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Welcome back to Term 3, Lindisfarne Learners!
All state schools started the term with a Student Free Day, enabling schools to run job embedded professional learning. Teaching staff at Lindisfarne undertook sessions with a clear focus on improving outcomes for our students, including;
- Focus on Formative Assessment– communicating Learning Intentions and Success Criteria as part of reading and number rotations, prompting metacognition through reflective questioning
- Measuring System Progress – unpacking Department of Education platforms that are used to communicate summative data such as PAT testing, Australian Curriculum Ratings, Wellbeing, Attendance etc and how our work aligns with the DoE Strategic Plan
- Unpacking PAT data – how can we use this to better target teaching?
- Professional coaching session with teachers to identify personal improvement goals
It was wonderful to see our students back at school on the following Tuesday with amazing stories to share from their holidays. We have already kicked off the term with exciting opportunities to come together as a learning community. Our Green and Gold day was the highlight of the week last Friday, as people came wearing their colours proudly in support of our Olympians. There have been many classroom-based competitions, designed to draw out great educational outcomes from this event, and our students have been participating in Javelin (with a straw or feather), Mascot Design (with accompanying values proverb), and the numerous tallying activities. The chance and data strand of Maths is definitely the Gold Medal winner this term!
It was a sea of green and gold, too, at our Assembly on Friday where we welcomed the new SRC for the second half of the year. I would like to acknowledge all students who nominated for this role. It is a courageous act to put your hand up for a leadership role, especially when there are no guarantees that you will be successful in your nomination, and you should all be proud of yourselves. Our successful nominees introduced themselves to the school at the assembly, and we also introduced the executive. Congratulations to Sophie H, Liyng W, Ella W, Curtis S, Lucas M, Lihwa W, Demi C, Daniel J, Coco S, Claire V, Marlee K, Kurtis M, Soren S, Ollie B. Well done to Tom G and Sophie M on being elected SRC Presidents, and to Charlotte W and Jed B on being elected Vice Presidents.
Assemblies happen once a month at Lindisfarne, and they are an opportunity for our students to share classroom learning and celebrate specific events. Assemblies are also designed to celebrate individual student achievement and growth in a number of areas, both within and external to the school. Students are provided specific feedback and recognition through our Lindisfarne Learners certificates, which are written and presented by classroom teachers to highlight a specific area deserving celebration. These certificates align with the Department of Education Values of Aspiration, Courage, Respect and Growth and we see examples of these values all day, every day at Lindisfarne. It is worth keeping an eye out on Seesaw too, as students who achieve their 100, 200 and 300 nights reading get their awards in classrooms and photos are uploaded to ensure that these great achievements are recognised.
And finally, we are absolutely thrilled to welcome a new Lindisfarne Learner to the world!
We congratulate Kel and Brooke Innis, and we know that Arlo, Jemima and Gretel will be the best siblings to Aubrey. We hope you are enjoying all the amazing newborn cuddles that you can get Kel, and we look forward to your return later this term.
Welcome back, everyone!
Beth Osborne
Acting Principal
Reading in 1/2 Black
In 1/2 Black we have been working hard and having fun learning about all aspects of reading. Each week, we work in reading rotation groups on our fluency, decoding skills and comprehension.
This term we are focussing on using fluency and expression when reading. We have been trying to change our voices to take on the role of a character talking in a text, when we see appropriate punctuation or when words are in bold. To help practise this skill, we have started to use Reader’s Theatre as part of one of our rotation activities. Reader’s Theatre is when a group of students choose a character or narrator role and read a script (usually a narrative). We then present the script back to the class using character voices, fluency, expression and a clear voice.
We have enjoyed collaborating in teams and presenting our scripts to the class. It has helped to improve our confidence and oral language abilities. It is also lots of fun!!
As part of our rotations and other class learning, 1/2 Black have also been learning about giving others feedback on their work. We have been giving others 2 stars (2 things they did well) and a wish (something to work on). Giving others 2 stars and a wish has helped to improve our own learning and to see what we need to work on next!
During Investigations we have set up some learning areas for maths and writing which the children can access during their play based learning.
The children enjoy using a variety of writing tools to create different text types. This is a great way to practice and experiment with writing.
We have stations that involve using money, the geo boards for creating patterns, exploring symmetry and practicing fine motor skills, investigating number patterns and operations with dice. The construction area enables the children to develop their spatial awareness, planning and design.
We were disappointed we had to cancel the family movie night this year but with COVID restrictions changing rapidly it was becoming more difficult each day. In the end we chose not to run an event that was going to exclude many families due to requirements to restrict numbers, it just wasn’t going to give us the school community feel we were hoping to create.
Nonetheless we are remaining positive regarding our main fundraising opportunity for April 2022 – the school fair! This is such a fun event for the students and community. If you are keen to help out with the fair watch this space – we will soon be setting up a fair committee to begin planning.
News from our last meeting
At our last meeting we were really lucky to have two representatives from the student representative council come as guests speakers. Abigail and Hayley presented us with a report on their activities over the first half of the year. We encouraged them to think of ideas for school association funding proposals. We hope this can be the start of more regular collaboration between the SRC and our association.
We would also like to welcome Leah as our newest parent committee member. Leah welcomed her nomination to become a committee member; “I want to contribute to the school community and support students and families at LPS”. We still have one more vacancy on the committee so if it appeals to you to get more involved in your child’s school community please get in touch.
Funding proposals
Is there something you think the school needs? Send your ideas to us and we can help you put together a proposal for funding to be considered at our next meeting.
Next meeting:
Tuesday September 21st
6:30pm in the GP Room.
Chairperson - LPSA
Our Launching into Learning program is up and running for Term 3! If youhave a child aged 0-4, come along on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9am to join in:
SRC End of Semester 1 Report
Written by Abigail A and Hayley C
The current SRC has worked together over a period of 2 terms, on multiple topics to bring positive change to the school and being a voice for all students. We have laid what is the foundation that the incoming Semester 2 SRC can build on.
In Term 1, we worked under the guidance of Mrs Hoult to establish meeting protocols and learn how to work together as a team. The four executive members took part in a leadership conference in Huonville to become better leaders for our school. We learnt how to work as a team, and what the attributes of a leader should be. We have taken what we learned from the conference and put it to use in our roles in the school today.
We also put on a Harmony Day free dress event. We worked together as an SRC to make and provide posters in our own time to put up all around the school. The SRC executives were also honoured to attend the ANZAC Day service on Sunday 25th of April. We laid a wreath on behalf of our school community in remembrance of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.
We also began work on refurbishing the Nature Play Pod, which is a shipping container that will contain environmentally friendly materials for all students to use in creative play. We contributed our ideas which will be used to direct the setup of the pod.
In Term 2, we had a teacher change and have been working with Mrs Bloomfield as we continued to work on plans for the Nature Play Pod, which will receive its new doors over the school holidays, ready to be set up and managed by the incoming SRC members.
After some discussion, we decided to bring Waste Free Wednesdays back to decrease the harm that we cause to the environment with single use plastics. We worked with Mrs Bloomfield to create a Facebook survey for parents around the issue of single use plastics in school lunch boxes, which will be used to inform the new SRC as they prepare to create a student led education program.
Our final role this term is hosting a fundraising free dress day for The Smith Family, who support Australians in need to access educational opportunities. We were excited to meet with a representative of The Smith Family and hear more about the work they do. We raised over $500 for this charity, which will support one disadvantaged Tasmanian primary school student have better access to education for a year.
We would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Mrs Innis for giving us the opportunity to be the SRC team we are now. Our thanks also go to Mrs Hoult and Mrs Bloomfield for their support and guidance. We have all loved being SRC members for Semester 1 and wish the incoming SRC all the very best as they continue to build on the work we have begun.
Constable Mat ZUKAUSKAS has nominated himself as Lindisfarne Primary Schools ‘Adopt A Cop’ for 2021.
Whilst on duty, Mat will be popping in to the school from time to time to say hi to the staff and students during the year so don’t be alarmed if you see the police at school.
Mat will be a point of contact for the school for non-urgent matters and for any community policing requests in addition to his normal duties at Glenorchy Station.
If parents have a non-urgent concern and they would like to talk to Matt, our Adopt a Cop, please contact the school and they will forward on your contact details and he will contact you during his work hours.
For urgent and/or out of hours concerns please contact the police on 131444 or for emergencies phone 000.
Be sure to say "hi!" to Mat if you see him around. You can find out more about the Adopt-A-Cop initiative here:
Kinder enrolments for our 2022 classes are now open for children born in 2017. Children must either be living within the LPS Intake Area or be a younger sibling of an already enrolled student at LPS. If you have a child ready for Kinder next year, please phone the school office on 6243 9232 to get the enrolment process started.
Pre-Kinder sessions have begun, and are only open to those students who are accepted. If you have taken enrolment forms already, please get these back to the office ASAP.
Grade 6 students have now received their Leaders t-shirts and they look great!
If your child is in Grade 6 this year, mark the dates below in your calendars.
- Grade 6 Camp Nov 3-5
- Leavers Assembly Dec 14
- Leavers Dinner Dec 14
A note from one of our Grade 6 parents:
Our Grade 6 children have less than two terms left of their primary school journey! Work has commenced on putting together a digital yearbook for our Grade 6 leavers.
The format will be a digital yearbook supplied via email. By going digital, this will allow us to include photos from the end of year events such as the Leavers Assembly and the Leavers Dinner.
The idea for this publication is to highlight their primary school journey, not solely their Grade 6 year. Over the years I know many of you have volunteered your time in and around the school, on class excursions or at school events and I also know many of you are very talented with a camera! If you have any photos that you don’t mind sharing, please email them to me at I would love to be able to include them in the yearbook!
Please note: this is a project that is being undertaken by parent volunteers. While LPS will assist with supplying archived photos, any enquiries should be directed to myself and not the school office.
A note will be coming home on Monday with Grade 6 students, requesting permission to use student images in this project, as well as gauging interest. Please complete and return the form to the office ASAP.
Kind regards,
Mel Langridge
Gr 6 Yearbook parent volunteer
Please encourage your child to check lost property if they are missing any uniform items. Admin staff do our best to clear it out and get named/labelled items back to their owners, but it seems to be filling up faster than we can keep up with.
The basket is located just outside the door of the office, as you come in from the courtyard (please remember to check in via Tas Check In app).