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Our Grade 3 to 5 Swimming and Water Safety program starts on Monday the 3rd of June. Teaching children to swim also helps them learn about water safety, to assess safe and dangerous situations and how to react in emergencies. Being able to swim improves the chances of survival, saves lives and can reduce drowning cases in this country.
The Inter-School Cross Country Carnival is on Wednesday the 12th June. Selected students have had notes sent home with information about the day.
Swimming and Water Safety (SAWS) Program - please make sure you have completed the Aquatic Excursion consent form that was attached to the back of Validation forms at the start of the year.
Dear parents/carers,
As Tasmania is an island state surrounded by coast line, as well as inland waters and other aquatic environments, swimming and water safety are necessary life skills that add to our health, fitness and wellbeing. Activities such as fishing, boating, water play, swimming, surfing, diving etc. require swimming and water safety skills. In acknowledgement of the importance that water safety and swimming capabilities play throughout our lives, the Department of Education mandates that all students learn to be safe and competent in water environments, as a component of the primary curriculum. Every effort is made to ensure that each child is made to feel safe and relaxed during this program.
The Department of Education Swimming and Water Safety Program consists of 10 lessons over two weeks for each year group in years 3, 4 and 5. The dates for our school program are: Monday 3rd of June to Friday 14th of June.
Your child will need to bring along the following items every day throughout their program:
•Swimming gear – including bathers and swimming cap
•Towel and plastic bag for wet clothes
Goggles: Students may use goggles, however they are not encouraged. An aim of the program is that students become competent in their skills without the use of goggles. Some components of the program, in particular the survival components will be assessed without goggles.
Change Rooms: Parents are welcome to attend the program, however students are encouraged to be independent dressers and therefore parents are requested to not accompany their child in the change rooms.
Photos: Due to privacy issues photos must be restricted to individual pictures of your child.
Swimming Caps: For health and safety reasons, it is Department of Education policy for all students to wear swimming caps. These will be available free of charge for all Year 3-5 students through the school.
Jewellery: For safety reasons, ear studs and dangly earrings are not to be worn in the pool.
We are looking forward to celebrating your child’s progress during this year’s swimming and water safety program. If you have any questions regarding the program, please feel free to contact the school office.
Kind regards,
Chantel Barnes
Health and Physical Education Teacher
The next assembly will be next Friday 7th June. 3B will be hosting, with items from 2B and 4B as well.
Congratulations to our most recent Principal’s Award recipients:
Meara C- for taking risks to become the best you can be, asking for and accepting help when you need it and being a positive role model for others.
Taylor J- for acknowledging that growth can be hard but persevering when something is difficult, and that asking for help is a strength not a weakness.
Ben S- for his creative thinking across all areas. Ben regularly inspires us with daily quotes such as “When you take your time, it’s usually better.” Ben also shows initiative. For example, he created ’Ben’s Bookshop’ to encourage his classmates to write stories and make books.
Erin P- for her excellent listening skill and her ability to work independently and effectively. In this way she continually builds her skills and knowlegde across many areas. Erin is also helpful to others in class and in social situations. She can be a quiet, yet compromising leader.
Stephanie W- for her persistence and excellent achievement in cross country this week. Well done on a spectular effort, Stephanie!
Joel A- for showing dedication and persistence to achieve growth in maths, attaining success in learning his times tables and applying good techinques in other areas of maths.
Freya P- for doing very well in her reading and displays a knowledge of the many words that she is able to read.
Albie V- for following classroom rules, displays good manners and is always ready for his learning.
Indiah P- for showing growth in her improved concentration, and perserverence with her learning activities.
Bella C- for showing courage when starting as a new student this term. Welcome, Bella!
Xander H- for working very well in class and is making some great contributions to class discussions.
Maddie R- for applying herself in Maths where she demonstrates determination and excellent listening skills. Great work, Maddie.
Jack P- for applying multiplicative thinking when calculating the surface area of a two dimensional shape.
Taj C- for working with focus on his research about the Gummy Shark.
Maya W- for always having a positive attitude towards learning and always producing work of a very high standard.
Billy R- for always trying his best at challenging work and not giving up.
Liam C- for displaying a keen interest in current affairs and sharing his ideas through interesting persuasive writing pieces and debating.
Cleo P- Congratulations on stepping out of your comfort zone to represent our school in debating.
Piper C- for being an independent worker who is always aspiring to improve and produce her best work in all subject areas.
Ryan B- for developing interesting ideas in creative writing and for organising these ideas well by using paragraphs.
Bridie P- for contributing to discussions in guided reading with interesting ideas and facts.
Blake H- for his effort, confidence and growth working with numbers beyond 100 in maths. Well done, Blake.
Isobel W- for her excellent writing on Monday, including lots of ideas and following the correct structure for a recount. Well done!
Sophie H- for trying hard with her maths work and having the courage to successfully attempt new challenges.
Tom O- for his growth in the area of developing excellent stories containing well constructed sentences have been put together in a concise manner.
Tiarna J- Congratulations on stepping out of your comfort zone tro represent our school in debating.
The next meeting of the School Association will be held on Tuesday 11th June at 7pm in the Library.
The latest minutes from meetings are posted in the Gallery display case, next to our SRC news display. Feel free to stop by to take a look!
National Simultaneous Storytime/Alpaca Visit
Our students and staff participated in this year’s National Simultaneous Storytime, joining with over 1 million readers around Australia to read ’Alpacas with Maracas’ at 11am on Wednesday 22nd May. Head to our Facebook page to watch the video of Mrs Vince reading to our students.
Library Tech Extraordinaire, Mrs Roocke, organised a special visit from Rosie, a friendly alpaca from Toffeemont Alpaca farm. Students had the opportunity to feed Rosie, feel her fleece and ask questions about these adorable creatures.
To learn more about them, check out the Toffemont website here:
The Lost Property basket outside the office is once again full. Please ensure all uniform items are clearly named and remind your child that if they take off their jacket/jumper/hat to put it straight into their school bag.
A reminder that any items without a name on it will be added to our second hand collection.
The SPSSA Div B Interschool Cross Country is being held next Wednesday 12th June at Lindisfarne North Primary School. COngratulations to the following students who have been invited to participate:
Grade 3 Boys | Grade 3 Girls |
Daniel J Lachlan H Ollie B Luka K Wiley P Oliver A Reserve: Aidan G |
Coco S Isabelle O Zhara D Payten J Chloe G Willow M Reserve: Eleanor M |
Grade 4 Boys | Grade 4 Girls |
Riley D Jacob A Lachlan S Nate S Tom G Hamish M Reserve: Joshua G |
Olive S Sophie M Samantha R Meara C Adele W Taylor J Reserve Sophie K |
Grade 5 Boys | Grade 5 Girls |
Sam O Cooper B Jacob M Nayte B Will M Thomas J |
Holly F Ireland M Ruby T Stephanie W Tiarna J Cleo P |
Grade 6 Boys | Grade 6 Girls |
Alex R Ben P Calum H Isaac W Toby S Lucas B Reserve: Joelle V |
Bonnie S Ariellah S Poppy H Ella W Piper C Pippa B Reserve: Eelaf S |
Our School Association will be running the canteen at the carnival for the 3 days that it is held over. Make sure you visit them to grab a delicious coffee or treat.
Mrs Bloomfield has added lots of new artwork to The Gallery display (formerly the Breezeway).
Head up there and take a look at the Cherry Blossom Boughs by the Grade 4s, Kandinsky style circles by our Preps and some self portraits by the Grade 1s.
Volunteering with our students
Our school is extremely lucky to have so many parents, grandparents and carers who volunteer their time in classrooms and other areas around the school. Remember that in order to volunteer in classes, attend excursions or help out in other areas sround the school, you need to provide the office with your current Registered Working with Vulnerable People card. These can be obtained by completing the forms in the link below, and submitting them at Service Tasmania.
LPS are once again collecting Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers. These will be exhanged for sporting and educational resources at the end of the promotion. Next time you are shopping at ‘Woolies’, make sure you grab your stickers and put them in the Lindisfarne Primary box at the front of the store, or bring them to the school office.
Further information can be found here:
Grab your 2019/2020 Entertainment Book before midnight on June 3rd to pick up a bonus $10 Priceline eGift card. Books/Digital Memebership are $70 and books are available from the office. Payment can be made in cash or via the Entertainment Book website (see below).
Our first ever Silver Coin Book Sale was a great success this morning! $35 in silver coin donations was made, and students were able to pick up a bargain while sharing a love of reading with their peers.
The next Book Sale day will be Friday 28th June, same time and location. If you have any book donations that could be turned into new library resources, please bring them in!