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Hello and officially welcome back to Term 1. Even though the holiday was perhaps a bit different, indeed a lot quieter, I know I found that spending more time at home with my family was exactly what I needed in this time of uncertainty. It’s been wonderful to hear about the adventures of all our retuning students and also to meet our new families too. Yesterday we welcomed our second Kinder class on site, so now we have all students officially at school.
Our admin, grounds and cleaning staff have done a phenomenal job of preparing our classrooms and grounds ready for us to return. Walking around the school it is so exciting to see the work that has been completed over the break. Including, but not limited to:
- The entire courtyard redevelopment
- The new Psychologist office and support room
- The Prep bag boxes
- The re-painted hit up wall
- New shelving in the 3/4 classroom, Kinder and Music space
- New flooring in the work room, Prep room and Kinder
- Air purifiers in every classroom
I have also been blown away by some of the classrooms (and garden spaces) and how much time and effort our teachers have put into organising and setting up. The school is looking so amazing already and I can’t wait to start sharing some of the amazing learning from our classes through Seesaw.
This year we welcome three new teachers to our school. Mr Ryan Thomas on 3/4 Blue, Mrs Louise Cripps on 5/6 Blue and Ms Bec Murray on 5/6 White. I trust you will all love our school, our community and our students as much as I do. We also said farewell to one of our beautiful and welcoming faces from the office this year. Jodi Cleaves was successful in winning a permanent position at Rony College in their office. Congratulations Jodi, your humour, flexibility and care for our children will not be forgotten. In her place we welcome Mrs Andrea Loh to the office. Andrea has worked tirelessly over the past month with Libby and Tam to ensure that our school is well organised, safe and ready for the students to return.
Kind regards,
Kel Innis
If you have not yet completed your child's 2022 Validation and Excursion Permission forms, please visit the school office between 9.00am-2.00pm.
Parents are asked to check over Validation forms and update any contacts, medical information and media permissions. It is important that we have up-to-date information for each and every student.
There are also Excursion Permission forms to complete. Students will not be able to attend school excursions until these permission forms are signed by a parent/guardian.
If your child is going to be away or late for any reason, please notify the school office. There are several, simple ways to notify absences; via SZapp, by phoning 6243 9232 or via email at
The same contact information can be used to advise office staff if you are collecting students early.
Levies will sent out via post in the next couple of weeks. If you have any questions or issues paying please give us a call and Libby will be more than happy to discuss your options.
Any students catching the bus home from the school stop need to tick their name on the bus list outside the office before 2:55pm. Further information about these buses can be found on the Metro Tasmania website but below is a quick glimpse at the 302 route and the 310 route that students can catch:
If you have any uniform items that are no longer required, the school office appreciates donations at any time.
If your child brings a mobile phone to school, they are to drop the device into the office before 9am. Devices can then be collected after 2:55pm.
The School Association is an active and integral part of our school. This year we will be holding the annual AGM on 29th March and there is an opportunity to join online if you can’t make it in person.
Please make sure that you obey all Tasmanian Road Laws when parking around the school. Be mindful not to park over driveways, or too close to corners and crossings.
Reminder the turning circle is staff parking only.
Our whole school photo day is on Wednesday 23th March. Photo order forms from Leading Image will be coming home with student in the coming weeks. Please note: online only sales this year.
Bambini Bites are once again partnering with LPS to provide affordable and delicious lunches. Orders can be placed for Thursdays and Fridays, using the QKR! app.
Please note: Orders must be placed before 9pm the night before delivery.