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- KINDER 2022
Hello Families!
Term 4 is such a wonderful time to be in our school! The results of the focus put into teaching and learning programs up until this point in time, and the work put into establishing positive learning environments, with clear expectations and routines, means that Term 4 is all about our students showing us how amazing they are! Wandering around our school, I get to see this on many occasions each and every day. Whether it be students asking me to watch a dance performance while I am on duty, sharing in the moment when a student proudly shares a piece of writing with me or seeing the huge smile on the face of one of our little learners in LIL when they master crawling up steps independently, I am reminded every day of how capable little people are.
Our busy Term 4 schedule will provide so many opportunities for our students to share their learning with us with upcoming school events such as sport carnivals, musical performances and Outdoor Classroom Day in the school calendar. It is a busy time, in school and family life, but please endeavour to keep in the loop with all school communication and support your child and our school by attending class and whole school events where possible.
Our teachers are busy preparing for writing end of year reports and this is another great time for students to show us their growth in all aspects of their learning and development. Reports come home with students on Friday 10th December.
A major focus of our programs between now and the end of the year will be preparing and supporting our students for the transition into their new class groups next year. Our leadership team and classroom teachers have begun the massive task of planning what our school structure will look like in 2022.
Upcoming change can lead to feelings of worry and anxiety amongst our students, and even ourselves as parents too. But can I ask that we think of this as another opportunity for your child to show us how amazing they are? We can shift some of those negative thoughts around change into positives. Change can be an opportunity to grow, to develop flexibility and adaptability, experience challenge, new experiences and opportunities. Change becomes an opportunity to learn something new. Please know that classroom teachers will be preparing your child for this upcoming change, and in my work as Support Teacher there will be a range of different processes put in place to support individuals and class groups.
And last but not least, our interschool swimming team took out 1st place at the SPSSA Interschool Carnival on Tuesday. Congratulations to Mr K and all of our students who went along and gave their very best!
Mr Kamano will notify students who have qualified to participate in the Champions Swimming Carnival in the coming weeks.
Kind regards,
Purdie Hudson
AST / Support Teacher
Don't forget to pack HATS & DRINK BOTTLES filled with water!
On Thursday 4th November our school celebrated Outdoor Classroom day by taking our learning outside and appreciating the sunshine. We spent time exploring the environment, hunting for shapes, using sticks to explore mathematical concepts, mapping Henley tower, doing an alphabet hunt, reading under the shade of a tree, building a tower of stick, drawing our shadows and shooting for bullseye. Children had a fantastic time and found learning outside to be enjoyable and exciting! It was also wonderful to see our families join in the fun in the afternoon! Thank you for being a part of the amazing day and having fun with Mathematics!
Gardening Club *new* - Tuesdays recess & Thursdays lunchtime @ the Kitchen Garden - Come along to help Mrs Morgan tend to our School Garden!
Chess Club - Thursdays lunchtime @ 5/6 Blue classroom - Challenge a friend to a game of Chess, learn some new tactics, or share your knowledge of the game!
Readers Club - Tuesdays 8:30am - 8:55am @ the Library - Students have the opportunity to read to an adult and have their Home Reading log filled out.
Literacy Club *new* - Fridays recess @ the Library with Mrs Brand - Come and play games, chat, read and share and practise your literacy skills in a fun and friendly way. Literacy club is with Mrs Brand on Fridays at Recess in the Library. Our games will focus on Reading, Oral language and Vocabulary. See you there!
Science with 3/4 White
This term our Guiding question for Science is ‘What effect does the movement of the Earth around the Sun have on the seasons, cycles and weather?’ Students came up with a wonderful list of questions that they are working on answering using their research skills. Some of their questions were:
How big is the sun?
What is the difference between the Sun, the Moon and the Earth in size?
What is the lowest temperature the Sun will get to?
Can anyone touch the Sun?
Can anyone pick up a rock on the Moon and what will happen if they bang the rock in the Moon?
What came first out of all the planets?
How does the Sun and the Moon make day and night?
Can you jump on the Moon?
What is the speed of the Earth?
Also, we have engaged in group work to model the movement of the Earth, Sun and Moon. Students were put you in small teams. One person was the Sun, one person was the Earth, one person was the Moon and the other person was an observer. Using their bodies, students were able to organise themselves to show how the Earth rotates (spins) and orbits around the sun at the same. This helped students understand the difference between rotating (spinning) and orbiting, and also showed how well everyone works together in a very cooperative manner (see photos).
Numbers with 1/2 Navy
Place value is a key ingredient to developing good number sense in Grade 1 and Grade 2. We have been learning about the place value and the value of digits all year! This term we have dived back into our learning by looking at how we represent numbers, the value of each digit and how we can change these, this is called renaming and rearranging.
During Maths Rotations, students have multiple opportunities to practise building fluency with making, reading, expanding, renaming and rearranging numbers. Some of the games we have played are renaming Snake and Ladders, number expanding bingo and matching and bullseye counting in 10s.
As a class we have spent time making numbers using different materials including bundles and MAB. We have also used this material to help us to rename numbers and rearrange them.
The SRC have decided to hold a gold coin fundraiser day to raise money to support the work of local charity Archie’s 100. This is a charity started in memory of Archie ‘Bear’ Brown who died in a tragic accident, aged 7 in early 2020. Out of this tragedy, Archie became an organ donor and from this incredible gift, Archie was able to essentially give life to 5 strangers. The focus of the charity is to raise funds that will go towards funding the best equipment, research or patient care at the Royal Hospital Hospital’s Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit.
Students are invited to wear as much green as they can (this was Archie’s favourite colour) and bring along a gold coin donation towards this wonderful charity. At school, we are challenging all classes to collect 100 green things within their classrooms and take a photo of their collections.
Bookings are now open for Before and After School Care for 2022. If you require Outside School Hours Care for your child next year, please contact Clarence Childrens Services on 6217 9610 or visit their website:
Our Grade 6 students have spent the last 3 days enjoying the sunshine at the Spring Beach camp in Orford.
They had a wonderful time away, participating in swimming, abseiling, team building activities, cooking, and archery!
What is Intervention and Targeted Teaching?
Hello, I’m Sarah Brand and I recently re-joined the Lindisfarne Primary School Community.
I was a student here from 1988-1993 and it is wonderful to be back as an intervention teacher. An intervention teacher supports selected students in lesson rotations and in small groups. I do this in both the classroom and in the new targeted learning space (our old canteen was renovated over the October holidays). Targeted teaching uses specific resources, games, activities and lessons to allow students to achieve their individual learning goals in literacy or numeracy in a focussed, small group.
I look forward to seeing you around the school!
Sarah Brand, Intervention Teacher
Spaces for Kinder 2022 are filling fast! If you have a child that was born in 2017, and intend on enrolling thm at LPS, please contact the school office ASAP for an enrolment pack. Phone 6243 9232 or email
Pre-Kinder sessions have started and are open only to students who have ben accepted into our 2022 Kindergarten program.
Launching into Learning has begun for Term 4. Take a look at the timetable for the term below and join us:
We have received phone calls from local residents regarding parents/carers parking illegally over driveways during drop off and pick up times.
Please make sure that you follow all Tasmanian Road Rules and obey all parking signs.
We understand at times it can be tempting to park inconsiderately for a short amount of time, but it's important to remember the impact this can have on the people around you, particularly if you are parking people into their driveways. There are several surrounding streets with ample parking, and plenty of safe places for students to wait if you need to take a few minutes longer to park.
Unfortunately this message to you is to inform of the Commonwealth Banks recent decision to remove the School Banking program from Primary Schools.
“The CBA are unable to continue providing programs in schools and have had to make a difficult decision to close the School Banking program nationally.
As a result, the CommBank School Banking program will not be returning to schools beyond 2021.”
While the in-school program will close, the Youthsaver Accounts you opened for your child/ren are still functional and accessible, but we are now unable to process deposits into the accounts for you.
Thank you to all of the school bankers out there, who have not only started some great savings for their own futures but also contributed to some really valuable fundraising for the school over the years.
I would like to let you all know a couple of dates to keep in mind please…
Last reward orders in by Thursday 11th November, Week 5.
As a few of you may have noticed, rewards have been taking extra time to arrive of late so I want to allow for plenty of time for delivery of those final ones ordered.
If you know your child has collected 10 or more tokens and an order form, feel free to send it in! The tokens do not need to be returned.
There are currently 3 rewards unavailable - Scented Stackable Highlighters, Snowy Origami Set and the Scratch Art Cards.
Last banking deposits will be processed on Thursday 9th December, Week 9.
If there is any more information received that is relevant to you and your child’s account, I will relay this to you as soon as is possible.
Again, thank you for your support.
Megan, School Banking Volunteer