molesworth Environment Centre, participating in team building activities, cooking damper and exploring different bush settings.
The bus will depart school at 9:15am and return by 2:45pm. Students will need to wear full school uniform and bring along a warm jacket and hat, bring along a packed lunch and drink bottle.
Kinder students will be doing a lot of walking on this excursion so please be mindful when packing school bags that they are not too heavy.
Grade 6 'Breakfast to Bedtime'
Breakfast to Bedtime will be happening on Friday 6th November. Grade 6 students are to arrive at school by 8:30am and we will start the day with breakfast together before have a swim and beach activities at Bellerive Beach, which will include morning tea and lunch (sausage in bread rolls will be provided, but other food need to be provide by parents). From there, we will bus to Moonah for a two-hour session at Supaworld, led by their staff. We will return to school by 3:30pm for afternoon tea and a movie and some fun games that are always a highlight of camp. Students will work together to prepare dinner, part of which will feature a surprise special guest. After dinner, we will have some more games and chillax time before toasting marshmallows and playing spotlight.
Students can only be collected by a parent/guardian from Ms Doyle’s classroom promptly at 9:45pm and must have your child signed out by one of the three class teachers.
All students are asked to come to school in beach clothes (Shorts, t-shirts - no sleeveless tops), but bring their Grade 6 Leaders’ Shirts and long stretchy trousers to change into at the end of our beach activities. They will need to have a hat, and bathers and towel/s if they plan to swim. Students will also need warm clothing for the evening activities. We will supply sunscreen, however, students may bring their own if they wish. Students may also bring a torch for spotlight. Students will need to bring a water bottle and packed recess and snacks. We will supply all additional food – and if it’s anything like camp, no one will go hungry!
4 White and 4 Blue
On Friday 13th November both Grade 4 classes will be exploring the Marine Discovery Centre at Woodbridge. The bus leaves school at 9am so please ensure students are on time. They will need to wear full school uniform, and bring along a packed lunch and drink bottle.
Prep Blue and Prep White
Preps Blue and White are heading to Eastside Activity Centre and to Bellerive Park for a play on Monday 16th November. They will be leaving school at 10:30am and returning by 2:30pm. Students will need to wear full school uniform, and bring along a packed lunch and drink bottle.
Grade 5/6 Blue, Navy and White
On Friday 20th November, all three Grade 5/6 classes are visiting the Hobart waterfront to learn about the monuments and statues there, asking who they recognise, what has been the impact of their contribution and how have they been remembered and celebrated. Students will need to wear full school uniform, and bring along a packed lunch and drink bottle. Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate footwear as they will be doing a lot of walking.
It has been a BIG week for celebrating our love of reading here at Lindisfarne Primary School with last week’s celebrations for Book Week. This year we had numerous ways of sharing and celebrating our love of books and all members of our community were able to participate. We started off the week with all students from Kinder right through to our Grade 5/6s using a single egg carton cup to design a character or book cover. With this activity, students had to think about possible characters and books that they were familiar with that they could use to design their artwork. This involved lots of brainstorming in classrooms, sharing of ideas and planning. It is amazing walking around the school and seeing these artworks displayed in classrooms and having children from other classes look at these and be inspired by what their peers have created.
Our staff never shy away from participation and for Book Week this year, it was no different! For some weeks leading up to Book Week, our staff cleverly choose out some of their favourite books to be placed on to the front cover. Some staff choose their current class novel or author focus for their class and some choose to be placed onto their very favourite childhood classics. These are currently on display in our Library Hub, our students have enjoyed looking at these during library and finding all of our staff members featured in them.
Of course, everyone’s favourite part of Book Week is the parade and this year we had a slight twist on previously held parades. Due to the postponement of Book Week from August, we were able to organise and host a parade outdoors on Loatta oval. We experienced fantastic weather for the parade and it was brilliant to be able to see our school community come together to celebrate a wonderful occasion. Our students and staff were excited to share their own costumes as well as view what others had come dressed up as and we had a huge turnout of parents and families who sat and watched the parade from the comfort of their picnic rugs and chairs. We also had the Mercury come along to photograph the parade and these images were shared in their online gallery and some even featured in the following day’s newspaper! Our SRC executives, Will, Ireland, Isobel and Jack did a wonderful job hosting the parade and coordinating the accompanying music and we thank all of the families who helped with costumes and came along for our parade, it really was a special day to be involved with.
These are not the only learning experiences that took part over the week, as we had many classes participate in creating book reviews, writing narratives, speak and listen in class discussions about favourite books and complete art activities. Many classes have used Seesaw to communicate with families about the fantastic learning taking place, all with a focus on our school priority of reading. Here are a few snapshots of the learning that has been happening in classes:
While Book Week is over for another year, the Children’s Book Council of Australia has announced details for next year’s event. The theme is ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’ and the dates for the celebration are August 21st-27th. We are already looking forward to next year’s celebration!
Sophie Sheehan
Literacy Coach
After School Rehearsals:
Year 6 – Ogilvie High School Thursdays 3.30pm – 4.30pm |
Year 5 – New Town High School Wednesdays 3.30pm – 4.30pm |
5th November 19th November
4th November 18th November |
Orientation Day for all prospective Grade 7 students heading to Rose Bay in 2021 will be held on Wednesday 2nd Dec. Students need to make their way to the RBHS gymnasium at 9:00am. The day will conclude at 2:45pm.
Students are required to wear their current school uniform and make their own way to and from the school. Our school canteen will be open for those who would like to purchase recess and/or lunch.
All students will be advised of their class group for 2021, and will meet their future class mates, Year Co-ordinators, Home Group Teachers and Peer Support Leaders.
If you no longer require the enrolment at Rose Bay High School, please contact their school office ASAP on 03 6242 9299.