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I can hardly believe that we are already at the end of Week 6! It has been such a busy but exciting year so far, and I am so excited about everything that is happening both in and out of the classrooms. Staff have been working hard on Tuesday afternoons, participating in new Professional Learning to support the improvement of learning outcomes for every student in our school. Last week we investigated how to improve our questioning skills to help improve our students’ creative and critical thinking skills.
Early next week you will receive your child's Primary Progress Report. This is an indication of attitude, effort and behaviour for the first part of this year and is a very brief snapshot of student work habits to give you an idea of how they are settling in. If you have any concerns, please make a time to discuss these with your child's classroom teacher.
Next week we have the very exciting “Soft Opening” of our Loose Parts Play container. Loose parts play is a type of play that supports invention, divergent thinking, problem solving and offers a sense of wonder to children. We will be rotating materials in the container that can be moved, carried, stacked, redesigned, lined up, and taken apart and put back together in multiple ways. They are materials with no specific set of directions that can be used alone or combined with other materials. We have trialled some of these materials in the courtyard and have been amazed at what the students’ imaginations have created. On Monday our students will explore our expectations around using the space respectfully. Look out for some photos in following weeks.
Next Wednesday we have over 50 students competing in the Inter School Athletics carnival at the Domain. I know that all of our students will represent our school values of courage, growth, aspiration and respect. Mr Christie and Miss Barnes will be accompanying our students on the day and welcome any parents who would like to go along and cheer on our team.
Last week I sent home a letter regarding communication and how are trying to streamline our communication with parents. I want to say thank you to all the parents who have written, called and spoken to me and the senior staff team about this. We value this feedback and will continue to refine our systems and processes to ensure you are all up to speed with what is happening in and around our school. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage all parents to subscribe to our Schoolzine app, which is the first and main form of contact for our school community.
On Monday 25th March at 7pm we will be holding our Annual General Meeting for the School Association Committee. This will be followed by a regular School Association Committee Meeting at approximately 7:30pm. Over the past couple of years our Parents and Friends Committee amalgamated with our School Association and therefore the purpose of these meetings has changed. School Association Meetings do include discussion around fundraising and events, however these meetings are also an excellent opportunity for parents, staff and community members of LPS to participate and be involved in supporting the school in a lot of other ways. The Association works with me to achieve shared outcomes for learners and the whole school. The SA ratifies new school policies, endorses school events and is the first place to hear about new initiatives, whole school policies, and creates a collaborative culture. All parents of our school are automatically members of the School Association. As a member of the Association everyone can:
- attend General Meetings of the Association
- nominate for the Association Committee
- where they exist, you can join a Sub-Committee of the Association Committee
- support Association events or fundraising.
If you would like to become a member of the committee where you will have voting rights, I encourage you to nominate using the form further down this newsletter by Wednesday 20th March. Our new executive (Chair/Vice Chair/Treasurer/Secretary) will be voted on at the Committee meeting directly following the AGM, and I encourage anyone who has any questions about nominating for any of these positions to please contact me and I will talk you through the process.
In closing, I would like to let you all know that during Term 2 I will be taking Long Service Leave. This had been booked for Term 1, however, when I was appointed to this position I pushed it back so that I could be here for the beginning of year planning. I will be taking this time to be a stay at home Mum, looking after my nine month old son full time, doing lots of parent help and hopefully some much needed catch up on home jobs! The DoE advertised my position yesterday and we should know who will be Acting Principal by the end of this term. I have full confidence that whoever steps into the position will be able to work alongside our very capable staff to continue with our improvement journey.
Kind regards,
Kel Innis
School Photo Day is quickly approaching.
Wednesday 20th March: Kinder - Grade 2 class and individual photos, family photos and student groups.
Friday 29th March: Grades 3 - 6 class and individual photos and any absent students.
Photo envelopes have been seen home with all children this week and family photo envelopes are available from the office.
For our seperated families, spare envelopes are also available from the office.
Envelopes are due back to the school office by Wednesday 20th and MUST be returned for every child, regardless if photos are being ordered or not.
Preffered method of ordering and payment is online, however cash payments can be
handed to the office, please note: correct money must be enclosed in your envelope.
School Association Important News
Nomination forms can also be accessed and submitted electronically here:
LPS Association Committee Nomination Form
Raffle Books have gone home for the P&F's annual Easter Raffle. Tickets are $1 each and those that have seen our Easter prizes will know how impressive they are! Spare books are available from the office.
Books are before Wednesday 10th April
Grade 5 and 6 students selected for the Combined Primary School Band have all received permission forms and as a reminder these are now due to be returned to the school office. 2019 Band fee is $130.00 and invoices have now been processed. You should receive these by mail shortly. Full payment is due by the end of Term 2.
Athletics Carnival and SPSSA Interschool Carnival
Last Tuesday we held our Athletics Carnival and it was terrific to see the high level of participation amongst students and the positive and supportive way in which they competed. Thank you to staff and parents who assisted on the day to enable the carnival to run so smoothly and successfully.
Our school team will compete on Wednesday 20th March at The Domain Athletics Centre in the Southern Primary Schools Sports Association Division "A" Carnival against seven other schools. Parents, relatives and others are welcome to attend to provide encouragement to our team of students from Grade 3 to 6. Notices will go home with selected students this week. Apologies for the delay re notices, weather hasn't been in our favour!
Rob Christie & Chantel Barnes
The next assembly is on Friday 22nd March. 5/6 B will be hosting with Prep A and 2B sharing items.
Congratulations to our most recent Principal Award recipients:
Archer B - for his continued perseverance with his learning activities and aspiring to always do his best.
Esther C - for showing courage to persevere with completing her learning activities when they seem difficult.
Lucy W - for showing kindness towards others.
Isaac B - for working quietly and trying his best in all classroom activities
Lilly S - for always showing respect and kindness towards her classmates by including others in the game, listening to other students opinions and waiting for her turn.
Pho T - for showing growth over the term by his willingness to listen and follow instructions and apply what he has learnt into his reading and writing.
Alice J - for being respectful, supportive and friendly with our new student.
Louie G - for his enthusiasm, self motivation and attention to detail in all his science thinking, exploring and investigating.
Xavier C - for the aspiration towards much better concentration and work habits; an excellent start to the year!
Aimee R - for courage to try her best and produce more detailed news writing.
Ella-May Y - for setting high standards for herself and workling hard to achieve her learning goals.
Cameron O - showing that he is keen to take on a challenge, accept setbacks and approach new opportunities in a curious manner.
Imogen W - for showing leadership by being tolerant, kind and inclusive of her classmates.
Payten J - for constistenly doing her best in all areas SEE SAVED CERTIFICATE
Hayley C - for having a can do attitude towards her learning in general but especially in the curriculum area of Mathematics.
Sofia A - consistently displaying a caring attitude towards other members of 4B Isaac.
Soren S - for his thoughtful contributions in class discussions, especially in our Maths lessons on 2D shapes.
Marlee K - for the manner is which she applies herself to all tasks, working to the best of her ability and supporting her classmates.
Samuel O - for establishing strong work habits that use his time well and enhance the level of his understanding and quality of completed work.
Ben P - for showing maturity and responsibility in his new role as Sherwood House Captain. He demonstrated commitmenbt and effort at our Athletics Carnival.
Drew S - for challenging himself to create a complex design in his STEAM challenge and working co-operatively with his partner.
Eelaf S - for challenging herself to create a complex design in her STEAM challenge and working co-operatively with her partner.
Bonnie S - for showing a high level of sportsmanship and respect to fellow competitors at the Athletics Carnival.
Eli W - for confidently stepping out of his comfort zone when speaking at a whole school assembly.
Notification of awards:
Whilst every effort is made to notify parents of upcoming awards as a courtesy, it is not always an achievable task.
Notifications will now be sent to the main contact only via push notification on the SZapp.
Please make sure you have subscribed to the Parent/Guardian group under the Manage tab. Parents can also chat with class teachers, and they may be able to advise of upcoming awards for your child.
Parents/Guardians/Families are welcome to come along to watch any of our general assemblies. See the schedule of hosting/sharing classes below:
Kinder enrolments for 2020 are now open for siblings and in-area families. If you have a child born in 2015 please collect an enrolment package from the school office.
In previous years, ICT agreements have been printed and sent home for parents to sign. This year they can be found and completed below or on the SZapp, under the Forms and Doncuments tile on the Home screen. Parents are encouraged to go through the agreement with their children before signing electronically and submitting it easily via the button at the end of the form.
Please contact the office if you have any issues completing the form, or if you have any questions about the agreement.
LPS ICT Acceptable Use Agreement 2022
SPSSA Interschool Athletics Carnival
20 Mar 2019
20 Mar 2019
Location: Queens Domain Athletics Centre
Southern Primary Schools Association Interschool Athletics Carnival
20 Mar 2019
Location: Queens Domain Athletics Centre