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Here we are at the end of another term and while it may have felt like it has flown by, it is a great opportunity to take some time to reflect on the experiences and achievements of Term 3.
A highlight in September was our Grade 3-6 Swimming Carnival. It was great for students to be able to participate in a range of swimming races and for students to set their own goals around what they wanted to achieve. For some, it was about trying to obtain an elusive ribbon and for others it was about participating in as many races as they could manage to contribute points to their House in the hope of an overall win.
We have celebrated many sporting achievements for teams and individual students. Benson (5/6W) was selected to represent Tasmania in the National Futsal Tournament and as a cherry on top of an already fantastic achievement, was named Captain of the team. We also had Toby, Xander and Benson (all from 5/6W) compete in the Interschool Football Competition and the team they played, the Clarence Roos won the tournament’s Grand Final. Well done to all boys involved, we know their strong sense of sportsmanship would have been on display throughout their competitions.
Our Grade 5/6 students were treated to a visit from Dominic College’s Taiko Drum group who played for them in our school GP Hall. While the performance was just for our Grade 5/6 students, some of our other classes nearby were lucky to hear some of the performance as the drum sound really packed a punch. Mrs Hedge had some of her P/1 students ask if there was thunder! Our 5/6 students were able to ask questions and gain some insight into the skills and benefits of playing the Taiko Drums.
Grade 5/6 students represented the school at the Maths Relay on Sunday, competing in teams to complete a range of mathematical problems. In Team One was Memphis, Curtis, Elsa and Hannah and in Team Two was Samuel, Eleanor, Sophie and Tommy. In the lead up to the event, students worked with our Quality Teaching Coach in numeracy, Mrs Curran, to practise problem solving and efficiency in mathematical strategies. We congratulate the students for challenging themselves and competing in an event outside of school hours. Thank you to Mrs Curran for assisting the students in the preparations for the event and for supporting them on the day.
We hope that all students and families take time to rest, restore and rejuvenate over the school holiday break. Our staff look forward to seeing our students return on Monday 17 October for a fantastic final term of 2022. A reminder that our first week back is a short week with the public holiday occurring on Thursday 20 October and a Student Free Day on Friday 21 October.
During Term 3, teachers spent time working together in grade teams working through an inquiry which focussed on a specific area of number aligned with our term letters. Each team spent time designing assessment tasks supporting the outcomes within the curriculum and then moderating samples to determine what misunderstandings students had. We worked together to plan learning experiences that provided opportunities for students to engage in learning and supported their growth.
When I asked our students about their learning, here is what they had to say:
“Subitising is knowing the number straight away! We do lots of subitising. We play and use toys to subitise them.” Hudson, Daniel and Andrew, Kinder White
“We have been learning about using lady bugs and plussing them and subitising. My favourite is subitising.” Hamish, Prep White
“We have been learning about part-part whole. It’s great! You can break a whole into two parts. It helps with adding.” Jacob and Maisy, Prep/1
“Miss Cato made our math sheets and targeted teaching rotations really fun. We go to use mini whiteboards to draw arrays on. I have learnt about dividing this term. It has to be equal parts.” Georgia, 1/2 White
“I know lots of stuff now. Multiplication is just like adding!” Leo D, 1/2 Navy
“We have been learning about decimals while on the mat. We get to interact with our teacher, and we got to have lots of fun. Decimals are tenths and hundredths.” June, 3/4 Black
“We now know how to cut up pizzas and cakes into fractions. I once tried to cut a cake into thousands, it didn’t work! We have learnt about one fifth, one sixth and lots of other fractions and decimals. We have learnt how to use decimals and how they are similar to fractions.” Oscar and Loui, 3/4 Blue
“Whatever job we get we know we can do it! We have learnt how to turn a fraction into a percentage and decimal.” Millie and Elsa, 5/6 White
Here are some pictures to illustrate the amazing work of our teachers and students.
It’s no secret that one of the highlights of my role is getting to recognise and celebrate student achievement. One of the ways in which I get to do this is through the school’s Home Reading Program. One of our school priorities is for students to reach 100 nights reading, as research and our own data shows a positive correlation between reading outside of school and reading achievement.
I am so happy to share that the time of writing this, we have 142 students who have reached or surpassed reading 100 nights. This is nearly 50% of our students from P-6! Our students show passion and enthusiasm for reading and each week I am greeted by students who excitedly share with me that they have reached a reading milestone, whether it be 100, 200 or 300 nights reading. While our students do a great deal of this learning, we thank our families for supporting children to read and our teachers who motivate, encourage, and listen to children read weekly. With the number of nights remaining before the end of the school year, there is still the opportunity for students to reach 100 nights reading or the next milestone in their reading journey. Reader’s Club still operates twice weekly on Monday and Wednesday mornings and we welcome all students (and any family volunteers) to come along and read aloud.
- Did you know that we have awarded over 150 books for students reaching home reading milestones and for attending Reader’s Club?
- Did you know that the points accumulated from Scholastic Book Club help fund our book prizes for students?
- Did you know that for the month of September 109 students attended Reader’s Club?
Our Grade 1/2 classes have been collectively working to improve the participation and engagement of our students reading at home. They have set students a creative challenge of sending in photos of children reading in weird and wonderful places outside of school. Students and families have enjoyed getting involved and showcasing some very weird and wonderful places where students can read. Take a look at some of our students below:
Sophie Sheehan
AST Literacy
The LPS Parents & Friends Assosiation have approved funding for our School to be involved in this unique reading support program to help our students to become life-long readers.
The teachers love this program, the students can’t wait to read and the program works!
- Do you have a dog that is well behaved, gentle and is happy around children?
- Can you spare a couple of hours a week?
Benefits to your school and students:-
- Year 2 students receive one on one time, approx 20 mins, with an accredited Dog Team, the dog handler and the dog.
- A reading support program that gets results – see web site for more details;
- Minimal class disruption – the dog does not go into the classroom unless invited by
the classroom teacher. All reading sessions are outside of the classroom in a quiet
space nearby; - A new and exciting spin on reading for your students.
How the Program fits into your school:-
- Reading sessions take place in a quiet area of the school grounds, such as the
library or the verandah outside the classroom. - A reading session is approximately 20 minutes long, where each child is one-on-one with the Dog Team.
- The Dog Team will visit on the same day at the same time each week, seeing the
same 4 – 6 Target Students. - Books are chosen to suit the child’s reading level. Story Dogs does supply books
and books can also be from the classroom or library. - During the session the handler often speaks through the dog, such as; “Simba
doesn’t quite understand what is happening on this page could you help him out?”
The child becomes the teacher; confidence soars!
If you have a dog that may be suitable for the program and you are willing to volunteer your time, please call or email Story Dogs for more information.
Reader's Club is being inundated with enthusiastic readers. We would love the help of additional volunteers in providing the opportunity for all students to read aloud. If you can spare some time, come and join us in the library between 8.30-9.00 on Mondays and Wednesdays. It is a great way to start the day! All volunteers are required to have a Working with Vulnerable People Card and be Fully Vaccinated.
We have noticed an increasing number of parents using the turning circle to park or drop children off in the morning and afternoon collection times.
Our carpark is for staff use only
Please make sure that you obey all Tasmanian Road Laws when parking around the school. Be mindful not to park over driveways, or too close to corners and crossings.
Kinder enrolments for our 2023 classes are now open for children born in 2018. Children must either be living within the Lindisfarne Primary School Intake Area or be a younger sibling of an already enrolled student at Lindisfarne Primary School.
Pre-Kinder is for all students who have been accepted into Kinder for 2022, this will start in term 3, all enrolment forms need to be returned as soon as possible.
If you have a child ready for Kinder next year, please phone the school office on 6243 9232 to get the enrolment process started.
Term/Week |
Date |
Hosting |
Sharing |
T4/Week 2 |
October 28th |
3/4 Navy and 1/2 White |
SRC Update Prep/1 1/2 White 3/4 Blue |
T4/Week 6 |
November 25th |
3/4 Black and 1/2 Blue |
SRC Update Prep Blue 1/2 Blue 3/4 Black |
T4/Week 8 |
Thursday December 8th |
Music Assembly (Thursday) Junior Choir Senior Choir Grade 4 Recorder Grade 6 Marimba 5/6 Brass Band |
T4/Week 9 |
December 16th |
Christmas on Henley All classes present an item |
First day of Term 4 - 17 October
Public Holiday (Hobart Show) - 20 October
Student Free Day - 21 October
Grade 5/6 Camp - 9-11 November
Grade 3/4 Camp - 10-11 November
Christmas on Henley - 16 December
Leavers Assembly - 20 December
Leavers Dinner - 20 December
Last day of Term - 21 December
LIL sessions are on Friday mornings at 9am. We look forward to seeing you all.
There will no longer be a booking system in place either. We do need to inform you that the situation could change at any time, but any updates will be communicated through our Facebook page.
Thank you Miss Purdie and Mrs Brown.
A friendly remember to please return all sports tops back to the office, so that they can be used for the next sporting event.
Thank you
Mr Kamano, PE Teacher
Thank you to everyone who has finalised their 2022 school levies. If you have outstanding levies, our School Business Manager, Libby Ashlin, will be making calls to touch base and work out a plan for you to finalise these.
You should have received the invoices for Grade 3-4 and 5-6 Camps by now, it is our preference for all outstanding levies to be paid before camp payments are made.
If you are having any difficulties paying any outstanding amounts, please don't hesitate to contact us to make a payment arrangement that suits your needs.
Please email Libby directly at or phone her on 6243 9232 and she will be very happy to assist.
Thank you.
Dear Students and Families,
I know it is hard to believe, but Spring is here!
Please remember from Thursday 1 September until the end of the school year, to have your hat at school every day. You will need to wear it when you are outside.
Department of Education Sun Protection Policy - This policy aims to ensure staff, students and children maintain a healthy UV balance all year round.
Being SunSmart in Tasmania means using sun protection when UV levels reach 3 and above, this occurs from September to April. This means implementing sun protection measures from the beginning of the school year until the end of April and again from the beginning of September until the end of the school year.
Public Health has changed the mandatory COVID-19 isolation period from seven days to five days. This means COVID-19 cases can leave isolation, provided they:
- are no longer displaying symptoms on Day 5 of their isolation period
- have had no fever for 24 hours prior to Day 5.
People that leave isolation on or after day 5 must wear a face mask in all settings for days 5, 6 and 7 – even if they are not displaying symptoms. People are strongly recommended to wear a face mask indoors on days 8, 9 and 10.
Students under the age of 12 and all primary school students are not required to wear face masks upon leaving isolation. This approach is consistent with previous Public Health advice regarding mask wearing.
For more information, visit the Tasmanian Government Coronavirus website.
Bambini Bites works in association with CBA Bank/Mastercard and uses their online school canteen ordering system for the convenience of schools, parents and students called QKR which can be downloaded to all Apple phones/IPAD’s and Android devices.
QKR allows parents/staff to log into the app and place lunch order two (2) weeks in advance any time until 9.00pm the night prior the lunch is required.
Unfortunately, if you miss this cut off time, we are unable to assist with late orders. We recommend that you place your order as early as possible QKR sometimes struggles near cut off times due to the high usage of all users Australia wide. This cut off time has been put into place to allow our kitchen staff sufficient time to prepare food for all lunch orders.
We understand that little people can become unwell at the drop of a hat, to assist parents and families with this we request a text message to advise.
- Parents MUST send text message ONLY to 0400 948 649
- Copy of order receipt is required which will include the reference number for the order placed
- We will need confirmation of your child's name, school, class & ordered items.
We will process a credit to your QkR account within 3-5 business days that can be use in the future..
This process will take effect from Monday 27th June.
All order cancellations received after 7:45 AM will not be issued with a credit as after this time we will have prepared these items for lunch service.
We are happy for orders to be moved to other children or parents to collect from the canteen at lunchtime on the day of order fulfillment instead.
Please note orders for Sushi can not be refunded as these are ordered from a third party supplier and are ordered in advance.
These orders need to be cancelled via QkR prior to order cut off times (sushi specific) which is a day prior to normal order cut off times.
We have two main channels of communication here at LPS, Schoolzine and Seesaw. Schoolzine is where we issue things like this newsletter, important information relating to COVID and other essential communications that need your actions or attention.
Seesaw is an important communication tool that all of our teachers use to interact and share learning with families. We encourage parents to interact with staff through this portal and talk with you children about what we have shared. This is monitored during school hours. Please ensure you obtain the QR code from your children’s teacher and sign up to receive regular updates on their learning and photos of them engaging in lots of different activities.
If you have any urgent information that you need to give your children, the teacher or the office please call 6243 9262 as email communication can not be guaranteed with a prompt response.
If you would like to purchase an Entertainment Book, the school receives $14 for every purchase. Follow the link below to do so.