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Firstly, I want to say a sincere thank you to all of you for supporting your children and for making the first half of 2021 so successful for our learners here at LPS. We have experienced multiple successes, equally as many challenges, and through it all our learners have continued to improve and grow academically, socially, and emotionally. We are so proud of them.
Some of you would be aware that my partner and I are expecting our fourth child in the holidays, and therefore I will be taking parental/carers leave at the beginning of Term 3. Ms Beth Osborne will be Acting Principal for the first 5 weeks, Miss Purdie Hudson and Mrs Andrea Curran will share the Assistant Principal role. Mrs Tam Bloomfield will be acting in an AST position while I am away. I have full confidence that your children are in very capable hands!
I would like to sincerely thank Mrs. Yvonne Kerklaan for stepping into the Music role while Mrs. Brown has been on Long Service Leave. Mrs. Kerklaan will still be a valued member of our relief team so we will still have the privilege of having her around the school.
The new play equipment above the Kitchen Garden will open next term! The SRC trialled it this week and it was a HUGE hit. Thank you so much to our EFA, Brett Gordon, for making this once dead, barren space into such a wonderful nature play area that is bound to be a huge hit with all of our students! Also a big thanks to you as parents and friends, who through the School Association’s very generous donation, have funded this wonderful project. Thanks also go to Leigh Walker and TasNetworks for donating the wire drum, and to Rick from Granton Excavations. The final part of this project will also continue next term, where our indigenous students will continue to work with Aboriginal artist, Janice Ross to create a school mural on our Play Pod shipping container.
I hope you are all able to have a wonderful break. For those of you with interstate travel plans, please stay safe. The first day of Term 3 is a Student Free Day. All staff will be onsite participating in Professional Learning, so we look forward to seeing you all back on Tuesday 20th of July!
Warm regards,
Thanks to everyone who participated in last week’s Facebook auction, and congratulations to all our winning bidders! We raised more than $3000, a fantastic result, which will help the School Association to fund upcoming projects.
A note from the LPS office:
Special thanks to Kate Rainbird who worked so hard putting together such a professional looking and exciting auction, as well as co-ordinating donations, sales and prize deliveries!
If you have won an item and would like to collect it, please email to check office opening hours.Family Movie Night – Friday 6th August
Our next fundraising event is a school movie night. Details below!
Committee members
We have two vacancies on the committee. If you have time to come along to meetings and are keen to be more involved in the school community and fundraising events, this is for you! Get in touch if you would like to find out more:
Next meeting
Our next meeting is on Tuesday 27th July at 6:30pm in the GP room. Come along and help us get started on some school fair planning! We need all the help we can get.
Parents must ensure that a Medical Management Plan and/or Medical Action Plan is in place for students requiring ongoing medical management, and that this is communicated to the school.
Administration of medication must be authorised by a parent or guardian using the following DoE forms: for non-prescribed medication, parents must complete the Authorisation for Administration of Student Medication Form A – non-prescribed.
For prescribed medication, parents must ensure that Administration of Student Medication Form B – prescribed is completed by a doctor, pharmacist or practise nurse, and signed by the parent.
Parents must ensure that the completed form is supplied to the school, or the school will not administer medication to the student.
Medications supplied to a school must be in date (not expired), and in the original named pharmacy packaging.
Please do not send your child to school with medication, parents/guardians must hand the medication to admin staff with completed forms.
Please contact the school if you need to update your childs medical information or complete forms.
Kinder enrolments for our 2022 classes are now open for children born in 2017. Children must either be living within the LPS Intake Area or be a younger sibling of an already enrolled student at LPS. If you have a child ready for Kinder next year, please phone the school office on 6243 9232 to get the enrolment process started.
Pre-Kinder begins in Week 1 of Term 3, and will only be open to those students who are accepted. If you have taken enrolment forms already, please get these back to the office ASAP.
Road safety around the school
Parents are reminded to park legally and considerately when dropping off and picking up children from school. This means not parking in bus stops, in crossings, over driveways or intersections. Parking inspectors will visit from time to time, and issue fines for illegal parking.
Adults are asked to model good road safety to our students by always using the crossings provided, and moving safely around traffic. All students should be using the side pathways to enter the school, not the driveway/office area.
Parking at school
Parents are asked not to park in the school driveway to drop off or pick up students, or use the turning circle to drop students off.
Student Absences
Please make sure you notify the office of student absences, using SZapp, or by phoning 6243 9232.
Here is our Term 3 LIL timetable. Please note the change of days to Tuesdays and Fridays. This is because Pre-Kinder will begin on Thursdays next term in the Kinder building. (Please notes: Pre-Kinder is open only to accepted 2022 Kindergarten students. Contact the office on 6243 9232 if your child is eligible for Kindergarten next year)
Thank you
This week the Kitchen Garden program received a very generous donation from the Van Tienen-Hope family. Bill arrived at the kitchen door with the first drop-off of 6 wooden chopping boards - beautifully hand-made on the weekend with his sister Claire and the support and guidance of their Dad. This kind of community gesture means so much to me as a teacher - it tells me many things - including how much students are now connecting and transferring their knowledge and understanding of the sustainable values which the program has, so far, been built on this year. Sometimes it's not an easy or affordable road saying 'No to Plastics' but this is just a little reminder of what can be achieved with patience and when we all put our best efforts in. Many thanks to Bill, Claire and their family.
Bunnings project
We have been working with the team at Bunnings Mornington to create an awesome caterpillar planter. Lindy Jackson, Activities Officer at Bunnings, and her assistant Erin, came with paint, brushes, potting mix, pea straw, water pots, aprons, herbs, flowers, mini poly tunnel, and an array of other goodies for students to work with. Students helped to design and decorate and plant out A Very Hungry Caterpillar herb and flower garden using our donated recycled planter pots outside the kitchen courtyard. Our caterpillar, yet to be given a name, will be utilised by foundations classes and other students. Weather was extremely kind to us (15 degrees at one stage!!) and as well as learning some new hands-on skills, Grade 5 & 6 students have had a lot of outdoor fun today.
New Logo
The Kitchen Garden program has a brillaint new logo. Huge thanks to Alecia Groom for her amazing work! Keep an eye out for the new logo. It will be featured on an exciting fundraising project coming up in Term 3... stay tuned!
In 5/6 Blue we have been working hard in Mathematics to develop our multiplicative
thinking. Multiplicative thinking is characterised by:
• a capacity to work flexibly and efficiently with an extended range of numbers
• an ability to recognise and solve a range of problems involving multiplication or division
• the means to communicate this effectively in a variety of ways (for example, words, diagrams, symbolic expressions and written algorithms)
To develop this, we have been doing lots of problem-solving involving multiplication (and some division!). We have focussed on using ways to organise our thinking, using our knowledge of factors and multiples, including the prime factorisation of composite numbers, and extending our ability to solve problems involving multiplication using a variety of strategies. Here are some examples of our problem-solving endeavours!
Mathematics in 1/2 White
During a typical week in 1/2White the students rotate through four mathematics tasks over four days. One group works with the teacher, focussing on an aspect of number. One group works as a team on a strand we are focussing on - measurement for Term 2. One group continues tasks introduced during focus time with the teacher. The final group works on an ipad doing Mathletics or Essential Assessments, targeting their requirements.
Over Term 1 and 2, students have been learning to be independent and self-guided in their groups so the teacher can focus on their group. Rotation time usually goes for 25 to 30 minutes, followed by a reflection time where students are able to share their learning.
"I think maths rotations is fun!"
"I like learning with my group."
"I learn more in a small group with Mrs Burdon because I can ask her lots of questions."
"Maths is great!"
On Wednesday, LPS student participated in an 'S' Day Dress Up fundraiser, organised by our SRC, raising money for The Smith Family; an orgnaisation that supports disadvantaged children to make the most of their education.
Students were invited to come dressed as something beginning with the letter S, and their creativity was fantastic!