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As Term 2 starts to draw to a close, the saying ‘Time flies when you’re having fun’ certainly rings true for us here at Lindisfarne Primary School! All our Lindisfarne Learners have been working hard to achieve their goals and are almost ready for a well-deserved break! Our term draws to an end with our last day together being Friday 8th July. After our two weeks break, we will be having a Student Free Day on Monday 25th July for staff to spend time reviewing our school wide priorities of reading and number and to engage in professional learning.
The last part of our term has seen our Grade 3 to 5 students participate in the Swimming and Water Safety program with each student demonstrating the Department of Education and Lindisfarne Primary School Values of Aspiration, Growth, Respect and Courage. I know that a highlight for many was the session at the deep end in the boat! Well done everyone for two fantastic weeks of learning in the pool.
This term, student learning has been shared with parents through the mid-year reports and we have also been excited to welcome back Parent Teacher Conferences on site. These meetings are a way for teachers to share with parents the amazing achievements their children have made. Another way teachers and our school communicate learning and information to parents is through Seesaw and Schoolzine. For anyone that does not have access to these programs and would like support to gain access please give the school a call or come into the office to see Tam or Andrea!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Miss Hannah Walters for her work in the Prep/1 this term and to wish her luck in the future as she will be leaving us at the end of this term. Taking over the Prep/1 role alongside Mrs Hedge we welcome Miss Sam Vince back to Lindisfarne Primary. Also, at the beginning of next term, Ms Innis will be taking 6 weeks of Long Service Leave. The Principal position has been advertised and we will know by the end of the term who will be taking on this role for the first 6 weeks of Term 3.
This term has also seen our footballers and netballers in Grades 5 and 6 demonstrating Courage, Aspiration, Respect and Growth during the Winter Sports roster. There has been some disappointment along the way with some of these games being cancelled due to the weather, but our Lindisfarne Learners are resilient and have continued to be energetic and committed to doing their best at training and at each of the games they have played. Every player should be proud of their efforts! Good luck for your game next Friday!
Number has been one of our priorities for our school for the last few years. We have been working hard to not only develop our understanding of the Big 6 but to also find excellent resources to support student learning. One of these is the Essential Assessments program. This program allows our teachers to assess student understanding in different areas of Mathematics. It then provides students with differentiated activities that are designed to allow students to practise skills that they may have misunderstood in the assessment. We can’t wait to be able to share this program with families. Hopefully, an opportunity to do this may occur next term. Watch this space!!
Kind regards,
Big 6 in Number - Continued
In my previous article, I shared with you the importance of number and how we can all support the growth and development in the areas of Trusting the Count and Place Value. In this article, I would like to explore two more of the Big 6, Multiplicative Thinking and Partitioning.
Multiplicative Thinking - Work flexibly with the concepts, strategies and representations of multiplication and division in a range of contexts; establish the value of equal groups.
Activity for finding arrays
Arrays are collections that are arranged in rows and columns so that you can see how many easily.
Look around your house to see what arrays you can find and think about how they help determine how many altogether.
Activity to practise doubling
Doubling is a crucial part of some strategies used to multiple numbers (e.g. 4 x 6 can be solved by doubling 6 then doubling that amount, 12 + 12 is 24).
Use a deck of cards to find the pairs then talk about what the pairs equal. You can even play Go Fish by asking for a pair but including what the double equals!
Activity to practise division
Knowing that when we divide, we can use multiplication to help us is important.
When looking at arrays in the home, talk about how many altogether and how many rows or columns. Talk about how this is division.
There are 12 biscuits altogether. There are 4 in each row. 12 ÷ 4 = 3
Partitioning – the missing link in building common fraction and decimal knowledge and confidence
Activity to practise creating fractions of objects
Use paper to fold into different fractions. Try folding into halves, quarters and eighths (you can also look at how many of these make the other like how many eighths make a half) then try thirds and sixths. Can you find a good strategy for folding these?
Activity to practise creating fractions of amounts
Partitioning collections into equal amounts and fractions provides students with the connection between division and fractions. 24 cup cakes divided into 8 group.
Use a collection of something (pasta pieces, rocks, counters etc) and see if you can divide the collection in half, into quarters or even into fractions such as 2/5. To do this students would need to divide the collection amount but how many parts are required (e.g. 2/5 is 5 parts so 20 rocks divided by 5) then multiply that by the number of parts stated in the fraction (20÷5 is 4, 4 multiplied by 2 is 8 so 2/5 of 20 is 8).
Activity to practise working with decimals & percentages
Decimals and fractions are linked and providing opportunities for this link to be explored is important.
Provide your child with some playdough, spaghetti, something that is long and pliable. Ask them to cut this into tenths. Talk about how you might do this so that each part is equal. Practise recording the parts you make. E.g., 2 out of 10 pieces is 2 tenths or 0.2 or 20%. You can also use catalogues to practise percentages. Looking at what percentage is discounted and how much you are really saving! (E.g., the ad suggests that the price is 20% off the normal price of $12.40, if 10% of $12.40 is $1.24 then 20% is $2.48, is that really a big saving?).
High School Intention Forms for 2023 have been sent home, please return these to the school office asap.
Grade 6 Leaders Tops can be ordered online at CT Clothing, please ensure all orders are placed by next Thursday 7th July 2022.
If you require financial assistance contact the school office.
Bambini Bites works in association with CBA Bank/Mastercard and uses their online school canteen ordering system for the convenience of schools, parents and students called QKR which can be downloaded to all Apple phones/IPAD’s and Android devices.
QKR allows parents/staff to log into the app and place lunch order two (2) weeks in advance any time until 9.00pm the night prior the lunch is required.
Unfortunately, if you miss this cut off time, we are unable to assist with late orders. We recommend that you place your order as early as possible QKR sometimes struggles near cut off times due to the high usage of all users Australia wide. This cut off time has been put into place to allow our kitchen staff sufficient time to prepare food for all lunch orders.
We understand that little people can become unwell at the drop of a hat, to assist parents and families with this we request an email to advise.
We need to receive notification no later than 9.00am the morning of the fulfilment of the lunch order, this will enable us to hold the order over for the next school lunch day.
Please note that due to the time of day we are unable to reply instantly and there could be a delay. We will do our absolute best to have contacted you within 24 hours.
Phone calls are not accepted as we need the details to hold onto the order and as you can appreciate are usually super busy preparing food to fulfill hundreds of orders for hungry tummies!
Please email
please add to the email
· Childs name and order date
· Child/children’s class and items ordered
· Please add the new date you would like to change the order to.
EG Sarah Bell, order date 02/03. Class 1/2S, 1x toasted cheese, 1 fruit tub, 1xbottled water. New order 07/03.
Please note that orders can be cancelled prior to cut off time via logging into the QKR and selecting the order and cancelling, however this will apply a credit as no refunds will apply. The credit will be available next time you wish to place an order.
Kinder enrolments for our 2023 classes are now open for children born in 2018. Children must either be living within the Lindisfarne Primary School Intake Area or be a younger sibling of an already enrolled student at Lindisfarne Primary School.
Pre-Kinder is for all students who have been accepted into Kinder for 2022, this will start in term 3, all enrolment forms need to be returned before July 26.
If you have a child ready for Kinder next year, please phone the school office on 6243 9232 to get the enrolment process started.
We are very happy to be able to share with you that number restrictions have been lifted for our sessions on Friday mornings at 9am. We look forward to seeing you all in the GP room.
There will no longer be a booking system in place either. We do need to inform you that the situation could change at any time, but any updates will be communicated through our Facebook page.
Thank you Miss Purdie and Mrs Brown.
As the mornings become increasingly chilly, Reader's Club is being inundated with enthusiastic readers. We would love the help of additional volunteers in providing the opportunity for all students to read aloud. If you can spare some time, come and join us in the library between 8.30-9.00 on Wednesdays and Thursdays. It is a great way to start the day! All volunteers are required to have a Working with Vulnerable People Card and be Fully Vaccinated.
Masks will also not be required in schools, early childhood centres and on public transport from 12.01am on Saturday 25 June 2022. However, some public transport providers and child care centres (staff and parents only) may still require them based on individual risk assessments for those settings.
From 1 July 2022, the requirement to wear face masks in all other remaining settings such as hospitals, residential aged care facilities, disability providers and correctional facilities will be based on individual organisational risk assessments for each of these settings.
Facemasks will still be required to be worn by close contacts when they are in indoor settings outside the home.
Face masks, along with other COVID-safe behaviours, remain an important way to help reduce the risk of COVID-19. Although not mandatory, mask wearing is still strongly recommended in airport terminals and other indoor settings, especially where physical distancing is not possible.
A friendly reminder to keep your child home if they are unwell or showing any COVID symptoms.
Rapid antigen tests are avaliable from the office.
We have noticed an increasing number of parents using the turning circle to park or drop children off in the morning and afternoon collection times.
Our carpark is for staff use only
Please make sure that you obey all Tasmanian Road Laws when parking around the school. Be mindful not to park over driveways, or too close to corners and crossings.
We have two main channels of communication here at LPS, Schoolzine and Seesaw. Schoolzine is where we issue things like this newsletter, important information relating to COVID and other essential communications that need your actions or attention.
Seesaw is an important communication tool that all of our teachers use to interact and share learning with families. We encourage parents to interact with staff through this portal and talk with you children about what we have shared. This is monitored during school hours. Please ensure you obtain the QR code from your children’s teacher and sign up to receive regular updates on their learning and photos of them engaging in lots of different activities.
If you have any urgent information that you need to give your children, the teacher or the office please call 6243 9262 as email communication can not be guaranteed with a prompt response.
If you would like to purchase an Entertainment Book, the school receives $14 for every purchase. Follow the link below to do so.