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It is my pleasure to announce that Mrs Andrea Curran has won the position of Advanced Skills Teacher for the remainder of 2019. Mrs Curran will be working in the role of Numeracy Coach across Kinder to Grade 6, and brings with her extensive experience and knowledge in coaching and numeracy. We also are pleased to confirm that Mrs Jen Thompson will be staying with us in the role of Art teacher for the rest of this term.
Today, 5/6A and 2A travelled to Rosny College to attend their Science Fair. Eight of our classes have opted into this amazing experience over the next 7 days, where college students will share their knowledge with our students as part of Science Week.
Following on from Science Week, we are very excited to have lots of fun and educational opportunities organised during Book Week (August 17th-23rd). Our parade is being held on Wednesday 21st August at 9:15am in the GP Hall. Staff and students are very excited about this, and welcome all parents and friends to attend the parade.
Duty of Care is something we take very seriously at LPS, and therefore, it is important for all parents to be aware that this doesn’t officially begin here until 8:30am and ends at 2:55pm. If students arrive before 8:30am, or are on school property after 2:55pm they must be in the company of a responsible adult. We are fortunate to have Clarence Outside School Hours Care here on site, so if you are having trouble with either before or after school care please contact the Clarence Council on 6217 9610 to discuss availability, or visit their website here:
Over the past few months we have been working hard on our communication with parents. As I have previously mentioned, we have several social media platforms, in class online apps as well as our official SchoolZine app. Could all parents who need to communicate with the school please use the SchoolZine app, or phone the school office (6243 9232), when reporting absences or if they need to send messages to students or classroom teachers. The Facebook site/Seesaw app is not checked regularly throughout the day, and is not an appropriate forum for time-sensitive messages or information.
5/6B & 5/6C- will be participating in the Woolworths Fresh Food Tour, focusing on food waste at the Glenorchy branch of th supermarket. After the tour, students will head to the Glenorchy Library to take part in the TasNetworks S.T.E.A.M program.
Parent help is welcomed for this excursion. If you would like to come along with your child's class, please speak with their teacher and provide the office with a copy of your current RWVP card.
Prep A & Prep B - are headed to Zoo Doo on Thursday 15th August to complement their unit of work on living things.
3A & 3B - will be visiting the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery from 10:30am on Thursday 15th August as part of their HASS studies. The classes will then be walking to Princes Park before returning to school at
Parent help is welcomed for this excursion. If you would like to come along with your child's class, please speak with their teacher and provide the office with a copy of your current RWVP card.
Science Week -
August 10th - 18th is National Science Week. Classes will be visiting Rosny College to conduct and engage in a range of science experiments, working with college teachers as well as Year 11 and 12 students. The Rosny College bus will collect the classes on the following dates at around 10:20 and return them at 12:00pm:
Monday 12th August - 3A
Tuesday 13th August - 4A
Thursday 15th August - 1B & 4B
Friday 16th August - 5/6B & 2B
Check out the link below for more Science Week activities and info:
Parent help is welcomed for this excursion. If you would like to come along with your child's class, please speak with their teacher and provide the office with a copy of your current RWVP card.
There will be a lots of activities during this year's Book Week to help us celebrate our love of books and reading!
Students from Kinder-6 are invited to dress up as their favourite book character on Wednesday 21st August. If possible, encourage students to bring along the book associated with their character.
Parents/Guardians are welcome to come along to the GP room from 9:15am-10am to watch the parade.
Student Representative Council
Congratulations to the following students on being elected to the SRC for the second half of the year:
Coco S | Oliver A |
Wiley P | Claire V |
Jacob A | Abigail A |
Samuel O | Nathaniel S |
Pippa B | Emily M |
Ben P | Poppy H |
Piper C | Lachlan R |
Will M | Alexander R |
Amelia G |
Our thanks go to the outgoing SRC, for their dedication and service to the school.
We look forward to hearing about what our new Student Representative Council have planned!
The annual ‘Band Workshops’ for Year 5 children involved in the brass and woodwind instrumental program at the schools listed below will be held at the C3 Convention Centre, South Hobart on Wednesday 21 August and Thursday 22 August, 2019. The following information is provided regarding the workshops:
INVOLVEMENT: Blackmans Bay, Franklin, Goulburn Street, Illawarra, Kingston, Lenah Valley, Lindisfarne, Montagu Bay, Mount Stuart, New Town, Snug, South Hobart and Waimea Heights schools.
TRANSPORT: Parents are required to transport their children to and from the ‘Band Workshops’ at the C3 Convention Centre. Students can be delivered between 8.30am and 9.00am and must be collected at 3.30pm. Parents may wish to organise car pools to assist in the arrival and collection of students.
FOOD: Students are required to bring their morning tea, lunch and drink as there is no shop available.
Please be egg and nut aware.
CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT: Students may wear free-dress for the ‘Band Workshops’. Students must also bring their musical instrument, a pencil and band folder.
SUPERVISION: Children will be supervised by Senior Music Programs Officer, Mr Greenwood, as well as the Specialist Instrumental Music teachers working within the Band Program.
PROGRAM: A program of instrumental tuition and ensemble playing has been organised. This will be interspersed with walks and other fun activities.
PROGRESS PERFORMANCE: A short informal performance of the five pieces studied during the ‘Band Workshops’ will be presented at 3.00pm on Thursday 22 August. Parents and friends are invited to attend. This performance will allow you the opportunity to hear the musical progress your child has achieved during their time at the workshops.
Well done to our latest group of students to earn a Principal's Award:
Roxanne G: Making progress in learning her letters. Well done, Roxy!
Matthew H: Demonstrating creativity in many of his activities. He is constantly making things and is excited to share his creations.
Adalyn S: Always being respectful to others, and her willingness to consistently help in the classroom.
Luca D: Consistently aspiring to do his best, and showing respect to adults and peers alike.
Pho T: Trying hard with his writing and making big improvements with his sentences, spelling and grammar in his journal writing, and other writing activities
Indigo M: Always being a kind, respectful and considerate student to everyone, in and out of the classroom.
Sarah B: Great reading of her character’s lines in our recent play, ‘Jordan’s Football’.
Oguzhan W: His persistence, growth and aspiration to catch up on his learning about place value, after his holiday.
Toby B: Growing in his ability to write great sentences for his story and news writing.
Scarlett A: Always aspiring to do her best, especially when attempting new challenges.
Issabella C: Being kind and respectful to everyone. Bella has excellent work habits and a positive approach to learning.
Zoey P: Being a highly motivated and interested student across all of the learning areas. Zoey always strives to do her best.
Rowley A: Enthusiastic, thoughtful and focused answers to our philosophical ‘Questions of the Week’.
Payten J: Confidently working in a group, and making sure that her group achieved their goals in HASS/English.
Wiley P: Gaining the courage to express himself more readily. Wiley is a consistent worker who tackles all types of learning willingly and is now beginning to share his wonderful thoughts, knowledge and ideas with his peers. Well done, Wiley and keep it up!
Demi C: Always being respectful and helpful to her peers and others. She also shows a high level of self-respect by the way she approaches her learning and her willingness to share and teach others, especially in Mathematics. Great work, Demi!
Joshua G: Meeting the challenge of talking in front of others when presenting his diorama and Science research.
Ruby S: Demonstrating courage when showing her diorama and Science research to visitors in our classroom.
Cohen W: Presenting confidently at the Grade 4 Science Exhibition. Well done, Cohen!
Caitlin N: Her quiet confidence when presenting her work at the Grade 4 Science Exhibition. Keep up the great work, Caitlin!
Sophie G: Showing support and encouragement to her classmates in a manner that respects their individual qualities.
Pippa B: The courage she uses to show her vulnerability to others, and the resilience she demonstrates in difficult or unfamiliar situations.
Jackson T: Showing a greater commitment to his learning by making each day count, and being the ‘most improved flatbread roller’.
Ireland M: Showing enthusiasm towards learning new information, and for having the ability to roll perfectly round flatbread every time!
Mariam B: Consistently showing respect to her teacher and classmates. Mariam does this through her kind, encouraging words and thoughtful actions.
Nicholas L: His excellent listening skills and ability to work independently, which demonstrate his aspirations to be a great learner. Nicholas is quietly confident as he explores our new subject content.
Aussie of the Month: ELKE W
Elke is to be commended for her kind nature, friendly demeanour and generous spirit. Elke consistently shows the courage to be true to herself, while being a champion for others. Students, staff and parents have witnessed Elke’s kindness in action. This is evident through her comforting of injured students, delivering pep talks to peers or offering her time to help staff members. With her happy smile and determination to be a positive force, Elke is certainly an inspirational member of the LPS community.
The next assembly is on this coming Friday 16th August at 2:10pm in the GP room. Our new SRC will be hosting, with 5/6B, 4A and 2A showing items.
Movie Night
Next Friday, 16th August, the P&F will host their annual Family Movie Night in the GP room. Entry to the movie is free. The will be BBQ food and snacks available for purchase. Bring along a comfy beanbag, cushion or blanket and watch Sherlock Gnomes on the big screen!
Fathers Day Breakfast
Order forms for the Father's Day Breakfast came home with students last week. Spares are available from the office. Please have all orders in by Friday 23rd August. Cost is $5.00 per family. Classrooms will be open from 8:30-9:30am for parent visits.
Mark NOVEMBER 1st in your calendars - the Fair is on! Planning has begun for this years event, and we'd love some fresh ideas. If you're able to help out with planning, donating items, running a stall or in any other capacity, please email
Funding Requests: Funding requests from the LPS community are welcomed by our P&F School Association. You can find Funding Submission forms on the noticeboard in the Breezeway, or you can obtain one by emailing
If you have an idea about how available funds could be used, be sure to get your ideas to us!
Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Association will be at 7pm in the Library on Wednesday 11th September.
Students had a ball with the Hurricanes on Tuesday morning, while enjoying a delicious breakfast of toast, fruit and smoothies!
Early Reminder for the Leavers Dinner:
Over the last few years we have noticed a huge increase in the number of children coming to the Leavers Dinner in special cars; 2 years ago nearly 2/3 of children arrived this way. This is not a focus for the dinner that we want to foster or encourage.
We realise that this is a special time for the children, however, we want to ensure that it remains special for all children. We are worried about the pressure and impact on those children who don’t have access to a special car for the night. It is important that the focus for the night is the time spent at the dinner, not how they arrive. We also want to keep the celebrations inclusive for all, and most importantly age appropriate for Grade 6.
Last year we really appreciated the positive response to our request and feedback from many parents indicated that they were relieved to have this pressure taken off them.
We would really appreciate it if you could support us in this matter.
Vicki Doyle, Tam Bloomfield, April Tinker
Kinder enrolments for 2020 are now open for children born in 2015. If you are intending to enrol with LPS please complete and return an Enrolment Form at your earliest convenience. Email to request to have forms emailed out to you.