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Mrs Lucia Bini has worked here for 11 years in a variety of roles, and next year she is moving to a school a bit closer to her home. Mrs Bini has accepted a transfer to Waimea Heights Primary School, and we wish her all the very best. We will really miss her passion and commitment to literacy, and to ensuring that all of her students have access to a vibrant and diverse curriculum.
We will welcome Mr Peter Stephens to our Grade 3/4 team in her place. Mr Stephens currently teaches at Lauderdale Primary School and brings with him a lot of experience. Mr Stephens will join us for our ‘Step Up’ day in Week 10 and is looking forward to meeting his new class.
Due to the return of some of our permanent staff, Mr Josh Young will also be leaving us at the end of 2020. Mr Young has been a welcome male edition to our teaching team, and we will miss his “Dad Jokes’ and wonderful array of colourful shoes!
Our Assistant Principal role was advertised as a permanent position this term and interviews were held this week. The result should be known by the end of term and we look forward to sharing this with the community by the end of the term. This role is now permanent due to our increased enrolments over two years.
Our Acting AST/Literacy Coach role was also advertised as Mrs Sheehan will be starting maternity leave early in Term 1. This position is for 12 months and should be finalised by next week.
If, for any reason, your child won't be attending Lindisfarne Primary School in 2021, please notify the school in writing to
Final call for 2021 Kindergarten enrolments; if you have or know someone living within the Lindisfarne Primary Intake Area, who has a child born in 2016, they are eligble to begin Kinder with us next year. Please contact the office ASAP on 6243 9232 to begin the enrolment process.
Our 2020 Leavers Assembly will be held on Tuesday 15th December, 9am-11am in our GP room. Each student is able to invite up to 2 adult family members to attend the assembly.
Please complete the RSVP form below by 3pm Friday 11th December:
Yesterday, our Grade 6 students received their invitation to the Leavers’ Dinner. This will be held at Spencer’s Cafe in Lindisfarne on Tuesday 15th of December. Once again, the management at Spencer’s have been incredibly generous in helping us facilitate this special part of our Grade 6 students’ end of year celebrations and we are extremely grateful to them for their support. We encourage our community to return that support and stop in at Spencer's for a coffee or a delicious meal if they can.
The cost of the dinner is $35 which includes meals and drinks. Cash or EFTPOS payments can be made at the office once parents have received their invoice.
The dress code for this event is smart casual, and it is not necessary for children to arrive in special cars. We would like to keep this event age appropriate for a Grade 6 Leavers’ Dinner.
Students are asked to meet us at Simmons Park for photos from 5:30pm before walking to Spencer’s together as a group for our scheduled 6pm start. Parents and family members must be mindful of social distancing rules while at the park and are not able to walk up to Spencer’s with us this year. Parents and family members are more than welcome to join us for the photo session, but we ask that you not post photos of other children or school staff without permission on any social media platform.
At the conclusion of our evening, we ask parents to wait in the Tyre Power carpark across from Spencer’s just prior to pick-up at 8:30pm. We will then walk the students across to you there. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are unable to invite you inside at pick-up time.
This week we had our last committee meeting for the year and it was lovely to welcome along some new faces. We had a thorough discussion about how we would like to see schools report to families on student learning progress and that discussion formed the basis of the LPS School Association submission to the Department of Education.
Some of the association members have been working hard to create one major prize for our end of year raffle! Please, support the school by joining in the raffle spirit. Tickets are coming home with students next week; please return all tickets and money to the front office.
Winning ticket to be drawn at the LPS Christmas on Henley event on Friday 11thDecember!
Next meeting: 16thFebruary 2021, 630pm, GP Room. All welcome, tea and biscuits provided.
The last date for lunch orders in 2020 is Friday 11 Dec. Bambini Bites will close off the menu after this date.
Thank you to all of the families who have supported our new lunch service over the last few months!
Our annual Christmas on Henley concert is on Friday 11th December with performances starting at 4:30pm.
Families are invited to bring along a picnic rug and enjoy an evening of entertainment provided by our talented classes.
Keep an eye out on Facebook for more details next week!
All library borrowing will cease on Friday November 27th, with all borrowed books and home readers to be reutrned by Friday 4th December.
Teachers have a list of current loans and our Librarian, Sam, will be sending home some notes to those students with overdue books. Please have a search at home for any Lindisfarne Primary books. If you are unable to find the book or the book has been damaged, a $10 replacement charge will be issued.
- Kinder 2021 Parent information session - Thursday 3rd December
- End of Year Music Assembly - Thursday 10th December
- Christmas on Henley - Friday 11th December
- Leavers' Assembly - Tuesday 15th December
- Leavers' Dinner - Tuesday 15th December @ Spencer's
What are the Big Ideas in Number?
At Lindisfarne Primary School we are committed to every learner demonstrating at least a year of growth for a year of learning in both Reading and Number. Our teaching and learning of the Number and Algebra Strand within the Australia Curriculum focuses on the Big 6: Trusting the Count, Place Value, Multiplicative Thinking, Partitioning, Proportional Reasoning and Generalising. Over the next few newsletters, I will explain some of these Big Ideas and provide some ideas for you to support these at home.
Professor Di Siemon. Nailing the Big Ideas in Number: National Partnership Schools Forum
Trusting the Count
Trusting the Count focuses on the fundamental building blocks which children need to be able to develop number sense. It includes being able to count aloud using the correct sequence (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc), recognise numerals, recognising dice patterns, count collections by counting in ones and then later 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and also matching the correct numeral to a collection. Subitising (recognising how many are in a collection without having to count it) is also a key component of Trusting the Count as well as developing mental images of collections (seeing that 6 can be represented in different ways on a tens frame and having a photo of this stored to recall when needed – please see below).
I know what 6 looks like on a ten frame…
When students begin to see that amounts can be partitioned (broken up) into multiple parts they can then start using this understanding to help them solve more complex problems.
How can you help at home?
Asking your children to subitise (say how many without counting) regularly is important. This can be done at tea time (How many carrot pieces are on your plate?), in the car (How many cars are parked on the side of the road?), at the park (How many children can you see playing at the swings?) or even just before they go to sleep (How many windows can you see?). If the collection is larger than 5 or 6 encourage them to see the collections as groups rather than counting all (e.g. I can see 5 pillows on the couch and another 2 on the chairs so that’s 7). This can also be done while reading stories but looking at the pictures and talking about how many we can see. If you child is not yet ready to subitise counting the items on a page, pointing to each individual item once, and being able to say how many at the end is also a great way to engage in number discussions at home!
Here are some pictures of our Kinders, Preps & Prep/1s exploring Trusting the Count. They are using things like dominoes and number lines to help them explore numbers and collections!
Place Value
When we start working with numbers 10 and beyond we are starting to work with the understanding that 10 of these is 1 of those (e.g. 10 ones is 1 ten). When we explore Place Value we are learning about the value of digits. We can develop this knowledge by making, naming, reading and recording numbers. Students can use multiple materials to represent/make numbers. We encourage students to start by using items that can be counted individually and then once they have ten of these can be bundled together to make 1 ten. Such items include ten frames, icy pole sticks, straws, unifix cubes and matchsticks. Ten is a crucial collection/number for students to understand as this is how all numbers are built.
Once children can read, name, make and record numbers fluently and with understanding, we can then start to explore how to manipulate these by seeing how we can make them in different ways, this is called renaming (e.g. 387 is 3 hundreds, 8 tens and 7 ones. It is also 38 tens and 7 ones. It can also be 3 hundreds and 87 ones and it can be 387 ones). Working flexibly with numbers is important so that children can apply this when they are solving problems. During their work on Place Value, children will also explore solving addition and subtraction problems using multiple strategies and with the support of their understanding of Place Value.
How can you help at home?
Asking your children to regularly read numbers and talk about the value of each digit is a great way to get children to explore Place Value. Playing games such as “I’m thinking of a number between __ & __” and asking your child(ren) to guess the number without stating the number and using the language of Place Value (e.g. Does it have 5 tens or does it have 3 ones?). You can also ask them to count collections at home. For example, you could ask them to count the pasta before it goes into the pot by practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Ask them to place these groups separately so that your child can visually see how many groups they have counted (e.g. there are 13 groups with 5 in each and there are 65 altogether). This is the start of Multiplicative Thinking which will be explored in our next newsletter!
Here are some pictures of our Prep/1 and Grade 1 students reading, making and recording two-digit numbers using different materials.
Orientation Day for all prospective Grade 7 students heading to Rose Bay in 2021 will be held on Wednesday 2nd Dec. Students need to make their way to the RBHS gymnasium at 9:00am. The day will conclude at 2:45pm.
Students are required to wear their current school uniform and make their own way to and from the school. Our school canteen will be open for those who would like to purchase recess and/or lunch.
All students will be advised of their class group for 2021, and will meet their future class mates, Year Co-ordinators, Home Group Teachers and Peer Support Leaders.
If you no longer require the enrolment at Rose Bay High School, please contact their school office ASAP on 03 6242 9299.