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I would like to acknowledge all of the Grade 3 and 5 students who have participated in NAPLAN this week. All students worked hard and you should be super proud of their efforts! The following post was shared on our Facebook page earlier in the week and it's a great message to share with all students who participated in the testing:
As NAPLAN testing begins this week we want to remind our students that this test does not assess what makes each of you exceptional and unique.
The people who score these tests don't know that you love to sing, are good at drawing or that you can teach others how to use a computer program. They don't see the way in which you speak confidently in front of a group or the way in which you help others when they are in need. They don't see your fantastic sporting abilities or the sportsmanship you show in games and they don't know how you help out Mum and Dad at home. This testing will show how you did on that day.
The staff at Lindisfarne Primary know our students and what makes them special and we believe that they will do their very best. We wish them the best of luck.
The Cross Country carnival is being held on Tuesday 21st May at Geilston Bay Oval. This site will give students a practise at the course they will run if they make it into the Interschool competition. I welcome parents, friends and family to attend. The first race will start at 9:20am with the Grade 4 students. I would like to thank Donna Green, Danielle Johnson, Keith Scott and Sarah Peart for taking time out of their day and volunteering to support us at this event.
On Wednesday 22nd May all schools across Australia can participate in National Simultaneous Storytime. National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. Now in its 19th successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children's book that explores age-appropriate themes, and addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for Foundation to Year 6.
By facilitating NSS we aim to:
- promote the value of reading and literacy,
- promote the value and fun of books,
- promote an Australian writer and publisher,
- promote storytime activities in public libraries and communities around the country,
- and provide opportunities to involve parents, grandparents, the media and others to participate in and enjoy the occasion.
This year's story is Alpacas with Maracas by Matt Cosgrove. If you have this book at home, read along with little ones at 11am next Wednesday. Last year over 1 million people in 8255 locations around the world participated. Katrina in the Library has organised 2 wonderful surprise visitors on Thursday!!
I hope you all have had the opportunity to meet Indy, the school dog. Indy has been working in schools for 3 years now, and has been welcomed into the Lindisfarne community by students, staff, parents and community members.
There are so many reasons why 'Fido' is considered man’s best friend- no one will ever be happier to see you when you walk through the front door every day, or listen to you for hours on end without a complaint. There’s no doubt that dogs help contribute to better health. Now that most of the school community have had a chance to see Indy working at school, I thought it was timely to share some research based information around animals in schools and animal therapy.
A snapshot of benefits where a School Dog can be engaged to help students:
- Improving concentration, attention and listening
- Play, participation and social interaction
- Speech and other communication
- Reducing anxiety
- Personal care activities eg grooming; personal hygiene etc Sensory skills development
- Motor skills development
- Cognitive skills development
- Confidence and self esteem
- Responsibility and respect for others
- Developing independence
- Motivation to attend school or engage in specific learning/activities
- Specific life skills
(This information is sourced from Delta Dogs and School Dogs websites across Australia)
More detail: A greater enjoyment of being in the school environment, improved attendance and a greater willingness to learn and participate. Improved behaviour, social interaction and sense of responsibility in the classroom are some other benefits, as well as increased knowledge of dogs and how to behave safely and appropriately around them.
Social benefits: Improvements in the way students interact with each other and with members of staff. The exciting part of this is that these effects extend into the home environment for some students.
Promote exercise: Having a dog at school can increase student’s willingness to exercise and improve motor skills.
Anxiety relief: Dogs can help students suffering from anxiety, severe disruptive behavioral disorder, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), and ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder). Studies have shown that when we touch dogs, it has healing powers because hormones like dopamine and beta-endorphin are released. Some of the photos below show Indy at 'work', comforting some students who presented at the office with minor injuries.
The presence of the dog in the classroom and around the school has a beneficial effect on students and staff. Members of the school have a ‘shared interest’. This encourages everyone to communicate, which has a positive impact on communication and relationships around the school.
If you do have any concerns or questions please make time to come in and have a discussion with me. Thank you to all the parents who have come to share positive experiences they have either seen of students with Indy or conversations they have had at home with their children.
Kind regards
Sarah Hoban
Acting Principal
Lindisfarne Primary GP room is a registered polling place for this Saturday's Federal Election. The School Association will be cooking up a storm on the BBQ for voters and passers by. There will also be a variety of cakes and baked goods available for purchase. Head along and grab a delicious treat while casting your vote!
The next meeting of the School Association will be held on Tuesday 4th June in the Library at 7pm. All are welcome to attend.
Have you got your 2019/2020 Entertainment Book yet? If not, please consider purchasing your book or digital subscription from the office. Every book sold helps us raise money to fund several smaller projects around the school. Every sale helps!
With over $20,000 in discounts, there is bound to be something for everyone.
Take a look!
Orders for Book Club Issue #3 close today (17/5/19) at 5pm.
There is still time to put in an online order. Take a look at what's on offer:
Our two Launching Into Learning sessions have been a great success this year. Head along to Rock & Rhyme with Mrs Green on Tuesday mornings in the Music Room from 9am, or to Play and Learn with Mrs Bec in teh Kinder on Thursdays from 9:15am.
It's Cross Country time again and this year our students will be running the course at Geilston Bay Oval, behind Lindisfarne North Primary School.
Students will run at the following times:
9:20am Grade 4 - 2km
9:40am Grade 3 - 2km
10:10am Grade 5 - 2.2km
10:30am Grade 6 - 2.6km
Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to marshall on the day. Ms Barnes will chat to you about your role at the oval. If any other parents would like to help, please let the office know or email Ms Barnes at
Qualifying students will be selected to attend the SPSSA Interschool Cross Country on Wednesday 12th June, again at Lindisfarne North oval.
Kinder enrolments for 2020 are now open for siblings and in-area families. If you have a child born in 2015 please collect an enrolment package from the school office.
The next assembly is on next Friday 24th May at 2:10pm in the GP room. 4A will be hosting, with 5/6B and Prep B performing.
Congratulations to the following students who received Principal's Award in assembly this week:
Jack S - consistently aspires to reach his potential as a writer as demonstrated in his latest narrative piece. Great work!
Jay K - Since arriving mid-way through term one, Jay has consistently worked hard to embrace the concepts addressed in this class. Keep up the good work!
Cane J - having a high expectation of himself as a learner and applying himself fully to reach these goals.
Evie C- her growth in her maturity and increased focus on her learning activities.
Raymond C - his continued persistence and “have a go” attitude to his maths activities.
Haylee B - consistently showing respect to her teacher and classmates, both through her kind words and thoughtful actions. Well done, Haylee.
Sofia D - putting her friends first and sharing with other children.
Gabi M - doing an awesome job with her writing. She is writing simple sentences with most words spelt correctly.
Eliza B - For super growth in her reading so far this year. Well done, Eliza!
Madison H - For her fluency when reading. she demonstrates accuracy, expression and a smooth rate when reading out loud.
Eliza G - For being resilient on our walk to and from ANZAC Park, for engaging well with the tasks set and collecting an impressive amount of information.
Claire V - For taking up the Ad Astra STEM challenge and completing many other tasks in Ad Astra. You are showing excellent independent learning skills, Claire.
Michael H - For demonstrating growth in the development of his ideas for story writing.
Hannah K - For always aspiring to do her best particularly in the area of creative writing tasks.
Harmony P - For fantastic participation and enjoyment of the learning experience at Woodbridge Marine Discovery Centre.
Sophie M - For consistently being a careful listener and thoughtful about the way she approaches her learning.
Sophie K - For her increased confidence when contributing to class discussions and willingness to use feedback to improve the quality of her work
Olive S - For the amazingly positive attitude with which you approach every learning activity. You are enthusiastic, willing to attempt challenging tasks and use feedback and assistance to improve the quality of your work.
Mollie B - For demonstrating continual growth from the beginning of the year. She takes on feedback to make improvements to her work and she consistently tries her best and makes positive choices during learning tasks. Well done, Mollie!
Mason C - showing a development in confidence which he demonstrates through his enthusiasm and can do attitude towards learning. He is an active learner who participates and makes valuable contributions in class discussions. Great effort, Mason!
Daniel J - For being positive, respectful and trustworthy in class and on our excursion to ANZAC Park.
Coco S - For consistently working through challenges and actively participating in class discussions.
Bailee E - For always trying her best with all activities and making sure her work is always of a high standard.
Liyng W - For always trying her best with her tasks and showing growth through the way she listens to advice and finds ways to improve her work.
Congratulations to Jacob A, who was selected as our Aussie of the Month for April. Here is his nomination:
Jacob is a kind and thoughtful member of our school who shows respect for his peers and teachers by including others, being helpful and looking out for those who might feel left out or in need of a friend. He demonstrates courage by attempting new challenges even when they are difficult and in his ability to stand up for what is right. Jacob's work ethic is aspirational as he is willing to at do his best and participate fully in all learning opportunities. His growth mindset is apparent in his ability to use feedback to improve the quality of his work and identify where better choices could be made in future classroom and social situations.
Grade 1A and 1B will be walking to Simmons Park next Wednesday 29th May.
Grades 3 to 5 will be participating in the annual Swimming and Water Safety (SAWS) program from Monday 3rd June until Friday 14th June. Please note Monday 10th June is a public holiday.
Students will need to be prepared with bathers, towel, a plastic bag for wet clothes and swimming cap. (Cap will be provided at the first session).
Check out the DoE site for further info on this important program:
Would your child enjoy being a featured reporter, writer or artist in our newsletter? This new segment is for students to share a talent, passion or message with their community.
Items could include artwork, a piece of writing about something that is important to them, a piece of work they are proud of or maybe, they'd like to interview one of their peers.
We can't wait to see what our amazing students come up with!
Send submissions through to
This week we are starting off simply with a couple of questions from our first "Featured Voice": Pippa B.
"What's new around the school?"
Gabe: Miss Mountford
Bill: Indy. She is nice and fluffy.
Linda: Indy the dog. She's bringing lots of smiles and happiness. She's like the Pied Piper!
Luka: The boys toilets being painted
Lucy: The mural in the girls' toilets. It's so pretty!
"What has been your favourite part of the week?"
Joel: Getting the highest score in table grids with Mrs B!
Isabella: Indy
"Where is the best place to play at school?"
Claire: Little Adventure
Leo: The monkey bars at Kinder
Charlotte: Henley Tower
Samuel: Loatta
Maya: Kinder playground
Eliza: Henley Oval