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We are already half-way through the final term of this year. It is an understatement to say 2020 has been one ‘out of the box’, and last week the Department of Education recognised the hard work of both schools and parents in supporting our children through this challenging year through their Extraordinary online event. They also acknowledged the commitment of Vicki Doyle who has been teaching, supporting and inspiring Tasmanian children for the past 25 years. We join them in thanking Vicki for the way she approaches her teaching with unwavering care and respect for all students, and the contributions she has made as a valued member of our staff.
Our teachers and teacher assistants are continually gathering evidence to assess learners and support our end of year reporting cycle. We have been working collaboratively to moderate work samples to ensure that our ratings align with the Australian Curriculum standards of achievement and are consistent across our cohorts. If you have any questions about this process please don’t hesitate to call the school or send me an email. As always, your child’s teachers are available by phone or email to talk about how your student’s learning and achievement this year. Reports and class placements for 2021 will be coming home early in the last week of this term. We will also be holding a ‘Step Up’ day on Wednesday 16th Dec where we will bring students together with their classmates and, where possible, their teachers and rooms for next year.
The weather has been warming up and it has been fantastic to see everyone remembering their hats. Sunscreen is also an important component to sun safety and we have some available in classrooms but your child may also bring their own to school for personal use.
We have a few extra events coming up this term so please have another look at the bottom of the Term Letters that came home at the start of Term 4, check the calendar on SZapp and keep an eye on our Facebook page for any updates.
Warm regards,- We are well underway with preparations for our 2021 class structures. If your child will not be attending Lindisfarne Primary in 2021 can you please ensure you advise the school of your intentions. You can do this in person at the school office, through the schoolzine app or via email at
- If you have a child who is of kinder age (born in 2016), reside in our schools catchment area and have not yet enrolled them for 2021, can you please make contact with us asap.
4 White and 4 Blue
On Friday 13th November both Grade 4 classes will be exploring the Marine Discovery Centre at Woodbridge. The bus leaves school at 9am so please ensure students are on time. They will need to wear full school uniform, and bring along a packed lunch and drink bottle.
Prep Blue and Prep White
Preps Blue and White are heading to Eastside Activity Centre and to Bellerive Park for a play on Monday 16th November. They will be leaving school at 10:30am and returning by 2:30pm. Students will need to wear full school uniform, and bring along a packed lunch and drink bottle.
Grade 5/6 Blue, Navy and White
On Friday 20th November, all three Grade 5/6 classes are visiting the Hobart waterfront to learn about the monuments and statues there, asking who they recognise, what has been the impact of their contribution and how have they been remembered and celebrated. Students will need to wear full school uniform, and bring along a packed lunch and drink bottle. Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate footwear as they will be doing a lot of walking.
Then on the 30th November, all of our 5/6 students will be going to the Botanical Gardens to continue their science inquiry work.
On Wednesday 11th November, the SRC walked to ANZAC Park to attend the RSL Remembrance Day Ceremony. The heat was intense, but all students persevered. Will and Isobel were able to lay a wreath on behalf of Lindisfarne Primary School and we heard about the diggers and their time fighting for their country. Thank you to Deidre Wilson and Ruth Weldon for taking the time out of their day to walk with us and be a part of the experience.
On Tuesday 17th November we will be travelling to the Domain Athletics track for the SPSSA Division B Athletics Carnival. Students will need to have their lunch, drinks, any snacks they may need, sports clothing and sunscreen for the day.
Our team will be seated in the grandstand according to our lane number. All of our team will be expected to be with our supervising staff in the grandstand when they are not competing.
The school will supply a sport top for each student on the day. Parents are asked to launder and return the top as soon as possible after the Carnival.
Accompanying this notice is a program. Note that parents and friends are welcome to come along on the day however they are required to pay an entrance fee of $4.
We do require some parent assistance at the carnival. Events are run by teachers from our school, and parents are needed to assist those teachers in the running of that event. If you are able and prepared to give some of your time, please return the note below to the school office or contact the office on 62439323. A current Registered Working with Vulnerable People card is required for our volunteers.
Below is the program of events for the day:
Vincent Kamano
HPE Teacher
All school associations have been asked to write a submission to the Department of Education review into school reporting. The Department is interested in hearing about parents’ thoughts on how student progress is best shared with families. We’ll be discussing this at our upcoming meeting so if you are keen to have your say please come along.
Also on our agenda is drafting a fundraising calendar for 2021 – so if you have ideas, let us know!
Lastly, keep your eyes and ears open for our upcoming COVID safe fundraising event for 2020 – the end of year raffle! It’s been a tough year for many and fundraising opportunities have been limited, however a raffle is one thing we can organise. So please, support the school and the school association and join in the raffle spirit. Tickets coming home soon!
Next meeting: Tuesday 24 November 2020, 630pm, GP Room. All welcome, tea and biscuits provided.
Please make sure any School Banking rewards are ordered by Week 6.
We will be processing banking deposits until Week 9.
Thank you,
Megan and Jess
School Banking Co-Ordinators
The Department of Education recently announced that we would be expanding the Student Assistance Scheme (STAS) for 2021.
Parents who have a current concession card as listed below can apply for dependent studetns for assistance under the STAS:
- Services Australia - Centrelink Health Care Card
- Services Australia - Centrelink Low Income Health Care Card
- Services Australia - Pensioner Concession Card or
- Department of Veteran Affairs - Pensioner Concession Card
Please note that if you are already receiving student assistance you do not need to complete a form.
For 2021 a new, online form has been developed to assist with processing applications for new applicants.
The online form can be found here:
Once a validated form is completed, the Department of Education will confirm the outcome of your application in writing. This process takes apporximately 14 days.
We understand this online option may not be possible for all families, so if you require a hard copy form, please contact your school, phone 1800 827 255 or
5/6 Blue collaborated on colouring in and connecting this 32 A4 page map of Australia for NAIDOC week. We think you’ll agree that the joint effort has led to a fantastic result:
Our school values learning as a lifelong skill and this is something we aim to instil in our students. We value learning as a staff and are committed to professional and self-development to improve teaching practices and outcomes for our students. As part of our inquiry cycle into reading rotations, 6 of our staff members represented our school at a professional learning on Tuesday 3rd November focused on The Big Six skills of reading.
This professional learning explored guiding questions of:
What are 'The Big Six'?
Why do they matter?
How do I teach them?
Each area of The Big 6 (Phonics, Phonological Awareness, Comprehension, Oral Language, Vocabulary and Fluency) were examined, and strategies for teaching were discussed. The professional learning was incredibly valuable for our staff who attended and the next step is for our staff to reflect on and share back key learnings with our school community to further inform our inquiry.
Sophie Sheehan
Literacy Coach
What are the Big Ideas in Number?
At Lindisfarne Primary School we are committed to every learner demonstrating at least a year of growth for a year of learning in both Reading and Number. Our teaching and learning of the Number and Algebra Strand within the Australia Curriculum focuses on the Big 6: Trusting the Count, Place Value, Multiplicative Thinking, Partitioning, Proportional Reasoning and Generalising. Over the next few newsletters, I will explain some of these Big Ideas and provide some ideas for you to support these at home.
Professor Di Siemon. Nailing the Big Ideas in Number: National Partnership Schools Forum
Trusting the Count
Trusting the Count focuses on the fundamental building blocks which children need to be able to develop number sense. It includes being able to count aloud using the correct sequence (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc), recognise numerals, recognising dice patterns, count collections by counting in ones and then later 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and also matching the correct numeral to a collection. Subitising (recognising how many are in a collection without having to count it) is also a key component of Trusting the Count as well as developing mental images of collections (seeing that 6 can be represented in different ways on a tens frame and having a photo of this stored to recall when needed – please see below).
I know what 6 looks like on a ten frame…
When students begin to see that amounts can be partitioned (broken up) into multiple parts they can then start using this understanding to help them solve more complex problems.
How can you help at home?
Asking your children to subitise (say how many without counting) regularly is important. This can be done at tea time (How many carrot pieces are on your plate?), in the car (How many cars are parked on the side of the road?), at the park (How many children can you see playing at the swings?) or even just before they go to sleep (How many windows can you see?). If the collection is larger than 5 or 6 encourage them to see the collections as groups rather than counting all (e.g. I can see 5 pillows on the couch and another 2 on the chairs so that’s 7). This can also be done while reading stories but looking at the pictures and talking about how many we can see. If you child is not yet ready to subitise counting the items on a page, pointing to each individual item once, and being able to say how many at the end is also a great way to engage in number discussions at home!
Here are some pictures of our Kinders, Preps & Prep/1s exploring Trusting the Count. They are using things like dominoes and number lines to help them explore numbers and collections!
Our annual Community Partnership Morning Tea, (formerly Volunteer Morning Tea), is on next Thursday 19th November. Students were excited to design and create invitations to send to their class volunteers.
While we have tried our best to make sure that all of our helpers have received an invitation, there is a chance that some may have not been reached.
If you have volunteered in any capacity at the school this year, please come along and allow us to celebrate and thank you.
Come along to the Library Hub at 10:45am next Thursday 19th November.
Please RSVP for catering purposes via email to
We hope to see you there!
The statewide JATNET Japanese Speech Competition has been held again this year.
Sophie, Hannah, Daniel, Demi, Eleanor, Lachlan, Luka, Elke, Luke and Emma made up the Lindisfarne Primary School team.
These students have been meeting with me at recess once a week to write, practice and memorise their speeches.
This year’s competition had a different format with students recording their speeches at school which were then uploaded for judging.
I am very proud of the effort and dedication the team made in meeting each week.
Special congratulations to Lachlan, who was awarded an Honourable Mention in Year 4 and Luka who achieved Second Place in the special entry division.
Orientation Day for all prospective Grade 7 students heading to Rose Bay in 2021 will be held on Wednesday 2nd Dec. Students need to make their way to the RBHS gymnasium at 9:00am. The day will conclude at 2:45pm.
Students are required to wear their current school uniform and make their own way to and from the school. Our school canteen will be open for those who would like to purchase recess and/or lunch.
All students will be advised of their class group for 2021, and will meet their future class mates, Year Co-ordinators, Home Group Teachers and Peer Support Leaders.
If you no longer require the enrolment at Rose Bay High School, please contact their school office ASAP on 03 6242 9299.
You may have noticed how great our school driveway is looking now! Parents and carers are reminded that they are not to park within the school gates, unless it is to use the disabled parking spot (permit must be displayed).
There is ample parking on Loatta Rd, Henley St and various other surrounding streets. Please make sure you are obeying all Tasmanian Road Laws when parking for school pick up/drop off.
On the 15th of October, grade 6 band students were able to attend their modified, one day band workshop.
This year, as well as preparing their pieces for the end of year, they had a special project to complete at the workshop. The grade 6 Central band have been selected to represent the band program in the south of the state to learn and record a piece of music for the upcoming Department of Education celebration, Extraordinary. They worked hard to learn and rehearse ‘Hooked on a Feeling’ and had the experience of working with a professional audio and tv film crew. We had to play ‘Hooked on a Feeling’ many times in a row so that the film crew could get the best possible take, and they will then splice our performance with similar performances from the North and North West Tasmanian bands.
The students enjoyed the process of filming and also found it difficult playing the same piece through so many times in a row. They found the muscles in their faces were very tired by the end of the day!
They enjoyed spending time with friends they made at last years workshop and afterschool rehearsals and have really enjoyed being part of the band program in Grade 5 and 6.
For students in both garde 5 and Grade 6 Central band, plesae see information attached for performace recording times.
All permission forms are now due back. If you have not yet returned your child's permission form, please do as asap to the front office.
On December 1st, 2nd and 3rd our students in Prep - Grade 2 will be participating in the early childhood Swim Fun program at the Clarence Aquatic Centre.
This program is aimed at providing opportunities for children to be come more familiar about water safety and feel comfortable in the water.
Classes will have three sessions over three days and students will require:
- bathers
- a towel
- a bag to put wet items in to once their session is over
It is recommended that children come to school with their bathers underneath their school uniform. Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, parents will not be able to attend these sessions. If parents are concerned about their children's response or experience with aquatic-based activities or are worried about children independently changing after swimming, please speak with your classroom teacher.
More information will be coming home soon.
All library borrowing will cease on Friday November 27th, with all borrowed books and home readers to be reutrned by Friday 4th December.
Teachers have a list of current loans and our Librarian, Sam, will be sending home some notes to those students with overdue books. Please have a search at home for any Lindisfarne Primary books. If you are unable to find the book or the book has been damaged, a $10 replacement charge will be issued.
- Kinder 2021 Parent information session - Thursday 3rd December
- End of Year Music Assembly - Thursday 10th December
- Christmas on Henley - Friday 11th December
- Leavers' Assembly - Tuesday 15th December
- Leavers' Dinner - Tuesday 15th December @ Spencer's