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This year we have reached two years of consistent enrolments over 350 students. This means that our Assistant Principal (AP) and our third Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) roles can now be made permanent to our school. I would like to congratulate Mrs Elizabeth Vince who has been through the selection panel process and has successfully the AP substantively. We are very lucky to have Mrs Vince’s skills and passion and would like to congratulate her for winning this position. The third AST role is currently still in progress, as is the acting AST role for Mrs Sheehan, who is leaving on maternity leave early in Term 1 2021.
Class structures for 2021 are now locked in, and our teachers are super excited for students to meet their new teachers in their new classrooms next Wednesday at 1:45pm for Step Up. Below is a map of where each class will be located. You will notice there are a few significant changes to the teaching teams and spaces next year. Our school is constantly evolving and changing to suit the needs of each cohort. I am committed to ensuring that we always consider every learner in our school, and that every decision we make about education, environment and staffing always comes back to improving student outcomes. As we move into more composite classes next year, our teaching teams have already begun planning and designing a guaranteed curriculum across the entire school to support all of our learners to thrive. Class placements will go home with reports on Monday 14th December.
Kinder Possums: Mrs Lucy Morgan
Kinder Wombats: Miss Jade O’Neil
Prep Blue: Miss Shannon Hill
Prep White: Ms Danielle Bath & Miss Purdie Hudson
1/2 Blue: Mrs Katie Hedge and Mrs Stacey Price
1/2 White: Mrs Burdon
1/2 Black: Mrs Teresa Lewinski and the new acting AST
1/2 Navy: Mrs Rebecca Kaiser and Mrs Andrea Curran
1/2 Red: Miss Ashley Swan
3/4 White: Mr Peter Stephens
3/4 Blue: Mrs Linda Flude and Mrs Tamara Bloomfield
3/4 Navy: Mrs April Tinker
5/6 Navy: Mrs Michelle Isaac
5/6 White: Ms Vicki Doyle
5/6 Blue: Miss Teresa Street and Mrs Jacquie Moore
Music: Mrs Amanda Brown
HPE: Mr Vinnie Kamano
Kitchen/Garden: Mrs Deb Morgan
Japanese: Mrs Anita Wedd
You will note that next year we will be introducing an official Kitchen Garden program to our school. Mrs Deb Morgan is very excited about establishing this program and will be looking to involve our school community, through the School Association and other ways, to ensure that it is truly a community garden. The classroom space will be run our of our current Music building, which is adjacent to the existing garden. Over the school holidays this space will be transformed into a fabulous kitchen learning space to accommodate the new initiative. Our Music program will be run out of Ms Doyle’s current classroom (the blue one near the swings). The Music garden and primary nature play area will also be completed over the break and Brett has been working tirelessly with the School Associations funding to get these areas ready and we can’t wait to see how these spaces all evolve!
As this is the last newsletter for 2020, I would like to say a sincere thank you to all of our school community for supporting us in what has been one of the most incredible years I have ever lived through. Despite the challenges, we were able to share so many successes, both academically and from a health and wellbeing perspective across the school. Last night, our teachers looked through some data which demonstrated the incredible amount of whole-school growth that we have achieved in Maths, and next week we will do the same for Literacy. This school is full of dedicated educators, teachers, teacher assistants, office staff, cleaners, groundsman, professional support staff and, of course, students. I am so very proud of Lindisfarne Primary this year, and can’t wait to see what 2021 will bring us. I wish you all a relaxing and safe break, and look forward to seeing you all in the new year.
Warm regards,
Term 1 Wednesday 3 February - Wednesday 31 March
Term 2 Wednesday 21 April - Friday 2 July
Term 3 Tuesday 20 July - Friday 24 September
Term 4 Monday 11 October - Thursday 16 December
Our School Association will have a snack/drinks stall set up where you can also buy raffle tickets for the raffle drawn at Christmas on Heley - winner will be notified by phone.
Our 2020 Leavers Assembly will be held next Tuesday 15th December, 9am-11am in our GP room. Each Grade 6 student is able to invite up to 2 adult family members to attend the assembly.
Please complete the RSVP form below by 3pm Monday 14th December:
This will be held at Spencer’s Cafe in Lindisfarne on Tuesday 15th of December. Once again, the management at Spencer’s have been incredibly generous in helping us facilitate this special part of our Grade 6 students’ end of year celebrations and we are extremely grateful to them for their support. We encourage our community to return that support and stop in at Spencer's for a coffee or a delicious meal if they can.
The cost of the dinner is $35 which includes meals and drinks. Cash or EFTPOS payments can be made at the office.
The dress code for this event is smart casual, and it is not necessary for children to arrive in special cars. We would like to keep this event age appropriate for a Grade 6 Leavers’ Dinner.
Students are asked to meet us at Simmons Park for photos from 5:30pm before walking to Spencer’s together as a group for our scheduled 6pm start. Parents and family members must be mindful of social distancing rules while at the park and are not able to walk up to Spencer’s with us this year. Parents and family members are more than welcome to join us for the photo session, but we ask that you not post photos of other children or school staff without permission on any social media platform.
At the conclusion of our evening, we ask parents to wait in the Tyre Power carpark across from Spencer’s just prior to pick-up at 8:30pm. We will then walk the students across to you there. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are unable to invite you inside at pick-up time.
Throughout the year, students at Lindisfarne Primary School strive to not only do their best but to challenge themselves! Some examples of this include how some of our students have worked tirelessly to achieve a Gold Certificate in the Mathletics program this year. To achieve a Gold Certificate, students need to earn 1000 points within one week or by receiving four Silver Certificates to then achieve Gold. These students should be extremely proud of their efforts.
At Lindisfarne Primary we are always looking for opportunities for our students to extend their learning. During Term 3, students from our Grade 5 and Grade 6 were invited to participate in the Australian Mathematics Competition. The results were outstanding! Congratulations to all that entered, in particular, Luke Potito who received a High Distinction.
Another experience offered to our Grade 5 and 6 students at the beginning of this year was the Problem Solving Competition run by the Mathematics Association of Tasmania. Students from our school were then marked and ranked against other children across the state. Congratulations to Luke Potito who was awarded a Merit Certificate for his efforts in this competition.
1 White, Sara Wright and Mrs Burdon showing visitors from the Commisioner for Children their amazing collaborative artwork.
Christmas craft time in Prep/1.
Multiplicative Thinking
When we ask students to ‘think multiplicatively’ we are asking them to think about numbers and collections in terms of multiplication and division. This starts right back in Kinder and Prep where students are asked to share things equally. This could simply be sharing out the pencils equally or sharing out a collection of counters to a group of students so that each student has the same amount. Students begin by thinking about multiples as repeated addition (e.g. 5 fours is 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4) and then looking at these as groups (5 fours is 5 groups with 4 in each). The next progression is to look at these in terms of arrays and then regions.
Repeated Addition
Groups Of
Partitioning is developing the understanding of Fractions and Decimals. The concept of equal parts plays a large role in students being able to construct their own fraction models. Students begin to develop an understanding of fractions in Prep when they are learning to share amounts equally and then in Grade 1 where they explore partitioning a whole into equal parts. From here, the continued development of fractions continues throughout the curriculum for all grades in primary school.
Fractions are heavily linked to Multiplicative Thinking, in particular division which involves sharing or dividing things equally. There are five constructs of fractions: Part-whole fractions; Fractions as a measure; Fractions as division; Fractions as operators; and Fractions as ratios.
Part-whole Fractions
Fractions as a Measure
Fractions as Division
Fractions as Operators
Fractions as Ratios
Fractions are a complex part of the Mathematics curriculum. Once the foundational understandings of fractions have been consolidated students can then start exploring the different types of fractions (proper fractions, improper fractions and mixed fractions) and how fractions can be represented as decimals and percentages. This is where we can see the connection to Place Value and why it is important to gain a good understanding of the Place Value system.
Andrea Curran
Numeracy Coach
End of Year FUNdraising Appeal at Christmas on Henley
LPSA needs your help to finish out our 2020 with bells on!
Covid restrictions in 2020 have put a great deal of restriction on our ability to do our sausage sizzles and large money making events such as Quiz Night and the Fair. This year we have funded big items to support the students like the Sensory Support Room and Stage 3 of the Music Garden, but we are left with reduced financial capacity rolling into the new year.
We ask you to consider the School Community in your Christmas donation plans so we can ring in the new year with renewed support for our students, and we have two FUN ways you can support coming to Christmas on Henley:
Bring your cash to buy snacks - icy poles, chips and soft drinks!
Make sure you grab a ticket or 10+! for this fabulous wheelbarrow full of fun. Books have been sent home with students and tickets can be purchased at the office. Drawn at Christmas on Henley. Please ensure your name and phone number is written clearly on your stubs. There will also be a chance to purchase and roving donations during the event.
Cash accepted and Eftpos available!
Many thanks to Jess Absolom, Katie Groom and Brett & Tracey Gordon for organising the Hamper, as well as Bunnings, Roberts Don Mac, Lindisfarne IGA, Steve's Liquor, Fall Real Estate, D's Village News & Lotto, Amcal Pharmacy, Creating Cakes Lindisfarne, Cherylyn Crosswell, Currency Cafe and Terry White Pharmacy.
As the school holidays are fast approaching, it is important that we as a school community recognise the importance of reading. Reading with your child for ten minutes each day makes a big difference and has a huge impact on the success of students in school. It is also a leisurely activity that helps students regulate their emotions and calm their bodies.
As a family, try to incorporate reading into your holiday activities by encouraging children to read stimuli in your immediate environment. This may include reading signs, brochures, posters, lists, magazines and/or articles. Reading should be a fun activity that enhances your holiday experiences.
I wish everyone in our school community a safe and restful break and I look forward to seeing students and families return for Term 1 in 2021.
Sophie Sheehan
Literacy Coach
Important Information
- Book collection days are:
- Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th January 9am - 3pm
- Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st January 9am - 12pm
- Friday 22nd January 12pm - 3pm
- Social distancing rules will apply during book collection week. You may be asked to wait outside if we are at capacity.
- You will be asked to complete your child/ren's Student Information Validation and permission forms when you collect book packs. These forms are to be completed onsite and can no longer be taken home to complete.
- 2021 Levy invoices will be processed and issued to families during the first week of Term 1. Unfortunately we are not able to accept any payments before this time. Payment options are located on the back of your invoice, with online payment via BPay or Bpoint the preferred method. You can pay with cash or card at the school office any time once your invoice has been received.
- 2021 Kinder levy - $180.00
- 2021 Prep - Grade 6 levy - $280.00
- Term 1 Student commencment dates
- Wednesday 3rd February - Kinder Wombats and Prep - Grade 6
- Tuesday 9th February - Kinder Possums