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Welcome to the latest edition of our school newsletter. It was only in the last newsletter that I was being warmly welcomed to the team. I am now writing this on my last day! I would like to take this opportunity to thank the students, staff and school community for making me feel welcomed and supported as I worked along side the leadership team in keeping a clear focus on teaching, learning and wellbeing. It has been a very rewarding and busy 6 weeks!
I have been grateful for the opportunity to be welcomed into classrooms to observe the school focus on targeted teaching in action and the wide range of learning opportunities for students to engage in. I have enjoyed the professional learning opportunities, working with teaching staff on where to next, while examining student reading data. I have also really enjoyed having students sharing with me their work and conversing with me on what they have improved upon and why it’s important to them.
Once again, thank you and I would like to wish you all the very best for the reminder of the school year and welcome back Kel Innis.
Lastly, a friendly reminder that the External School Review will be taking place on the 12 - 13 September. Please contact the school office if you would not like to take part in providing feedback to the review team.
Kind regards
Ange Burbury
Acting Principal
The 2022 School Satisfaction Surveys are coming!
Every year the Department of Education conducts School Satisfaction Surveys to find out what your child(ren)'s school does well and where it may improve.
We would be grateful if you completed our online survey about Lindisfarne Primary School. Your feedback is very important to help us inform our school planning and decision-making.
The survey is open from today until Friday 23 September 2022 and should take about 5 minutes to complete.
Take the online survey by clicking this link or pasting it in your browser:
The survey is carried out on a secure website and all responses are anonymous and confidential.
All families in this school received the same survey link and no identifying information is collected. A summary of the survey results will be provided to schools. Responses from individuals or small groups will NOT be disclosed to any Department of Education staff.
Please contact the school office if you require any assistance.
Thank you for taking the time to fill in this survey.
Congratulations to the following students who were elected for the Student Representative Council (SRC)
Congratulations to the following students who received Lindisfarne Learner Awards at our recent assembly on Friday 5 August.
Aspiration - Chase, Nina
Growth - Hannah, Bonnie, Flynn, Madison, Talyn, Mia, Isla, Aria, Baxter, Adam, Hugo, Aidan
Courage - Lucas, Marcellus, Sehejpreet, Riley, Isabella
Respect - Edward, Mason, William, Sophie, Sylvia, Duc, Sienna, Angus
Congratulations to Lachlan who received the Aussie of the Month Award for August.
Thank you to our Assembly Presenters - Sophie, Alex, Sasha, Freddie, Kaveh, Payton, Kurtis and Ryan.
The Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) theme for 2022 was ‘Dreaming with eyes open…’ with the official Book Week art being created by Aboriginal author and illustrator Jasmine Seymour. The images are about country, dreaming, Australian animals, flora and fauna and embodies that dreaming belongs to all of us.
We tried to make our own connections to this year’s theme by engaging with activities that made us think about what it means to dream. We reached out to you, our school community, to have enough glass jars donated for all students from Kinder-Grade 6 to be able to create their own dream jar, a jar that would house what students dream about. We thank everyone in our community who made this project possible, from everyone who donated a jar to those who had boxes saved for a time where they were needed, without these donations this project would not have been possible. It was wonderful walking around all the classrooms and seeing a different take on the dream jars, as each one was personally designed and decorated by individual students. I was able to take the time to pull out some of the dreams inside and thoroughly enjoyed reading the diversity in what our students dream of. From owning a dog, to playing with friends and dreaming of a future where differences don’t separate people, it demonstrated that while we work with little people, they certainly already have big dreams.
We saw lots of colour; costumes that were bought, some that were made and some that were put together with some handy everyday items from home; there were popular characters like Harry Potter, Where’s Wally and Disney princesses and there were characters that we don’t see as frequently like the Saucepan Man, Jack with his Beanstalk and the Greatest Showman. . It was evident that we have a culture of enthusiasm and passion for books and celebrating Book Week, this was supported by seeing 95% of our students dressed up and participating in the celebrations. It was also great to look around and see such a great turn out of families who were able to come along to watch the parade and cheer our students and staff on as they made their lap around the courts. After the parade, it was great to get feedback from students, staff and families. If you did want to share your experience from the parade please contact me on the school number as we endeavour to take on feedback to make improvements to future Book Week celebrations. Here’s some of what was shared by our students as to what their favourite part of our Book Week parade was:
“Seeing the Kinder students in their costumes.”
“The parade was so fun and exciting.”
“The best part is seeing the younger students in their costumes at the parade.”
“I like looking for my favourite costumes.”
“Seeing everyone’s costumes is my favourite part.”
“Watching the Kinder's in their costumes, they are so cute.”
“I liked being up on the courts because I could see the costumes better.”
“I like going around the courts in the parade.”
Although Book Week is over for another year, we look forward to the upcoming announcement from the CBCA on next year’s theme and we know we have it all to look forward to again next year. I want to take the time to thank our family community for their support and encouragement, especially with ensuring that so many of our students were able to participate in dressing up for the parade. The additional effort it takes to resource, make, and put together costumes for one or more children on top of what can already be busy family lives is appreciated and hopefully it was obvious to you all how much joy and magic this brings to the children.
Sophie Sheehan
Advanced Skills Teacher
As the mornings become increasingly chilly, Reader's Club is being inundated with enthusiastic readers. We would love the help of additional volunteers in providing the opportunity for all students to read aloud. If you can spare some time, come and join us in the library between 8.30-9.00 on Mondays and Wednesdays. It is a great way to start the day! All volunteers are required to have a Working with Vulnerable People Card and be Fully Vaccinated.
Dear Students and Families,
I know it is hard to believe, but Spring is here!
Please remember from Thursday 1 September until the end of the school year, to have your hat at school every day. You will need to wear it when you are outside.
Department of Education Sun Protection Policy - This policy aims to ensure staff, students and children maintain a healthy UV balance all year round.
Being SunSmart in Tasmania means using sun protection when UV levels reach 3 and above, this occurs from September to April. This means implementing sun protection measures from the beginning of the school year until the end of April and again from the beginning of September until the end of the school year.
Last week we had 20 year 3/4 and 21 year 5/6 students compete in the school round of the Prime Minister's Spelling Bee. 3 of our 3/4 students and 8 of our 5/6 students have made it through to the State/Territory Finals!
Those students are: Claudia S, Baxter M, Preesha D, Elsa R, Lachie H, Claire V, Tommy P, Samuel C, Curtis S, Finn B and Ellie W. Big congratulations to everyone that participated and good luck to those students still competing!
Thankyou to Mrs Tinker for providing this opportunity.
Term/Week |
Date |
Hosting |
Sharing |
T3/Week 10 |
September 30th |
5/6 White and 1/2 Navy |
SRC Update *Music Item 1/2 Navy 5/6 White |
T4/Week 2 |
October 28th |
3/4 Navy and 1/2 White |
SRC Update Prep/1 1/2 White 3/4 Blue |
T4/Week 6 |
November 25th |
3/4 Black and 1/2 Blue |
SRC Update Prep Blue 1/2 Blue 3/4 Black |
T4/Week 8 |
Thursday December 8th |
Music Assembly (Thursday) Junior Choir Senior Choir Grade 4 Recorder Grade 6 Marimba 5/6 Brass Band |
T4/Week 9 |
December 16th |
Christmas on Henley All classes present an item |
Thank you to everyone who has finalised their 2022 school levies. If you have outstanding levies, our School Business Manager, Libby Ashlin, will be making calls to touch base and work out a plan for you to finalise these.
The invoices for Grade 3-4 and 5-6 Camps should be arriving in the mail very soon. It is our preference for all outstanding levies to be paid before camp payments are made.
If you are having any difficulties paying any outstanding amounts, please don't hesitate to contact us to make a payment arrangement that suits your needs.
Please email Libby directly at or phone her on 6243 9232 and she will be very happy to assist.
Thank you.
Kinder enrolments for our 2023 classes are now open for children born in 2018. Children must either be living within the Lindisfarne Primary School Intake Area or be a younger sibling of an already enrolled student at Lindisfarne Primary School.
Pre-Kinder is for all students who have been accepted into Kinder for 2022, this will start in term 3, all enrolment forms need to be returned as soon as possible.
If you have a child ready for Kinder next year, please phone the school office on 6243 9232 to get the enrolment process started.
We are very happy to be able to share with you that number restrictions have been lifted for our sessions on Friday mornings at 9am. We look forward to seeing you all in the GP room.
There will no longer be a booking system in place either. We do need to inform you that the situation could change at any time, but any updates will be communicated through our Facebook page.
Thank you Miss Purdie and Mrs Brown.
A friendly remember to please return all sports tops back to the office, so that they can be used for the next sporting event.
Thank you
Mr Kamano, PE Teacher
Attention: Parents and Carers of students in Grade 4, 5 and 6
Student Wellbeing and Engagement Survey
The wellbeing of our students is important to us - we want to hear how students feel, and think, about different things going on in their lives.
Those in Grades 4-6 at Lindisfarne Primary School will be taking part in the Student Wellbeing and Engagement Survey. The results from this survey will help us get a picture of the current wellbeing of our students, and what we can do to improve future wellbeing for learning. The more students who take part, the clearer our picture will be.
The Student Wellbeing and Engagement Survey is part of the Department of Education’s Child and Student Wellbeing Strategy .
The details for the survey are:
When: Monday, September 5th – Friday, September 23rd
Who: Grade 4, 5 and 6 students
What do I need to do: You and your child don’t need to do anything. The survey will be done in class time and will not require your child to prepare in any way.
A letter with more information has been sent home with all Grade 4, 5 and 6 students, including Frequently Asked Questions and a form to sign and return to the school if you do not want your child to participate in the survey.
If you would like further information, please contact the school on 62439232.
Thank you for supporting us to ensure that all our learners are safe, feel supported and are able to flourish, so they can engage in learning.
Masks are not required in schools, early childhood centres and on public transport from 12.01am on Saturday 25 June 2022. However, some public transport providers and child care centres (staff and parents only) may still require them based on individual risk assessments for those settings.
From 1 July 2022, the requirement to wear face masks in all other remaining settings such as hospitals, residential aged care facilities, disability providers and correctional facilities will be based on individual organisational risk assessments for each of these settings.
Facemasks will still be required to be worn by close contacts when they are in indoor settings outside the home.
Face masks, along with other COVID-safe behaviours, remain an important way to help reduce the risk of COVID-19. Although not mandatory, mask wearing is still strongly recommended in airport terminals and other indoor settings, especially where physical distancing is not possible.
A friendly reminder to keep your child home if they are unwell or showing any COVID symptoms.
Rapid antigen tests are avaliable from the office.
A reminder that being at school is the best place for our learners. COVID-safe measures continue to be implemented, so that all students can learn in class safely.
If your child is well enough to attend school, being in the physical school environment is the best place for them.
If your child needs to stay home due to illness, but is well enough to continue learning, they can access the Virtual Learning Centre via Canvas. If your child is unsure of their school username and password to access the VLC, please let us know and we can provide these to you.
For Kindergarten to Year 10 students, the VLC provides access to an online learning program where you will find lessons and activities for your child on various focus areas including Reading and Writing, Number, Science, Physical Activity and Wellbeing.
In Term 3, the VLC will no longer run daily live sessions with a teacher, rather the courses will be self-directed, and your child can complete activities of interest to them for the relevant year level.
[In Years 11 and 12, short term enrolments in Virtual Learning Tasmania courses and access to optional stand-alone VET units of competency will continue. Online tutorials for English and Mathematics will no longer be available.]
You can also access resources and ideas to support learning at home at Learning at home - The Department of Education Tasmania
Whilst we acknowledge that illness may mean students are at home for a short time, we look forward to having all our students in class with us during Term 3.
For more information about the Virtual Learning Centre and changes to program delivery, please visit the Department of Education website.
If you need support translating or interpreting this information, contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.
We have noticed an increasing number of parents using the turning circle to park or drop children off in the morning and afternoon collection times.
Our carpark is for staff use only
Please make sure that you obey all Tasmanian Road Laws when parking around the school. Be mindful not to park over driveways, or too close to corners and crossings.
We have two main channels of communication here at LPS, Schoolzine and Seesaw. Schoolzine is where we issue things like this newsletter, important information relating to COVID and other essential communications that need your actions or attention.
Seesaw is an important communication tool that all of our teachers use to interact and share learning with families. We encourage parents to interact with staff through this portal and talk with you children about what we have shared. This is monitored during school hours. Please ensure you obtain the QR code from your children’s teacher and sign up to receive regular updates on their learning and photos of them engaging in lots of different activities.
If you have any urgent information that you need to give your children, the teacher or the office please call 6243 9262 as email communication can not be guaranteed with a prompt response.
If you would like to purchase an Entertainment Book, the school receives $14 for every purchase. Follow the link below to do so.
Bambini Bites works in association with CBA Bank/Mastercard and uses their online school canteen ordering system for the convenience of schools, parents and students called QKR which can be downloaded to all Apple phones/IPAD’s and Android devices.
QKR allows parents/staff to log into the app and place lunch order two (2) weeks in advance any time until 9.00pm the night prior the lunch is required.
Unfortunately, if you miss this cut off time, we are unable to assist with late orders. We recommend that you place your order as early as possible QKR sometimes struggles near cut off times due to the high usage of all users Australia wide. This cut off time has been put into place to allow our kitchen staff sufficient time to prepare food for all lunch orders.
We understand that little people can become unwell at the drop of a hat, to assist parents and families with this we request a text message to advise.
- Parents MUST send text message ONLY to 0400 948 649
- Copy of order receipt is required which will include the reference number for the order placed
- We will need confirmation of your child's name, school, class & ordered items.
We will process a credit to your QkR account within 3-5 business days that can be use in the future..
This process will take effect from Monday 27th June.
All order cancellations received after 7:45 AM will not be issued with a credit as after this time we will have prepared these items for lunch service.
We are happy for orders to be moved to other children or parents to collect from the canteen at lunchtime on the day of order fulfillment instead.
Please note orders for Sushi can not be refunded as these are ordered from a third party supplier and are ordered in advance.
These orders need to be cancelled via QkR prior to order cut off times (sushi specific) which is a day prior to normal order cut off times.