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Welcome to Winter! I can’t say that this is my favourite time of the year, weather wise, as I really feel the cold but as with anything my approach is always to look for something positive in any situation; there is nothing better than the amazing view of a snow covered Kunanyi from our school, or watching our students delight in playing on the oval on a frosty morning, or hearing stories of excitement from our students about icy, foggy mornings and trips to the snow. There are so many learning opportunities for our students provided by observing and noticing change in our natural environment. Our school continues to provide many classroom and extra-curricular learning opportunities for our students. During the first couple of weeks in May our Grade 3 and 5 students showed us their courage, and their commitment to their learning as they experienced a week of NAPLAN testing. These students all took the testing process in their stride and used the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding in four different areas of assessment. Once collated, our school will use the data provided to continue to drive our work to improve student achievement in Maths and English across the school. Parents will also be provided with results, which will provide a snapshot into your child’s Literacy and Numeracy skills.
National Simultaneous Story Time was held on the 19th of May. This gave our school the opportunity to join together with buddy classes and enjoy ‘Give Me Some Space’ by Philip Bunting. The story was read to students by an astronaut all the way from the International Space Station and provided a rich context to ask questions and learn about our galaxy and space travel.
Our sporting calendar has also been jam-packed over the last few weeks. We had a very dedicated group of students and their families get up very early one Sunday morning for the City to Casino Fun Run on May 16th.
AFL Tasmania and North Melbourne footy club were in the school during May providing our students with a football clinic.
Our Winters Sports roster is also up and running for our Grade 5/6 students. This program allows students to participate in a range of team sports and represent our school in a roster that focuses on participation, encouraging others and team spirit. Five other local school participate in our roster and parents are most welcome to come along to spectate on Wednesday afterrnoons and support our students.
Last week our upper primary students braved very cold conditions with smiling faces and participated in our school Cross Country event. Depending on their grade, students ran a distance of more than 2km around the school and again demonstrated such commitment and dedication in very trying conditions. Thank you to our school community for supporting this event and to our parent volunteers who took on roles to enable the smooth running of this event.
Teachers are now busy finalising assessment and data collection to begin the process of communicating to parents through our mid-year reports. Reports will be sent home to families on Friday 11th June (Kinder Possums and Wombats will receive their KDC reports on Wednesday 9th June). Please make it a priority to book in a Parent-Teacher interview in weeks ten and eleven with your child’s teacher. Our teachers will use this time to share your child’s learning progress and successes in the first half of the year, as well as outline any areas of need for further development. Parents and families also play a vital role in the education of our young people and research shows strong home-school partnerships lead to improved learning outcomes for our students. Please see the article further below for full details on Parent-Teacher interviews.
Kind regards,
Purdie Hudson
Early Years AST/ Support teacher
Kinder 2022 enrolments are now open
Please collect an enrolment pack from the office if your child was born in 2017 and:
- you are living within the LPS Intake Area (Intake Areas from 2021 for Tasmanian Government School - The Department of Education Tasmania)
- your child has an older sibling currently enroled at LPS
We are unable to offer Out of Area enrolments for 2022.
We will begin posting acceptance letters for Kindergarten 2022 from next week.
If you’ve ever thought about getting more involved in the school community, now’s your chance! We have 2 vacancies on the School Association committee. As a committee member, you can vote on decisions including how the money we raise is spent. If you’d like to put your hand up or want more information, please get in touch with Kel or our Chairperson Sarah via our Facebook page or the school office.
Fundraising events
After a quiet year in 2020 due to COVID-19, we are pleased to be doing some more fundraising this year. The Easter raffle was a great success, so thank you to everyone for selling (and buying!) tickets and congratulations to the winners. We then dished up some delicious democracy sausages from the school barbecue on election day. Our next event is coming up on Wednesday 23rd July – it’s a Facebook auction with loads of amazing goodies up for grabs, thanks to our many generous donors. Keep an eye on the Facebook page for more details.
Our next meeting will be on:
Tuesday 27th July at 6.30pm in the GP room
All parents and friends of the school are welcome to come along.
Dear Parents,
There are some changes to our Launching into Learning (LiL) timetable starting in Term 3. We are very excited to announce that our Pre-Kinder sessions will begin next term! We can’t wait to get to know our 2022 Kinders and their families. This will mean there will be some changes to our current Launching into Learning sessions.
In Term 3, LiL sessions will be held on Tuesday and Friday mornings, and Pre-Kinder sessions will be held on Thursday mornings.
Term 3 Programmes
Tuesday – LIL Little Learners |
9am -10am |
GP Room |
Miss Hudson |
Thursday – Pre-Kinder (restricted to accepted Kinder 2022 enrolments only) |
9am -10am |
Kindergarten building |
Miss Lucy and Miss Jade |
Friday – LIL Music |
9:am -945am |
Music Room |
Mrs Brown |
Please note, for attendance at Pre-Kinder all enrolment forms must have been completed and approved by the school office.
We highly recommend that our 2022 Kindergarten students attend as many of these sessions as possible. The sessions will enable our new students to connect with their teachers, their peers and their learning space for next year.
An adult is required to attend all Pre-Kinder sessions with their child. We ask that you do not bring siblings to Pre-Kinder sessions in the Kindergarten room.
A timetable outlining the session content will be made prior to the end of Term 2.
Please contact the school office if you have any further questions.
Purdie Hudson
Early Years AST/ Support Teacher
If your child is unwell or will be absent from school for any reason, please make sure you let the office know.
You can notify via the "Report an absence" tile on SZapp, by calling 6243 9232 or emailing
Our Admin staff will make every attempt to phone parents/carers for unexplained absences, but please remember that it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to notify the school.
KDC and Mid-Year reports will be sent home on Wedensday 9th June for Kinder students and with Prep to Grade 6 students on Friday 11th June. Parent/teacher interviews will be held over the two weeks that follow (15th-25th June). These interviews are an opportunity for you to come together with your child’s teacher/s and discuss their progress and achievement so far this year. It’s a great chance to celebrate successes, ask questions you may have about the report or your child at school and discuss any future focus for the next two terms.
Interviews are strictly 15 minutes and spaces are limited. If you require more time with a particular teacher, please arrange a separate meeting by telephoning the school on 6243 9232. If your child has two teachers for their class, you are welcome to make an appointment with either or both of your teachers. Please communicate with your teachers to organise this before using the booking system to finalise your arrangements.
Go to and enter the code 33qwm
When you click FINISH your selected bookings will be emailed to you immediately. If you do not receive your email, please check your junk-mail, or enter the event code again and check your email address spelling. Update your details if the email address is incorrect.
DO NOT DELETE the email you receive. Keep it somewhere safe. You may need to refer to it at a later date.
Bookings must be finalised by Monday 14th June at 4pm. If you need to view, cancel, change, or print your bookings:
- Click on the link in the confirmation email you received after you made your bookings
- OR return to and enter the code and the email address you used when making your bookings.
If you have any general questions about the reporting process itself or how to use the booking system please contact Beth Osborne on 6243 9232 or through
We are looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Warm regards,
The SPSSA Interschool Division A Cross Country will be held on Monday 7th June at Bayview Secondary College.
Permission slips and event programs have been sent home with qualifying students.
Unfortunately, parents/families are not permitted to spectate this event due to COVID restrictions at the venue.
Good luck to particpating students!
Thank you to everyone who has finalised their 2021 school levies so far. If you are having difficulty paying, please don't hesitate to contact us to make a payment arrangement that suits your needs. Please email our School Business Manager directly at and will be happy to assist with any queries regarding levy payments.
Thank you.