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With a lot of restrictions easing this month I am very pleased to announce that at the beginning of Term 3 we will be able to resume the following school based activities:
Parent pick up and drop off
Students can be dropped off at the classroom door. Students can also be picked up outside the classroom door (with physical distancing protocols in place).
Due to overwhelming feedback of how successful the ‘drop and go’ protocols have been we will be rostering a teacher at the Loatta and Henley Street gate if parents wish to continue to drop and go.
We are currently researching possible option for our school canteen. At this stage we are hoping to put it out to tender and have an outside contractor provide our Gold Accredited Menu. We are hoping to have this up and running by week two of next term.
All excursion and incursions directly related to the Australian Curriculum will resume in Term Three.
Parent help, parent teacher meetings and guest presenters
These can resume with a focus on physical distancing, venue density, strict hygiene. Screening processes apply.
The school may hold whole school assemblies for students and school staff however until physical distancing protocols are relaxed, parents are not permitted until further notice.
Unfortunately due to the ongoing uncertainty of restrictions our Grade 6 camp has been cancelled for this year. The Grade 6 staff will be offering an alternate experience to these students.
Launching in to Learning
In Term 3 we will be holding three sessions. On Tuesdays it will be Rock and Rhyme with Mrs Brown in the Music room from 9am. On Thursday mornings at 9am we will be offering two sessions: A Pre-Kinder session for all who intend to start Kinder in 2021 (in the Library) with Miss Hudson and our regular birth-4yr old session (in the GP hall) with Ms Innis.
Staff news
I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you to Miss Sam Vince, who has been teaching Grade 4 White for the past few months while Ms Isaac has been working from home. Miss Vince is finishing up with us this week, and I wish her all the very best for her next exciting adventure in the snow at Mt Buller in Victoria.
On the 16th of June we had a HUGELY successful School Association AGM, with over 30 parents joining us online via Zoom!
At this meeting we farwelled four long term Exective Members, and we would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Andrew Groom, Peter Bird, Rebecca Burgess and Jodi Cleaves for their ongoing support, fundraising and advice over the past two years.
Congratulations to the following new Executive members who were voted in last night:
Chair: Sara P
Vice Chair: Courtney Punshon
Treasurer: Emily Williams
Secretary: Sara Wright
We also welcome Paige Rayner, Teagan Booth, Janaya Butterworth and Sam Travers as voting members, who join continuing members Jess Absolom, Emily Williams, Beth Vince and Kel Innis. Thank all to the parents who attended and nominated.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday 28th July. A meeting invitation will be sent closer to the date via email and SZapp.
We are so excited about what the next few months will bring, and can’t wait to share all the new and exciting initiatives that our School Association will explore!
Do you or someone you know that lives locally have a child born in 2016? Enrolment for 2021 is now open, and we ask that anyone intending to send their child to Kinder at LPS complete an enrolment form or Out of Area Expression of Interest form (form will depend on your address).
Please remember to provide the following documents with all enrolment forms:
- Child ID - Birth Certificate / passport
- Enrolling parent's ID - Birth certificate / passport / Tasmanian Driver's Licence
- Child's immunisation record - Child Health Blue Book / printout from Immunisation Register
- Proof of Address - utility bill / bank statement / ATO assessment / rental agreement
The Department of Education (DoE) has released updated government primary and combined (district) school intake areas, to apply from Term 1, 2021. These updated intake areas will only apply to families who enrol a child in a government primary or combined (district) school for the first time from Term1, 2021.
This means that for parents with children already enrolled in our school, the updated intake areas do not apply to your family. If your child has a brother or sister who hasn’t started school yet, they can still enrol at our school.
Our school’s updated intake area map can be found here [provide a link to your pdf map]. This map is the same as the Proposed Map released by DoE last year in stage two of the Intake Area Review consultation process.
Why do we have intake areas?
Intake areas ensure that every Tasmanian child can enrol at a high quality government school close to where they live. Attending a school close to home helps children feel part of their local community. Intake areas also help ensure schools have the facilities and staff to best support their students’ learning.
Where to get more information?
If you would like more information about our school’s intake area, or help finding out whether a particular address is within our intake area boundary, please contact us directly.
Alternatively you can contact Learning Services (Learning Services Southern Region: phone 6165 6466 or email
If you have questions related to the Intake Area Review please visit the DoE Intake Area webpage:
You can also contact the Intake Area Review team at the Department of Education by phoning 1800 816 057 or email
New Home Area intake map:
Stay tuned for details in the coming weeks:
Lindisfarne primary School are once again fundraising with the Entertainment Book. This year, all subscriptions are digital - no more bulky books!
This means that you will have access to up to the minute offers, can share one membership between two devices and help support local businesses, all through the user friendly Entertainment Book app.
Follow the link below to unlock amazing deals!