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Welcome to the latest edition of our school newsletter. We welcome Ange Burbury to our school community as Acting Principal until week 6 while Kel Innis is taking Long Service Leave. Ange is on loan to us from Collinsvale Primary and has seamlessly transitioned into her role here, leading staff and students through a busy start to the term.
As this newsletter comes to you, the half way mark in our school year has come and gone. At LPS it has provided a timely opportunity in many aspects of our teaching and learning to check in, reflect on what has been achieved so far and create goals and identify areas for further growth in the second half of the year.
I know these are the types of conversations that I have been having with my Kindergarten students. We have reflected upon where we started together as a class group and we talked about the achievements that they have already had as individual learners and absolutely celebrated these! As they begin their learning journey it has been so important for me to teach them that everyone learns differently, at different rates and that everyone has areas of strength in their learning and areas to focus on. Whether it has been learning how to zip up their school bag, remembering the name of the first letter in their name, remembering all of the letters in their name, speaking to the class for the first time, recognising and reading a word in a book, learning to hop – all achievements are celebrated on an individual level and success is shared with others in the class. And the where to next conversations are just as important, ‘What is the next focus for you as a learner?’ Research supports being articulate and explicit around the intention of the learning experiences we provide our students and what it is we want them to learn.
Our teachers also started Term 3 with this mid-year check in focus. On the Student Free Day we measured our progress so far against the goals that we set for our school in our School Improvement Plan in the areas of reading, number and community engagement. Our Behaviour Management systems and procedures were reviewed and each teacher finished the day with having to set priorities for their curriculum delivery in the second half of the year.
The start of Term 3 marked the beginning of our Pre-Kinder program. The program runs each Friday morning between 9-10am in the Kinder building. We encourage all in-area families with children turning 5 in 2023 to hand completed enrolment forms into the school office ASAP. Completed forms are a pre-requisite for attending the program. Pre-Kinder sessions enable students and families to make connections to each other, to our school, and become familiar with the teaching program and routines and structures that are part of our Kindergarten program.
Week 2 of the term saw our first whole school assembly of the year which included parents. We were delighted to be able to have our school community together to celebrate the wonderful learning happening in classrooms across the school. We would also like to congratulate Peyton for being our new Aussie of the Month.
Thank you again to families who made time to attend last week’s Essential Assessment Open afternoon.
Strong home/school relationships are a great way to work together to help improve student outcomes. Please read on in the school newsletter to get a full wrap up of this event.
Kind regards,
Thank you to everyone who has finalised their 2022 school levies. If you have outstanding levies, Libby will be making calls to touch base and work out a plan for you finalise these. Coming home shortly are the invoices for year 3-4 and 5-6 camps. It is our preference for all outstanding levies to be paid before camp payments are made. If you are having difficulty paying, please don't hesitate to contact us to make a payment arrangement that suits your needs. Please email our School Business Manager directly at or phone on 6243 9232 and we will be happy to assist with any queries regarding levy or camp payments.
Thank you.
Congratulations to the following students who received Lindisfarne Learner Awards at our recent assembly on Friday 5 August.
Aspiration - Ezra, Arlo, Rylan, Ivy, Angus, Luca, Eleanor, Memphis, Bridie, Sebb
Growth - Hartley, William, Eli, Billy, Ronnie, Ruby, Essie, Archer, Bailee, Toby
Courage - Amos, Jamie, Leo, Hilda, Bailey, Ella
Respect - Gabriella, Jemima, Milla, Sasha, Harmony, Matilda, Emily, Esther, Zeke, Willow, Bailey
Congratulations to Peyton who received the Aussie of the Month Award for July.
It was wonderful to be able to welcome our families into our classrooms last week to celebrate the Essential Assessments program that our students use to support their learning in the area of Mathematics.
Teachers use this program and the assessments to help determine areas of learning that students may need support with. Students access the program via the below online site, using either Sunset Maths (a game to support fluency in the four operations) and/or My Numeracy (a part of the program specifically designed to target individual learning needs).
The goal of our Essential Assessments celebration was to introduce this program to families as well as provide you with a login card to use at home and an information sheet about the program. I hope everyone has now received these and are enjoying using Sunset Maths at home. Please let the office know if you have not so that this can organised for you.
During this session, we also invited our Kinder families to come and celebrate Mathematics by playing games and seeing what our amazing students have been learning about.
Again, thank you to all of those who came along to share in the fun!
Term/Week |
Date |
Hosting |
Sharing |
T3/Week 2 |
August 5th |
5/6 Navy and Prep White |
Recorder 3/4 Navy 1/2 Black 5/6 Navy |
T3/Week 5 |
August 26th |
5/6 Blue and Prep Blue |
SRC Badge Presentation Prep White 3/4 White 5/6 Blue |
T3/Week 10 |
September 30th |
5/6 White and 1/2 Navy |
SRC Update *Music Item 1/2 Navy 5/6 White |
T4/Week 2 |
October 28th |
3/4 Navy and 1/2 White |
SRC Update Prep/1 1/2 White 3/4 Blue |
T4/Week 6 |
November 25th |
3/4 Black and 1/2 Blue |
SRC Update Prep Blue 1/2 Blue 3/4 Black |
T4/Week 8 |
Thursday December 8th |
Music Assembly (Thursday) Junior Choir Senior Choir Grade 4 Recorder Grade 6 Marimba 5/6 Brass Band |
T4/Week 9 |
December 16th |
Christmas on Henley All classes present an item |
We are inviting students to dress up for our Book Week Parade which will be held on Wednesday 24th August. More details about the parade and celebrations for the week will be shared soon. Have a look at this year's theme and check out the CBCA website for more details.
A friendly remember to please return all sports tops back to the office, so that they can be used for the next sporting event. Thank you Mr K
As the mornings become increasingly chilly, Reader's Club is being inundated with enthusiastic readers. We would love the help of additional volunteers in providing the opportunity for all students to read aloud. If you can spare some time, come and join us in the library between 8.30-9.00 on Mondays and Wednesdays. It is a great way to start the day! All volunteers are required to have a Working with Vulnerable People Card and be Fully Vaccinated.
Kinder enrolments for our 2023 classes are now open for children born in 2018. Children must either be living within the Lindisfarne Primary School Intake Area or be a younger sibling of an already enrolled student at Lindisfarne Primary School.
Pre-Kinder is for all students who have been accepted into Kinder for 2022, this will start in term 3, all enrolment forms need to be returned as soon as possible.
If you have a child ready for Kinder next year, please phone the school office on 6243 9232 to get the enrolment process started.
We are very happy to be able to share with you that number restrictions have been lifted for our sessions on Friday mornings at 9am. We look forward to seeing you all in the GP room.
There will no longer be a booking system in place either. We do need to inform you that the situation could change at any time, but any updates will be communicated through our Facebook page.
Thank you Miss Purdie and Mrs Brown.
A reminder that being at school is the best place for our learners. COVID-safe measures continue to be implemented, so that all students can learn in class safely.
If your child is well enough to attend school, being in the physical school environment is the best place for them.
If your child needs to stay home due to illness, but is well enough to continue learning, they can access the Virtual Learning Centre via Canvas. If your child is unsure of their school username and password to access the VLC, please let us know and we can provide these to you.
For Kindergarten to Year 10 students, the VLC provides access to an online learning program where you will find lessons and activities for your child on various focus areas including Reading and Writing, Number, Science, Physical Activity and Wellbeing.
In Term 3, the VLC will no longer run daily live sessions with a teacher, rather the courses will be self-directed, and your child can complete activities of interest to them for the relevant year level.
[In Years 11 and 12, short term enrolments in Virtual Learning Tasmania courses and access to optional stand-alone VET units of competency will continue. Online tutorials for English and Mathematics will no longer be available.]
You can also access resources and ideas to support learning at home at Learning at home - The Department of Education Tasmania
Whilst we acknowledge that illness may mean students are at home for a short time, we look forward to having all our students in class with us during Term 3.
For more information about the Virtual Learning Centre and changes to program delivery, please visit the Department of Education website.
If you need support translating or interpreting this information, contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.
Masks are not required in schools, early childhood centres and on public transport from 12.01am on Saturday 25 June 2022. However, some public transport providers and child care centres (staff and parents only) may still require them based on individual risk assessments for those settings.
From 1 July 2022, the requirement to wear face masks in all other remaining settings such as hospitals, residential aged care facilities, disability providers and correctional facilities will be based on individual organisational risk assessments for each of these settings.
Facemasks will still be required to be worn by close contacts when they are in indoor settings outside the home.
Face masks, along with other COVID-safe behaviours, remain an important way to help reduce the risk of COVID-19. Although not mandatory, mask wearing is still strongly recommended in airport terminals and other indoor settings, especially where physical distancing is not possible.
A friendly reminder to keep your child home if they are unwell or showing any COVID symptoms.
Rapid antigen tests are avaliable from the office.
If you would like to purchase an Entertainment Book, the school receives $14 for every purchase. Follow the link below to do so.
We have noticed an increasing number of parents using the turning circle to park or drop children off in the morning and afternoon collection times.
Our carpark is for staff use only
Please make sure that you obey all Tasmanian Road Laws when parking around the school. Be mindful not to park over driveways, or too close to corners and crossings.
Bambini Bites works in association with CBA Bank/Mastercard and uses their online school canteen ordering system for the convenience of schools, parents and students called QKR which can be downloaded to all Apple phones/IPAD’s and Android devices.
QKR allows parents/staff to log into the app and place lunch order two (2) weeks in advance any time until 9.00pm the night prior the lunch is required.
Unfortunately, if you miss this cut off time, we are unable to assist with late orders. We recommend that you place your order as early as possible QKR sometimes struggles near cut off times due to the high usage of all users Australia wide. This cut off time has been put into place to allow our kitchen staff sufficient time to prepare food for all lunch orders.
We understand that little people can become unwell at the drop of a hat, to assist parents and families with this we request a text message to advise.
- Parents MUST send text message ONLY to 0400 948 649
- Copy of order receipt is required which will include the reference number for the order placed
- We will need confirmation of your child's name, school, class & ordered items.
We will process a credit to your QkR account within 3-5 business days that can be use in the future..
This process will take effect from Monday 27th June.
All order cancellations received after 7:45 AM will not be issued with a credit as after this time we will have prepared these items for lunch service.
We are happy for orders to be moved to other children or parents to collect from the canteen at lunchtime on the day of order fulfillment instead.
Please note orders for Sushi can not be refunded as these are ordered from a third party supplier and are ordered in advance.
These orders need to be cancelled via QkR prior to order cut off times (sushi specific) which is a day prior to normal order cut off times.
We have two main channels of communication here at LPS, Schoolzine and Seesaw. Schoolzine is where we issue things like this newsletter, important information relating to COVID and other essential communications that need your actions or attention.
Seesaw is an important communication tool that all of our teachers use to interact and share learning with families. We encourage parents to interact with staff through this portal and talk with you children about what we have shared. This is monitored during school hours. Please ensure you obtain the QR code from your children’s teacher and sign up to receive regular updates on their learning and photos of them engaging in lots of different activities.
If you have any urgent information that you need to give your children, the teacher or the office please call 6243 9262 as email communication can not be guaranteed with a prompt response.
Free flu shots until 31 August
It’s not too late to get your flu shot this winter!
Flu may have taken a back seat recently, but it can be serious and it’s back. Some people are at greater risk of becoming severely unwell if they get the flu. Flu vaccines are recommended for everyone over six months of age.
Until the end of August, all Tasmanians can get a free flu vaccine at:
- GPs and state-run community clinics for all people aged six months and over
- participating pharmacies for all people aged 10 years and over.
Speak with your GP, healthcare provider or local pharmacist to book an appointment. Normal Medicare arrangements apply for GP consultations.
To book a free flu vaccine at a state-run clinic, call the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738 or visit
If you need support translating or interpreting this information, contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.